The Farcical Ferguson Report

As a P.S. to my last post, Dennis Prager today had Larry Elder (A Black Libertarian lawyer & podcaster – the “Sage from South Central” (L.A.)) on & he discussed Elder's article on the ludicrousness of Holder’s Ferguson report statistics (link below). A great counter-example was the NBA’s racial composition, 73% Black, but Blacks are only 13% of the U.S. population – reverse discrimination against whites, or could there possibly be another explanation? And the statistics tha t for the 73% of Black kids who are born without fathers, they are 5 times more likely to be poor, 9 times the drop-out rate, and 20 times more likely to end up in jail. (These are the stats that should be given attention). Given those figures, and the 67% of Ferguson that’s Black, wouldn’t you expect higher than 67% arrest frequency – the actual figure is 93%? And it’s actually much better in Ferguson than NYC, where the 25% who are black account for 55% of arrests. I guess the white Democrat ma...