The Farcical Ferguson Report

As a P.S. to my last post, Dennis Prager today had Larry Elder (A Black Libertarian lawyer & podcaster – the “Sage from South Central” (L.A.)) on & he discussed Elder's article on the ludicrousness of Holder’s Ferguson report statistics (link below). 

A great counter-example was the NBA’s racial composition, 73% Black, but Blacks are only 13% of the U.S. population – reverse discrimination against whites, or could there possibly be another explanation? And the statistics that for the 73% of Black kids who are born without fathers, they are 5 times more likely to be poor, 9 times the drop-out rate, and 20 times more likely to end up in jail. (These are the stats that should be given attention). Given those figures, and the 67% of Ferguson that’s Black, wouldn’t you expect higher than 67% arrest frequency – the actual figure is 93%? And it’s actually much better in Ferguson than NYC, where the 25% who are black account for 55% of arrests. I guess the white Democrat mayors for the past 13 years have been racist? Time for them to step aside? Along with the whole police dept., where about half of the officers are Black?
Larry Elder goes after Holder’s stats w. even more impressive stats in this video: (“Larry Elder Excoriates the Ferguson Issue after Eric Holder's Report“)
And one more – “Will Eric Holder Ever Run Out of Race Cards?”…/will-eric-holder-ever-run-out-of-…
But President Obama can’t help it – when he can’t succeed at anything else, he just keeps reverting to his more comfortable community organizer role, which is an advocate for the oppressed minorities. And Holder is just his agent.


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