A Nightmare Election

Will someone please wake me from this nightmarish GOP (& Democrat) election? While Rubio shone brightly in the last GOP debate, especially on foreign (incl. Cuba) policy, and Trump was his usual blithering self, things continue to look bleak for Rubio. His path to regular nomination is now mathematically nearly impossible, even if he wins Florida, which the polls show questionable. It may only be feasible in a contested convention, if none of the candidates reach the magic number. At least we have put behind us some of the childish taunts of the previous debate, where Rubio momentarily stooped to Trump's level. Various conservative pundits (Hewett, Medved, Romney…) are promoting strategic voting – everyone against Trump vote for the other candidate with the best chance to win that state – i.e., Kasich in Ohio, Rubio in Florida, … We’ll see if the message gets out & received. It may stop Trump’s mo...