A Nightmare Election

Will someone please wake me from this nightmarish GOP (& Democrat) election? 

While Rubio shone brightly in the last GOP debate, especially on foreign (incl. Cuba) policy, and Trump was his usual blithering self, things continue to look bleak for Rubio.  His path to regular nomination is now mathematically nearly impossible, even if he wins Florida, which the polls show questionable.  It may only be feasible in a contested convention, if none of the candidates reach the magic number.  

At least we have put behind us some of the childish taunts of the previous debate, where Rubio momentarily stooped to Trump's level.

Various conservative pundits (Hewett, Medved, Romney…) are promoting strategic voting – everyone against Trump vote for the other candidate with the best chance to win that state – i.e., Kasich in Ohio, Rubio in Florida, …  We’ll see if the message gets out & received.  It may stop Trump’s momentum, and buy some time for the early, low-information voters who’ve been supporting him so far to come to their senses, and for the field to narrow with Trump’s opposition less divided.  I only hope that many more will awaken to Trump’s deficiencies and Rubio’s strengths, before it really is too late.  Trump’s disapproval ratings have climbed above 60%.  In the Wyoming primary Saturday, Trump only got 7%.  Let’s hope that sort of thing continues. 

I see parallels in the Trump campaign with the Obama campaign of “hope and change” – both are highly emotional, low in specifics, that appeal to the majority who are low-information, personality/star-struck voters.  And we would likely get the same unsatisfactory results with a Trump presidency.

Trump – “I know the system better than anyone else.”  Yes, the crony-capitalism system, with all his political donations to Democrats over the years.  Trump’s foul & inciteful rhetoric continues to demean the GOP, the race & the office of president.  His expletives, and encouraging supporters to fight and punch protestors alone should disqualify him. 

I hear more and more fellow candidates, conservative pundits and acquaintances saying they may not support Trump in the general election if he’s the nominee, and vote instead for Hillary.  Ben Shapiro only gave a slight edge to Trump – because Hillary would have a 0% chance of nominating a reasonably conservative Supreme Court justice, and Trump maybe a 10% chance – he’s just too unpredictable.  As someone called in to Hewett’s show, with Hillary, her Russian roulette gun is loaded in all 6 chambers, and Trump’s maybe 3 of 6. 

I would definitely support Cruz over Trump, if Rubio doesn’t have a chance.  The stakes are clearly too high for the Dems to win and finish the wrecking job they've begun under Obama.

And Hollywood weighs in.....


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