SCOTUS-Care & SCOTUS-Pair -- Judicial Activism Run Amok

I woke up this morning to discover I was in a different country, one ruled by 9 unelected, black-robed ideologues every bit as tyrannical and ominous as the Imams of Iran. They followed their radical ideologies to lay down the edict that same-sex marriage is the law of the land. Judicial overreach and activism is running rampant. Now we have 2 of the 3 branches of government rapidly expanding their powers, and the third timidly abrogating theirs at a time the others need some checks and balances. The legislative branch needs to man-up & legally correct executive and judicial overreach. Dodd-Frank was legislative social engineering overreach of the legislative branch that had similarly disastrous consequences – economic, causing the crash & recession we’re still emerging from. Justices Scalia & Roberts wrote scathing dissents, criticizing the majority’s “hubris” to change several thousands of years of universal societal norm, their so...