Inauguration, Gun Battle, etc.

The Inauguration Instead of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and a failure, we could have had the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and a competent executive. It'll be a long 4 years. We’ll see if this time Obama can do better at keeping his oath to uphold/defend the constitution. His address was widely seen as the most partisan, belligerent & radical progressive in memory – not the lip service he occasionally gives to unity & cooperation. He seems to forget how narrow his victory was – even with the clear support of the media, unions, minorities & every special interest group he could cobble together, and all his promised goodies. As well as his distraction from his failures on the economy, etc., by demonizing his opponent. It was hardly a vote of confidence or a landslide or mandate, as much as a vote of ignorance & greed. In the inaugural he touted issues that he never mentioned in the campaign, and i...