PS on San Bernardino Terrorist Attack
We now
know that Syed’s wife Tashfeen pledged allegiance to ISIS’ caliph, al Baghdadi,
on Facebook about the time of the attack.
Facebook quickly reported it, but there wasn’t time for authorities to
react, which may be why she delayed such openness until the last minute. There are reports of Syed having contact
and/or viewing jihadi materials. All
this learned from their recovered smashed cell phones and hard drives. The clear terrorism connections caused the
FBI to take over the case. Hard for even this administration to relegate
it solely to workplace violence.
Here is the SUV from which Tashfeen was shooting through the rear windows at pursuing police. And in which both of them were killed in Bonnie-and-Clyde fashion.
Here is the SUV from which Tashfeen was shooting through the rear windows at pursuing police. And in which both of them were killed in Bonnie-and-Clyde fashion.
I wonder whether this attempt to cover up their connections
even after the attack (and apparent disavowal by ISIS) was to try to make it
look like just any normal Muslim could be capable of this if even slightly
offended, to strike greater fear, uncertainty and division/alienation of all
Muslims, including moderates. They
clearly went out of their way to look like normal people with his job, home,
marriage, baby, etc. It all may have
just been a convenient prop, including the baby who was so easily disposed
of. Only such an extreme ideology likely
would give a mother such priorities, according to one psychologist. Looking at both of their pictures, one can easily see in their eyes cold-hearted aloofness.
Their relatives were surprised they could do such a thing,
so they were very careful and secretive.
They apparently kept very much to themselves, he at work, and she with
no apparent social contacts that might have softened her blind hatred of
Americans – she didn’t even show up at the baby shower at his work. He had apparently been teased about his
recently grown beard, and had gotten into an argument recently with a colleague
over whether Islam is a religion of peace.
His actions clearly settled any argument, showing that it is not.
We also now know that Syed’s wife had been given a minimal
terrorism screening when issued a fiancée visa before coming from Saudi Arabia. More reason to doubt the ability of the
government to do effective Syrian refugee screening. And more reason to be even more careful of
Saudi immigrants – many/most of the 9/11 hijackers also were Saudis, as was bin
Laden. The home of Wasabiism. For anyone interested in the origins and mindset
of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaida & ISIS, I recommend the book, “The
Looming Tower.”
And here are their fatal victims (not counting over 20 wounded). A real cross-section of America. Benetta Betbadal was an Iranian who had fled persecution there, only to be killed here.
And here are their fatal victims (not counting over 20 wounded). A real cross-section of America. Benetta Betbadal was an Iranian who had fled persecution there, only to be killed here.
A composite photo of all 14 victims from the San Bernardino shooting rampage. They are top row left: Robert Adams, Isaac Amanios, Bennetta Betbadal, Harry Bowman and Sierra Clayborn. Second row from left: Juan Espinoza, Aurora Godoy, Shannon Johnson, Larry Daniel Kaufman and Damian Meins. Bottom row from left: Tin Nguyen, Nicholas Thalasinos, Yvette Velasco and Michael Wetzel.
(Courtesy of family / Los Angeles Times)
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