More Shootings, Obamacare Round 2 & the UN
The Navy Yard Shooter & Kenyan Mall Terrorists
Another case (besides Snowden) of a poorly screened
contractor -- or military officer like Maj. Hassan & the WikiLeaks leaker--
with clearance he shouldn’t have had. The
Navy Yard shooter (I won’t honor him with a name) reported hearing voices,
showed gun violence on multiple occasions with no prosecutions. Oh, and an Obama supporter -- not a Right
wing nut. Of course several in the
liberal media jumped right to the gun issue, even inaccurately reporting he
used an AR-15. No, he used the very
weapon that Joe Biden recommended people have at home – a shotgun. And with that he took the handgun of a
security officer. Of course the Boston bombers were also
poorly screened by the FBI after tips from the Russians, etc. – more political
correctness run amok?
So again, according to them, it’s the gun laws – now they
want to take our shotguns? Why is it
never the screening of mentally deficients (another case of going light on
someone like Trayvon or Maj. Hassan out of political correctness?), or the
arming of citizens or military personnel to better defend themselves? Or the violent video games that put even more
crazy ideas into the heads of crazies?
Or the liberal tendency to demonize or demean the military (or
conservatives) and to glorify any “whistleblowers,” giving more justification
for crazies? At our quarterly CEO report
last week, our CEO sadly felt she needed to remind us that the obligation to
keep national secrets is not open to personal interpretation. But apparently many liberals/progressives
dispute that. And they complain of Tea
Party “anarchy?” (see Reid’s comments below)
I did hear a legitimate report of a former British military
man who was in the Nairobi
mall this week when the terrorists began shooting innocent Christian women
& children shoppers. He had only a
handgun, but apparently with only that did quite a bit, and is credited with
giving some 100 shoppers the chance to run for their lives rather than be
slaughtered. He apparently re-entered
the mall more than once to help more people.
Oh, those brave terrorists, slaughtering unarmed women and
children. And all in the name of
God. If that isn’t taking the name of
God in vain, I don’t know what is. And
Muslims complain of being persecuted or profiled? When dozens of Christian churches are being
burned in Egypt & Pakistan , etc., and many Christians in Africa being slaughtered?
But our brave media doesn’t like to report that. No, they’d just as soon join in anti-Christian
rhetoric right here in America . And kiss up to the holocaust deniers (yes,
Christiana Amanpour, I’m talking about you).
Two of a kind.
The Debt Ceiling & Obamacare
Obama says he won’t negotiate with Congressional Republicans
on the debt ceiling, calling it “extortion.”
But he’s more than happy to negotiate with Putin & Assad on chemical
weapons – and that’s not extortion? He
told a friendly audience, “They’re messing with me.” Which makes it personal, and by what’s often
already been said, and now understood without being so explicit, that’s code
for racism. Or partisanship – as if
there was none of that when liberals constantly attacked Bush. But the Dems want to have their cake &
Dems keep harping on “it’s [Obamacare] the law of the
land.” Big deal – it isn’t the first time
bad laws have been passed and it was later recognized they needed to be
repealed: slavery, suffrage,
prohibition, .... And we all know what
Obama thinks of the laws of the land like immigration enforcement, implementing
even Obamacare as written (instead of applying it to everyone, he’s given
delays to certain businesses, exemptions for members of Congress, ...), etc.
As to the House bill funding the government except
Obamacare, the Constitution gives the House the power of the purse as a check
& balance on an overreaching executive.
Perfectly within their power.
Poor baby Obama screams bloody murder that this is
unprecedented and the end of the world if government shuts down due to an
impasse with those dirty Republicans insisting on defunding Obamacare. The Washington Post gave that 4
Pinnochios. There are some 20 examples
back to Eisenhower, and the nation survived.
Why Obama himself, as senator, voted to defund the government to defund
the war.
Too often (just last week in the gym – I lost my patience) I
hear the claim that the GOP has no plans or proposals to replace
Obamacare. Certainly none the Dems or
media want to acknowledge or publicize – they want people to think that
Obamacare is the only alternative to the previous status quo. I’ve heard of a number without even trying –
private exchanges, excising particularly bad parts of Obamacare, private health
accounts, Medicare reform, etc., etc.
But no, it’s all or nothing for them – despite all their talk about
Republicans never wanting to compromise.
And despite the increasingly overwhelming evidence that Obamacare is
hurting the economy, job market, medical profession, quality & quantity of
health care, costs of health care, choices, etc. When selling Obamacare, Obama was touting the
Cleveland Clinic as a poster child for Obamacare. Only this week the clinic was forced to slash
its budget and lay off hundreds.
Speaking of the media’s complicity, here’s a report found
“Sixteen hours after he first stood up on the
Senate floor to speak out against Obamacare—and vowed to keep speaking as long
as he could stand—Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas took a moment to reprimand reporters
for covering the debate over Obamacare as something that was primarily about
politics and personalities rather than about the future of the country.
“I am going to suggest that is not responsible
reporting,” said Cruz.
“I am going to make a request directly to those
reporting” on the debate over Obamcare “to endeavor to have at least half of
what you say be focused on the actual substance of this debate,” Cruz said
shortly before 7:00 a.m Eastern time, and shortly after briefly yielding the
floor to Sen. Marco Rubio (R.-Fla.).
Reid has the audacity to call Cruz’ 21 hour filibuster “anarchy”? What about the result of economic collapse
which is what the Dem policies are heading us into? Of course Reid is incapable of understanding
the fine nuance between limited government and no government. Either that or he’s just prone to hyperbole
in order to continue to grow government that we can no longer afford. He also said he didn’t learn a thing from Cruz
– I doubt he’s ever learned a thing besides his liberal party line – forget
about the majority of Americans now against Obamacare, and unions and other
former locksteppers breaking ranks. Reid
et al will pay the price when it becomes even more obvious what a disaster it
is, if/when it’s fully implemented.
giving a good airing to the problems with Obamacare (doing the job of the
media), Cruz apparently read from Ayn Rand, the fate of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence (pledged their lives & fortunes, and many lived
up to it), and Dr. Suess (for his girls’ bedtime story). He obviously either has a better bladder than
mine, or uses a Travel John very discreetly.
Local conservative talk host Ben Shapiro humorously wondered if he was
on “Cruz control, or Cruz’in for a bruisin’.”
the media loves to focus on the Republican in-house disputes over tactics,
making more of it than really deserves attention. The GOP is united on getting rid of as much
of Obamacare as possible, any way possible – for the benefit of the people. And I admire the gumption, tenacity and
conviction of Cruz and others to at least put up a fight, and give it needed
At the UN & White House
we have an oh-so-clever new Iranian president whom the liberal media is
courting. He says he can’t comment on
the reality of the holocaust because he’s not a historian. At least he learned from the mistake of his
predecessor who outright denied it.
They’re getting slicker. I wonder
if he can comment on the reality of king Darius, or WWII, or the prophet
Mohammed, or .....?
speaking of slick, Obama at the UN said “The U.S. is prepared to
use all force necessary...” [to stop Syria ’s
use of chemical weapons, & Iran ’s
development of nuclear weapons?]. The
military is always prepared, but of course any actual use of it depends on the
leadership of the commander in chief.
Once again, he slyly, lawyerly parsed his words, giving a veiled threat
with no indication of real willingness to back it up. You can only cry wolf so many times before
the wolves stop taking you seriously, which is even more dangerous, with all
the wolves circling and ready to pounce in unison. I will, however, give credit where it’s
due. Obama did finally defend American
exceptionalism (when his first admission of it was attacked by Putin, and when
it is personally and politically expedient to rally against Syria ). But it was only confined to the narrow area
of America ’s
willingness to defend others’ freedom.
Which is not at all insignificant, but hardly the extent of American
exceptionalism. But better something
than nothing. Given another 8 years he
might actually show some significant learning and progress. An expensive on-the-job training for our
community organizer.
are other occasional glimmers of hope. Because
of my civic & church involvement on emergency preparedness committees, I
listened to part of a White House webcast, “Champions of Change: Community
Resilience and Preparedness.” It was an
awards ceremony recognizing especially successful local leaders who prepared or
aided the recovery of their community. The
keynote speaker, an appointee, actually acknowledged that in big disasters
government can’t do it all – first responders are neighbors. And “One size [federal] doesn’t fit all
states and communities.” And how people
need to get out of the mentality of waiting for government help (e.g., after
hurricane Katrina). Maybe it helped that
Obama wasn’t at the ceremony, otherwise heads may have rolled for going against
the party line and promoting “anarchy” (Reid).
And here's another postscript cartoon to my earlier posts on MLK's dream vs today, and gang culture.
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