Solutions: Fiscal & Mass Shootings

Merry Christmas. But don’t be surprised if Santa doesn’t come your way this year.... I would note that the same may begin to apply to charities, whose function government also seems to want to pre-empt. Fiscal Solutions As we edge ever closer to the fiscal cliff, Bainer has said he’ll compromise and go along with raising the taxes on the rich, if the Dems come up with meaningful spending cuts & reforms. We’ll see. But increasing taxes on the rich will pay for only 8 days of operation of the federal government. A drop in the bucket when the national debt is on par with the GDP. Clearly we have a spending problem, not an under-taxing problem. Mark Levin noted that about 60% of states have governors and legislatures in Republican hands. And it is they who are pushing back against federal government encroachments and neglects such as waivers on Obamacare (24 of the states so far), immigration enforcement, and right-to-wo...