A Nobler Approach to Tragedy & Real Solutions
The shooting of 9 Black worshippers in a church in South
Carolina was an evil, horrible act by a depraved, hateful racist. The Christian grace, on the other hand, of
the family members who only days afterward offered their forgiveness, stands in
stark contrast. They could have done as
relatives of recent police shooting victims have done, and incited anger and
violence and divisiveness, but chose not to.
They took the high road. This,
despite much more incontrovertible evidence of racist motives. And we should be grateful to them, and take
lessons from them.
They also stand in contrast to those who, while perhaps well-intentioned to prevent
repeats of such acts, seem to act in knee-jerk fashion to attack tools and symbols
of the perpetrator – his gun, and the Confederate flag. But clearly conveyed in their statements are
political jabs for political gain. Both
against defenders of the 2nd Amendment (& by association with
the GOP which has more often championed that), and, more puzzlingly, somehow
trying to paint the GOP as defenders of the Confederate flag, or the right to
display it & racism for which it supposedly widely stands. And to paint themselves as the champions of
Black lives and anti-racism. E.g.,
Hillary Clinton’s speech at a Black meeting sanctimoniously and indignantly going
beyond SC GOP Governor Nikki Halley’s removal of the flag from the capitol,
saying that it “shouldn’t fly anywhere.” On her "high horse," as Obama likes to call it. And quick to get on the latest PC bandwagon,
apparently other politicians, states, corporations, etc. are anxious not to be
the last, and thereby subject to being accused of racism.
Of course every time there’s a high-profile, mass shooting,
there’s an immediate rush to remove guns from society. Pres. Obama fell right into it -- immediately. Despite every evidence globally to the
contrary that that doesn’t solve the problem.
And despite the president’s statement that we’re so unique with mass
shootings, or with higher rates – we’re not – Norway, England, Russia,
etc. And countries with more liberal gun
laws have lower gun homicide rates than those with the more restrictive
laws. As the saying goes, when guns are
criminalized, only criminals will have guns.
And of course mass killings have involved knives & cars – are they
next to be banned? Where there’s a will
(to kill), there’s a way.
Getting at the root
of the problem – often identifying and treating mental illnesses or other
indicators of radicalism & violent tendencies – is possibly more difficult,
but ultimately much more productive. People
around this young killer, like his friend, say they were aware of, and
concerned about, some of his statements and tendencies. But did nothing, and now regret it. The same with the Colorado theater shooter,
and Major Hasan at the army base. There
will always be nut jobs in society with various supposed grievances and rationales,
and just as with terrorism, “if you see something, say something.” You may save one or many lives. Better parenting, family values, religious
values, personal responsibility (rather than victimization and rationalization),
etc. are also more productive avenues than barking up the gun and flag trees.
It is much more of a mystery how Democrats can try to hang
the Confederate flag (and racism, for that matter) around the necks of
Republicans. It seems like projection,
from a historical perspective. Anyone
with even a minimal knowledge of history should be aware that the Republicans were
the abolitionist party from the time of Lincoln, the first Republican
president. It was the Democrats of the
South who formed the Confederacy to preserve slavery. It was Republicans who were champions of
Blacks throughout Reconstruction and the era of Jim Crow laws, and for many
years the only Black members of Congress were Republicans. And up at least to
the 1960’s – LBJ acknowledged that it was the Republicans who passed the Civil
Rights Act over the objection of the Democrats, who were still staunch
segregationists (e.g., gov. Wallace), KKK members (e.g., Democrat Senator Byrd,
etc.). The Democrat Party fostered and
protected institutionalized slavery and segregation for 150 years – much longer
than any slave-holding or apartheid regime in Africa or elsewhere. And the KKK used the American flag, not the
Confederate. But now Louis Farrakhan is
crying for pulling down the American flag instead. And do we tear down the Washington &
Jefferson memorials because they were slaveholders? Starting to sound like the ISIS destruction
of anything historical.
Kennedy artfully began to transfer the “championship” of
Blacks to the Democrat party, wooing Martin Luther King, spending lots of “walking
money” in campaigning, and promising entitlements which began to buy
votes. I won’t say that that was their
motivation necessarily – I’m sure many or most felt/feel good intentions to
help them, but getting their votes was certainly a result. I’d contend that many of those policies have
not only not improved the status of
Blacks (and other minorities), but rather kept them down (on the “welfare
plantation”) or worsened their situations morally, economically, and in high
crime rates, with inter-generational, single-parent welfare. And I’d contend that conservative principles
have their true interests at heart, and have generally been more successful
where tried. The worst poverty and crime
are in places long controlled by Democrats. And we haven’t seen their conditions improve,
or race relations, under a Democrat Black president. Rather, they’ve worsened.
A basic safety net is not even in dispute – but a massive
entitlement program that is a dole, and continues to grow beyond reason,
is. A report just came out of a study of
the results of affirmative action in colleges (at least in California?) to show
it has had a clearly negative effect.
And similarly, I think bi-lingual education has been shown
counter-productive, however well-intentioned.
I generally don’t really impugn the motives of liberals/progressives –
they’re typically very idealistic and heart-felt -- I question the amount of
thought put into their policies and solutions, and the longer-term results –
unintended consequences. The road to
you-know-where is paved with good intentions, and the devil is in the
details. Knee-jerk acceptance of various
policies, just because they purport to address various problems (the cause du
jour), or because it’s popular in the media or certain circles, does service to
no one. Majority consensus, or the
media or PC projection of it, is not always right.
There is particularly egregious hypocrisy by the
Clintons. Bill as governor in Arkansas
signed a bill to place a symbolic Confederate star on the state flag. He was a member for many years of an
all-white country club. And speaking of
Bill, we all know about Hillary’s server, but do you know where Bill’s server
is? Hooters. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. No, just as with the Civil War & the
Civil Rights Act, it took a Republican (Nikki Halley) to set things more right. But just as with Kennedy, Hillary is right
out there claiming to go even farther, to take the “lead,” after all the years
of inaction. Just as Rahm Emanuel said, “never
let a crisis go to waste.” And where
there is no crisis, create one. Quick to
take up the flag issue, which is unlikely to save any lives and only maybe make
someone feel good, but slow to recognize the factors killing many more Blacks,
and keeping them in poverty.
Maybe the explanation for the Democrats’ notion of the
GOP/conservatives as defenders of the confederate flag (and the racism that it may
represents for some small number – most Blacks polled don’t care about the flag)
is the fact that the South has become more conservative, and that (the South
& conservatives) is associated with red-necks, who somehow are associated
with the racism that prevailed in the historically Democrat South. A few leaps of logic and time there. Although Nikki Halley articulately explained
how for most, by far, the Confederate flag (just as the Texas flag) has other
meaning – military honor (the South provides a disproportionate contribution to
our military), history, independence, pride, etc. The young shooter said in his writings that
he couldn’t find any KKK or white supremacist group anywhere to join in and
further the cause, so he’d have to take it upon himself – a lone wolf. Doesn’t that in itself say that the South (at least
South Carolina, where the Civil War began), has come a long way?
People who’ve lived their lives in the South say there’s not
rampant racism (it seems more common in Northern cities – Blacks are flocking
back to the South), and the flag has very different meanings from that. Of course it can be difficult logically to
dissociate the traditions and military history from the horrible cause they
were fighting for. But it wouldn’t be
the first time there’s compartmentalization, or cognitive dissonance. Certainly Democrats seem to sweep their
racist history under the rug, or even project it onto the GOP. And soothe their progressive consciences by
claiming to be the arch-champions of the oppressed minorities. Never mind that that plays into their (&
the professional race-peddlers’) political and economic benefit, and is
perpetuated by keeping them oppressed with policies that, intentionally or not,
perpetuate it and never really improve their lot. The quote attributed to Einstein comes to
mind – “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different
results is the very definition of insanity.”
Obama was supposedly elected in part to help put division & racism
behind us, but now he is saying racism is “in our DNA” – sounds like perpetual
job insurance for the race-baiter Democrats.
Of course any Black who doesn’t tow the Democrat line (Clarence
Thomas, Ben Carson, etc.) is dismissed as an “Uncle Tom.” There can be no other approach to solving
problems than the Democrat line – the same applies to women, etc. And anyone who’s not a Democrat, by default,
must be racist. It’s easy then to
dismiss conservatives after such demonization – they don’t even need to be
heard, seriously considered or debated. “End
of discussion.” Oh, that’s right, that’s
the title of a great book just out by Guy Benson & Mary Katharine Ham (http://endofdiscussionbook.com/). Which goes hand-in-hand with Democrat Kirsten
Powers’ “The Silencing” (http://www.regnery.com/books/the-silencing/).
They can’t win with facts or logic, so
they shut down any consideration or discussion of them. So much for liberal freedom of speech and
free market of ideas. And freedom of
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