Inauguration, Gun Battle, etc.

The Inauguration

Instead of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and a failure, we could have had the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and a competent executive.  It'll be a long 4 years.

We’ll see if this time Obama can do better at keeping his oath to uphold/defend the constitution.  His address was widely seen as the most partisan,  belligerent & radical progressive in memory – not the lip service he occasionally gives to unity & cooperation.  He seems to forget how narrow his victory was – even with the clear support of the media, unions, minorities & every special interest group he could cobble together, and all his promised goodies.  As well as his distraction from his failures on the economy, etc., by demonizing his opponent.  It was hardly a vote of confidence or a landslide or mandate, as much as a vote of ignorance & greed.  In the inaugural he touted issues that he never mentioned in the campaign, and ignored the elephant in the room – the deficit & debt that are about to crush us and all his entitlement giveaways.  He speaks of “Limitless possibilities” for the nation, even as he spends us to the poor house and narrows those possibilities.

The Gun Battle

Obama is out demagoging the gun issue standing with a bunch of children – his “human shield” to show how much he cares.  Of course he needs to save as many children as he can – to pay for the debt he’s burdening them with.  And of course their future welfare is much less of concern to him than his immediate political capital and prospects.  So he continues to “distract & distort,” just as he did in the campaign.

How about that woman who unloaded a full clip of 6 rounds against an intruder in a home invasion w. her infant?  She injured him, but he walked away – fortunately.  If he hadn’t, she & her infant would likely be dead.  Or the shootout between a bad guy and 4 trained  police officers who fired 60 rounds & only 2 hit their mark in the heat of battle?  And according to the NYC mayor, “who needs more than 2 bullets to kill a deer?”  Or gov. Cuomo, limiting the clip sizes dramatically – including for police officers.  Most gun deaths are suicides, and less than 2% of homicides are w. “assault weapons.”  And by far more innocent lives are saved with guns (other than law enforcement) than are taken with guns.

If it suppresses your right to vote to have to show an ID, doesn’t it infringe or suppress your 2nd Amendment rights to have to show ID & register when purchasing a gun?  And an interesting hypothetical someone posed – what if, during the Bush presidency, a dumpster full of dozens of fetuses/late-terms had been found and the Bush administration had started regulating abortions by executive order, and pushed anti-abortion legislation?  Do you think there’d be an outcry by the Left?

Santorum points out that gun registration enforcement numbers are down & Obama says they don’t have time.  But they want more forms? 


Al-Jazeera Gore – well, well, who should be surprised that Al Gore would decline Glenn Beck’s offer to buy his media company, preferring instead to sell to the much more ideologically akin Al Jazeera.

Regarding the still impending fiscal cliff & debt limit increase request, Obama says there should be no debate (or discussion/negotiation) on spending cuts – Congress must pay its bills.  Is that so?  Even when those “bills” were incurred without any authorized budget for the last 3 years – due to the Democrats abrogating their responsibility to have a budget, and just go on spending wildly?  Any responsible adult with a teenager who goes wild with a credit card without regard to budget limitations, would/should revoke that credit card and reign them in.  And the House is that responsible adult by constitutional duty.

Colin Powell bites the hand that fed him – selected by GOP presidents over at least equally qualified generals, and serving in administrations w. more Blacks in positions of power & Supreme Court justice – now speaks of a racist vein in the party?  Why doesn’t he just come out & declare his change of party instead of giving the Dems more ammo as a RINO?  Probably because he knows how best to help them, and he thinks, himself.

Obama still isn’t working.  And because he hasn’t budged unemployment and hasn’t a clue how to, he focuses on much less urgent/important (but emotional) things like gun control, gays, schools, etc.  Not that those are the solutions to the problems any more than his “solutions” to unemployment (stimulus) or deficits/debt (raising taxes).  Everything he & the Dems have touched have only made things worse – including health care. 

Matthew Dowd – Lance Armstrong is indicative of our national values holding celebrity/winners above integrity.

Hillary Clinton testifying on Benghazi.  She can’t see why it makes any difference whether the perpetrators were casual passersby or an unruly mob.  [....or al Qaida terrorists?]  No, some fine distinction like that (or the cover-up of an intentional lie or utter misrepresentation of victory in the war on terror and Obama’s success in making others love us) couldn’t make any difference in a close election, could it? 

And how about that horrible ad running “celebrating” the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade?  A sexy Black actor in a tux & sitting room w. glass of spirits & a rose, reveling in Roe v. Wade.  Sure, he & many who’ve had sex out of wedlock or sired children  without any responsibility for it (covered by welfare even for unaborted babies) have a lot to celebrate – consequence-free sex!  And now they want to rub our faces in it!


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