Loose Cannons, Bitten Bullets & ‘Dimmycrats’

Loose Cannons & Bitten Bullets

On the eve of the Republican National Convention July 18-21, I’ll get right to the point.  At least a loose cannon sometimes points in the right direction, unlike one fixed in the wrong direction.  And regarding probably one of the most important targets, the U.S. Supreme Court vacancies that will no doubt be filled by the next president, Trump has committed to a list of acceptable nominees – pointing in the right direction.  Various pundits, including Prager, cite this as alone meriting voting for him over Hillary. 

On almost any other issue one can think of, Hillary will continue the demonstrably failed policies of Obama – health care, the economy, foreign policy, immigration, race relations – in each of these, we and the world are much worse off than when Obama took office.  The Middle East and terrorism are totally out of control, as are the health care system, the recovery, immigration, race relations.  This nation can no longer afford to take any more cannon fire directed against ourselves – time for change.

And so, despite Trumps shortcomings, of which I’ve cited many during the primaries, it is now time to bite the bullet and support him over Hillary.  Prager draws the analogy of us supporting Stalin against Hitler during WW II.  Choices are never perfect – but hopefully rarely so bad.  And Trump has some redeeming qualities, unlike “crooked Hillary,” who was finally interviewed/interrogated by the FBI today regarding her private email server that trafficked in classified emails.

3rd Party?

I also recently blogged that at least threatening a 3rd party run (as Trump himself did) by a conservative might at least steer Trump in the right direction. Recently Medved, longtime staunch opponent of the "Losertarian" party (or any 3rd party), is saying that current circumstances may be right for a legitimate 3rd party run. Especially if Sanders were to go 3rd party and divide the Dems, and then a 4th party would further divide electoral votes with Trump, or draw some of Sanders' supporters, 15-20% of whom polls say would vote for a Republican (e.g. Trump) over Hillary.

That could leave no candidate with the majority of the electoral college, which would leave it to the GOP-controlled House of Representatives to pick the next president & VP, and they could pick the conservative 3rd/4th party candidate. Truly a year of unprecedented possibilities. Trump's 3rd party gambit could come back to bite him.  But it’s looking now like no one is willing to come forward to make that 3rd or 4th party run.  So it’s back to biting the bullet.

But if not, the Dems are now learning, like the GOP already has, how unstoppable Trump seems to be. He pulled ahead of Hillary in the polls for a while, but the media has been rescuing her lately. And even Dems & NYT are acknowledging Hillary is now in deep trouble with the IG & FBI investigations, making Sanders, who polls better against Trump, an even more possible nominee, together with Sanders' continuing successes in the primaries. Who would have thought a month or so ago that it would be the Democrat party more divided than the GOP?  Supposedly some 20% of Bernie supporters would vote for Trump over Hillary.


I was in line at Costco w. 2 women from the UK -- one from Norfolk who knew of Shipdham where my grandfather was born. I asked what they thought of the vote, and they said they were glad they'd get UK passports back, and to be rid of a union that may include Turkey. Some commentators thought it due to immigration concerns, others regulations on teakettles & toasters & hairdryers, and still others just nationalism or economic burdens (they contribute & some countries just take). Clearly Obama as usual (remember the Israeli election?) overestimated the impact of his weighing in, unless there was some negative reaction to his threats of lower priority in trade deals if they opted out of the EU. Some are noting the similarity of concerns shown there to those in the U.S. bolstering Trump's case, and the unreliability of polling.

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black:

Hillary: “it would be a historic mistake to elect Trump.”  !!!???  But a catastrophe to elect her.

Hillary: “Trump is more likely to lead us to war.”  No, her & Obama’s inept policies led to the rise of ISIS, nuclear Iran, etc. which will leave us no choice but war.

Hillary: “Trump is fundamentally unqualified to be president.”  And she is qualified???

Hillary: “This election is about who we are – we are better than this [Trump/bigotry].”  We’re certainly better than her failed foreign & domestic policies, flaunting national security, corrupt deals,….

ABC Evening News has been trumpeting  Trump’s Trump University court case, and ignoring Hillary’s FBI investigation.  And exaggerating some minor incident about a bikini that the woman involved said was distorted.  The media bias is glaring.  What good is freedom of the press if the press can’t be trusted?

Elizabeth Warren apparently has changed her tune on Hillary – she (& Bernie supporters) had been against her because she’d taken too much money from Wall Street.  And she & Hillary both criticize Trump’s job creation abilities?? Neither has ever created any jobs, nor demonstrated knowledge of how to. 

Crooked Hillary

The Personal Email Server.  Hillary: “There is zero chance that the emails will be a problem.” Famous last words, or does she have some inside information, that Obama & his Attorney General Lynch will either never prosecute or will pardon her?  Certainly Obama is highly biased, while he’s out campaigning for her.  

Loretta Lynch feigns objectivity, but has a 30-minute mtg. w. Bill Clinton the other day – she admits the impropriety of that (whether or not they only spoke of grandchildren), but refuses to recuse herself.  She does say she will, however, stick to the FBI’s recommendations as to whether to prosecute.  And although as she says they are career professionals, that does not mean they are either free of bias, or free of fear of retaliation.  And Hillary went in to FBI HQ this week for 3 ½ hrs. of grilling – it’s getting serious.  

I repeat that if I did a small fraction of what she did with classified information, I’d be in jail now.  We’re now learning that not only was her account hacked, but they knew that it was, but denied it publicly.  More lies.

Clinton Cash & Racketeering. 

Dick Morris (former Bill Clinton staffer) says that Hillary’s marriage evolved from romance in the 80’s to political convenience in the 90’s to a RICO now.  RICO is the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

Hillary & Bill speeches fees -- $153M 2001-2015 when Hillary launched campaign:

Not all of that went to their “charity,” the Clinton Foundation.  Hillary got 22M, gave 17M to charity (Clinton foundation?) – but kept 5M. :
http://zfacts.com/2016/02/clinton-speaking-fees/  Quotes around “charity” because the Foundation’s expense ratios are so bad that the charity-rating organization won’t even rate them – they’re off the scale bad.  A slush fund to cover their personal travel, etc.

And of course by marriage they share in the money Bill personally kept.  Some say Hillary should recuse herself from the presidency with all the millions of payments/donations from Middle East countries that oppose women’s’ & gay rights, etc. – but we hear no objections from those groups in the US – they’re good little hypocritical fascists, and the media covers for them.

Personal income or to Clinton Foundation?  The question of the legality of their interpretation…. http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2016/02/09/hillarys-wall-street-speech-fees-hers-or-clinton-foundations/#6df1bd156232

Benghazi Committee Report

The Democrat spin is that they uncovered nothing new.  Maybe not much, but at least more supporting details.  That the government response to hundreds of requests for added security before the attack were unheeded, that there was no response during the attack, and that Hillary & the Obama administration knowingly lied about the cause of the attack for political purposes just before the election.  And Hillary was the head of the Dept. of State – the buck should stop there.  But of course being on the Left means never having to take responsibility for anything, or to say you’re sorry.  No heads rolled.  And the liberal media covers for them. And they complain about the committee dragging things out, until it is old news, after stonewalling on releasing requested information.

“Charles Krauthammer reacted to the release of the House report on the Benghazi attack, saying that the U.S. government's failed response was a "debacle of the first order."
“Krauthammer said it's unfortunate Hillary Clinton is running for president, because the focus should be on President Obama, former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, and "the chain of command and why nothing happened."
“He said that Clinton had a "relatively peripheral role."
“Krauthammer said that the Obama Administration displayed an "unbelievable air of indifference" to the attack.
"The president issues a command to go and do something, and then where is he?"
“He contrasted the response to that of the raid on Osama Bin Laden's Pakistani compound.
"Why weren't those people in the Situation Room in the middle of an attack on our embassy? The ambassador is missing, the fight is going on, and everybody important is gone."

More Terrorism – the New Norm

Obama continues to react predictably to the increasing frequency of terror attacks (Orlando, Istanbul, Baghdad, Bangladesh,….), calling for more gun control (& a disgraceful Democratic demonstration on the floor of Congress), and avoiding the root cause which he conveniently avoids both verbally and militarily.  For him it’s just the new norm we must adjust to.  And he gets more animated and angry at conservatives for accusing him of not calling the terrorism radical Islamic, than at the terrorists themselves.  He says using that language is not a strategy, but no one said it was, but just a first step.  He’s got no strategy, and I’ve heard plenty of conservative strategies, including Trump’s.



The divided court has produced some mixed rulings on conservative issues.  Obama got his hand slapped for his overreach on immigration.  But they overruled Texas legislation placing more restrictions on abortion, and overruled a reverse discrimination case.

Liberal Myths

Bush’s Fault.  One Democrat myth that they’re continuing to use this election cycle is that Bush is entirely to blame for the 2008 crash, and therefore Obama saved us.  No, Bill Clinton started the ball rolling, setting the time fuse.

Jan 11, 2013 · Dodd-Frank Regulators Admit That Clinton’s Subprime Mortgage Scheme Caused the Economic and Housing Crisis. January 11, 2013 by Scotty Starnes

Many conservatives correctly identify Barney Frank and Chris Dodd for the housing crisis and the subsequent financial meltdown. But they continue to erroneously place ...

Climate Hysteria.  A paper was published at Georgia Tech on how CO2 increase has benefitted the planet – more plant/tree growth (enough to more than cover the US twice) & less CO2 than projected, hence less projected consequence in the models.  If all the countries achieve all of the Paris Treaty levels by 2030, the global temperature would drop 0.086 degree by 2100.  In the meantime, 3rd world progress would be stymied, economies devastated, etc.  It is the most expensive treaty in history – it would reduce the US GDP $150B annually.

I came across this in my CU Alumni Magazine, the Coloradan, about how the Alferd Packer Grill at the student center was named -- after the only American ever charged, tried, and convicted for the crime of murder and cannibalism. A political twist at the end.
"Packer was part of a six-man prospecting party that got marooned in Colorado's San Juan Mountains in the winter of 1873. Come spring, he emerged alone and surprisingly un-emaciated. He was eventually caught, tried [confessed] and sentenced to hang for murder.
"His claim to fame comes from the sentence of doom pronounced upon him -- as magnificently interpreted and imparted to a credulous media by a drunken bar-keep thusly:
"Stand up, yah man-eatin' son of a b_ _ _ _, and receive your sintince! ...They was siven Dimmycrats in Hinsdale County, but you, yah varacious, man-eatin' son of a b_ _ _ _, yah eat five of thim!"
Reminds me of the joke: What do you call a bus load of lawyers sunk to the bottom of the sea? A good start. At least "Dimmycrats" are good for something. With memories of Soylent Green, I never asked what was in the Packer Burger.


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