Some Dare Call it Treason

The Bad Deal Our “amateur” president (to quote Bill Clinton) continues to display his ineptness in the 5-to-1 Taliban prisoner exchange for Private Bergdahl. He claims the mantle of nobility in line with Washington, Lincoln & FDR who released prisoners, but shows his ignorance of history because those all followed cessation of hostilities, victory and instruments of surrender/treaties. Of course he would like to think the war is over, and indeed politically wants to reap the rewards of unilaterally withdrawing troops before any conclusion to the conflict, or effective transition to a capable native defense force. After all, OBL is dead, right, and he took the victory lap? His ego is such that he apparently feels his sheer will and power of words will make it so. But of course he didn’t even want to call it a war, but rather an “overseas contingency operation.” So now that he wants to avoid the stigma of negotiating with terrorists, he calls ...