
Showing posts from June, 2015

SCOTUS-Care & SCOTUS-Pair -- Judicial Activism Run Amok

I woke up this morning to discover I was in a different country, one ruled by 9 unelected, black-robed ideologues every bit as tyrannical and ominous as the Imams of Iran.  They followed their radical ideologies to lay down the edict that same-sex marriage is the law of the land.  Judicial overreach and activism is running rampant.  Now we have 2 of the 3 branches of government rapidly expanding their powers, and the third timidly abrogating theirs at a time the others need some checks and balances.  The legislative branch needs to man-up & legally correct executive and judicial overreach.  Dodd-Frank was legislative social engineering overreach of the legislative branch that had similarly disastrous consequences – economic, causing the crash & recession we’re still emerging from. Justices Scalia & Roberts wrote scathing dissents, criticizing the majority’s “hubris” to change several thousands of years of universal societal norm, their so...

A Nobler Approach to Tragedy & Real Solutions

The shooting of 9 Black worshippers in a church in South Carolina was an evil, horrible act by a depraved, hateful racist.  The Christian grace, on the other hand, of the family members who only days afterward offered their forgiveness, stands in stark contrast.  They could have done as relatives of recent police shooting victims have done, and incited anger and violence and divisiveness, but chose not to.  They took the high road.  This, despite much more incontrovertible evidence of racist motives.  And we should be grateful to them, and take lessons from them.  They also stand in contrast to those who, while perhaps well-intentioned to prevent repeats of such acts, seem to act in knee-jerk fashion to attack tools and symbols of the perpetrator – his gun, and the Confederate flag.  But clearly conveyed in their statements are political jabs for political gain.  Both against defenders of the 2 nd Amendment (& by association w...

The Presidential Candidates in the Balance

In This Post: A Political Discussion in the Gym Democrats -- Hillary Republicans                Governors                Senators                Business & Medical Leaders In Conclusion A Political Discussion in the Gym One of my Democrat gym buddies decided to start up on the 2016 election the other day, with Jeb Bush’s impending announcement.  He mockingly said we really have no one in the GOP field.  I said I’m not particularly bound to Jeb Bush (I’d earlier said I tended to agree with his mother’s statement that we’ve had enough Bushes in the White House – and Clintons for that matter).  But I said we at least have a lot of good choices, unlike Hillary.  He didn’t seem to buy that, unsurprisingly.  In preparation for our next chat, I decided I’d need to get down to specifics on both sides, rather than the...