More Shootings, Obamacare Round 2 & the UN

The Navy Yard Shooter & Kenyan Mall Terrorists Another case (besides Snowden) of a poorly screened contractor -- or military officer like Maj. Hassan & the WikiLeaks leaker-- with clearance he shouldn’t have had. The Navy Yard shooter (I won’t honor him with a name) reported hearing voices, showed gun violence on multiple occasions with no prosecutions. Oh, and an Obama supporter -- not a Right wing nut. Of course several in the liberal media jumped right to the gun issue, even inaccurately reporting he used an AR-15. No, he used the very weapon that Joe Biden recommended people have at home – a shotgun. And with that he took the handgun of a security officer. Of course the Boston bombers were also poorly screened by the FBI after tips from the Russians, etc. – more political correctness run amok? So again, according to them, it’s the gun laws – now they want to take our shotguns? Why is it never the screening of menta...