
Showing posts from July, 2016

The FBI, DOJ & Hillary; Black & Blue Lives; Weekly Terror & The Women's Candidate?

Bill & the AG, DOJ & FBI, and Hillary’s Email & Server Web of Lies William Sapphire (NYT): “Hillary Clinton is a congenital liar.” This was borne out in FBI Director Comey’s testimony before Congress – especially Trey Gowdy’s questioning that directly contrasted several of her false claims about her emails and servers to the contradictory findings of the FBI investigation.   Despite all the evidence of “extreme carelessness” at least, the FBI recommendation to the Justice Dept. was to not recommend indictment.  Supposedly “gross negligence” is the legal standard (outside of intentional misconduct).  Sounds like a fine nuance, if any, between extreme carelessness & gross negligence.  Comey said there was no evidence they knew what they were doing was wrong.  But as the saying goes, ignorance of the law is no excuse, and the standard is gross negligence, which doesn’t require the knowledge/intent.  And she was properly briefe...

Loose Cannons, Bitten Bullets & ‘Dimmycrats’

Loose Cannons & Bitten Bullets On the eve of the Republican National Convention July 18-21, I’ll get right to the point.  At least a loose cannon sometimes points in the right direction, unlike one fixed in the wrong direction.  And regarding probably one of the most important targets, the U.S. Supreme Court vacancies that will no doubt be filled by the next president, Trump has committed to a list of acceptable nominees – pointing in the right direction.  Various pundits, including Prager, cite this as alone meriting voting for him over Hillary.  On almost any other issue one can think of, Hillary will continue the demonstrably failed policies of Obama – health care, the economy, foreign policy, immigration, race relations – in each of these, we and the world are much worse off than when Obama took office.  The Middle East and terrorism are totally out of control, as are the health care system, the recovery, immigration, race relations...