The Conventions & Politics of Race, Bigotry & Corruption

·         Anticipating the Great Debate
·         Politics of Race & Bigotry
·         Illegal Immigration
·         Clinton Corruption
·         Political Stickers & Signs
·         The GOP & Democrat Conventions
·         Other
·         9/11 15th Anniversary
                  ·         Famous Presidential Lies Contest

Politics of Race & Bigotry
9/19/16  Hillary: “The shooting of young Black men by police is “intolerable.”  Speaking of the Charlotte & Tulsa recent incidents – at least Charlotte fairly clearly w. a guy w. a gun who wouldn’t drop it or cooperate w. police.  Of course this lends further legitimacy to the Black Lives Matter movement which is based on such false premises as Ferguson (“hands up, don’t shoot”), which has clearly contributed to assassinations of a large number of police.  Her statement is clearly intended for political gain during the election, ignoring any negative consequences – not atypical of Democrat policies in general, such as welfare entitlements, etc..

I note that recently after Trump has noted the plight of Black communities that the libs want to have it both ways.  Trump of course can’t be given any credence – that would insult Blacks that their communities have shortcomings.  Instead, they focus on race relations, which they acknowledge has come a long way since slavery, segregation and Jim Crow.  Yes, that’s exactly what conservatives have been saying – things aren’t as bad as the race-baiters would have you believe – compare this country with any other.  But Dems say they’re bad enough that “institutional racism” warrants the outrage and threats against police by the Black Lives Matter movement. 

But they don’t speak to what Trump was really addressing – worse poverty, crime, murder, education, unemployment, etc. – don’t those matter?  If not to them, maybe we shouldn’t care, either – let them suffer and die in poverty, ignorance, and crime on their comfortable Democrat plantations.  But of course this viewpoint I believe  really only applies to the Black activists & race-baiters whose careers are all they’re interested in – the vast majority of Blacks no doubt do care about these other things that affect their daily lives, even if they continue to vote Democrat out of habit or peer pressure.  For instance polls indicate that about 80% of Blacks favor school choice for vouchers, etc., whereas the Democrat party line is with the teachers unions. Who’s really looking out for Black interests?

Again, as Trump says, why not try something different if the Democrat Party has continued to fail them?  What have they got to lose?  The famous saying is that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.  I heard on Larry Elder how many Black rappers used to extol the flamboyant rich lifestyle or persona of Donald Trump.  And Hannity had a group of Black ministers on who spoke of how Trump’s economic & job-creating expertise is what is needed to lower Black unemployment, and related crime, etc.

For a primer on the real history of the Democrat Party & racism, and insights into Hillary Clinton,
everyone should see "Hillary's America."  Another very educational production from Dinesh D'Souza after his "Obama's America" 4 years ago. It's the top-grossing documentary of 2016.

[Source: Daily Caller 8/4/16]  The leader of the Black Lives Matter movement recently said in an interview that the Clintons use the black community as a way to garner more votes.

Alicia Garza, the founder of Blacks Lives Matter, discussed the Black Lives Matter movement and “systematic racism” in America with Bloomberg Businessweek. In her interview, she claimed that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton does not back up her claims that she cares for the black community.

Garza said that the Clintons routinely use the black community for their own benefit.

“The Clintons use black people for votes, but then don’t do anything for black communities after they’re elected. They use us for photo ops,” Garza said.

Trump noted that Hillary talks tougher about his supporters than about the terrorists.  Which is in keeping with her previous statement when asked about her biggest enemies – she said I think Republicans and/or the gun lobby.    

Prager commented that the combination of boredom, affluence (e.g., Hollywood stars), and secularism produces hysteria over issues.  Like institutional racism, climate change, campus rape, etc.  Secularists of course have no other religion to be zealous about, to give themselves purpose and meaning and self-esteem.

9/12/16:  Hillary: half of Trump’s followers are “deplorable…irredeemable….sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted, …”  And is that a scientific polling that she did, or just a sweeping generalization that I thought was a no-no among enlightened progressives?  Or just a politically calculated statement to secure her base (making them feel morally superior) and try to divide the GOP?  She just condemned some one-fourth or more of the US population as very bad.  And they want to claim America is still great?  Of course all of the “institutional racism” they decry seems to come in police departments in cities run for many decades by Democrats, and some of these incidents with Black police chiefs, and some shooters even black officers.  I suppose they’re just self-hating Uncle Toms, as they usually say?

9/9/16  Bill Clinton accused Trump of coded racism when he said “Make America great again” – which he said has clear meaning to southern white racists.  But Bill said the exact same thing several times in his & Hillary’s campaigns.  Of course a white southern Democrat saying it must mean it is meant, and taken, totally differently.  No double standard there.

9/2/16  Larry Elder played a recording of Dinesh D’Souza debating some lib on the so-called “Big Switch” that they say occurred in the 1960’s, when they say all the racist Dems switched to the GOP to explain how the South switched from Democrat to GOP dominance.  The facts are that Blacks made the switch almost entirely in the 1930’s due to FDR’s economics, well before the civil rights movements, and whites in the 1970’s and later -- well after racism was much more normalized – again due to economic factors in the South, including people moving to the south in a period of growth.  That is, not related to racism or civil rights at all. 

Illegal Immigration
8/29/16  Prager (and later Elder) played Clinton’s 1995 SOU address, where he sounded just exactly like Trump does now on illegal immigration.  Prager says Trump should just play that in an ad.  Which shows how far the Left has taken the Democrat Party.  Elder says he must have missed the Democrats’ memo whenever it went out.  Elder also played a speech by Harry Reid a couple years earlier that echoed Clinton & Trump.  But now of course the Dems are more concerned about votes than the welfare of our citizens.

Clinton Corruption
8/27/16 FB post:   Kimberly Strassel in the WSJ writes how the larger concern with Hillary’s private email server & destroying emails is not the classified stuff, but rather how it was increasingly obviously used to hide the connection between the Clinton Foundation and State Dept. – pay to play.  Corruption on an unprecedented level for a presidential candidate, and eclipsing Nixon.  Those emails are the gift that keeps on giving.

8/26/16 FB post:
More pot calling the kettle black. Hillary is accusing Trump & his supporters of racism, quoting a Mexican saying: “Tell me with whom you walk, and I’ll tell you who you are.” Speaking of some small number of white supremacists who prefer Trump, though Trump has dissociated himself from them. So applying that saying to Hillary, look at the rogue’s gallery of despots & shady businessmen she & Bill have cavorted with who’ve given them & their foundation money in return for favors (see "Clinton Cash", their endorsement by the U.S. Communist Party, Hugo Chavez, her mentor Saul Alinsky, etc., etc. Or Obama’s radical mentors like Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, his father, etc. I don't think she really wants to go there. But the race card is about all she has to play.

And they want to accuse Trump of disingenuousness when he says he has more to offer disadvantaged people of color? After 8 years of Obama's (& her) policies, and 50 or more years of local Democrat mayors & Great Society entitlements, leaving Blacks worse off by all measures like poverty, jobs, education, crime (they won't acknowledge them, so can't address them, unlike Trump)? They are opposed to school choice because of the teachers' unions, whereas 80% of Blacks support it. They want to focus on the police & "institutional racism," for political gain, rather than on the more real and larger inner city murder rates. Their ability to create jobs has been abysmal.

Now the Dems have a new catch-phrase or label to bully and try to divide the GOP (you remember the old “Neo-Con” label) – “Alt-Right.”  Which, as Hewett points out is ambiguous, as the old use of the term was applied to the miniscule non-GOP, white supremacists/Nazis, and the new is the much larger, anti-GOP-establishment.
Hillary: “Trump is mainstreaming hate groups.”  How about the Dems and Black Lives matter, Sharpton, etc.?  She says she wants to help small business w. lower taxes or less red tape (talk about stealing from the GOP playbook!), but the Dems have reduced small businesses due to red tape/regulations & high taxes.

8/19/16 FB posts: 
Hillary hasn't held a press conference for 257 days! She must have something to hide. Of course, she thinks she's above the press, and the law, and the liberal media covers for her. Trump is quite the opposite, more than willing to speak (or tweet) his mind at any time and place. And the press loves to focus on his mis-speaks, but doesn't cover the great, substantive speeches he's given this week. The lopsided, biased media coverage is well documented by the Media Research Center (

Come on!

"Clinton Cash" -- follow the money, see just how corrupt the Clintons are. Their exorbitant speaking fees buy U.S. government favors for corrupt regimes & businessmen, go into the Clintons' pockets and/or the Clinton foundation, which is a sham of a "charity." A racketeering money-laundering scheme.  I'm reading the book.


Political Stickers & Signs
9/14/16 FB post:  I have 10 of these from as bumper stickers, and 20 as clings (for windows, no adhesive). Let me know if you'd like one -- and will put it to good use.
Watch a 5 minute video explaining it at Prager University:…/political-scien…/bigger-government

8/18/16 FB post:  Some ideas for do-it-yourself bumper stickers or yard signs:
Hillary lied, and people died.
Kaine & Un-Able
Hillary: above the law and the press

Hillary: "Extremely Careless" (FBI director)
Hillary: "Congenital Liar" (NYT editor)
Hillary: more of the same failed policies
Middle East chaos -- thanks, Hillary
Trump's not Slick, but Hillary's Slippery
Hillary's for sale, but her emails are free
Hillary won't deliver for your vote, but will for cash
Hillary's in bed with anti-women, anti-gay regimes & Wall Street
Trump's not a slick politician, nor is he, unlike Hillary, the most corrupt presidential candidate ever, a "congenital liar," nor stuck on the failed policies of the last 8 years.
Trump earned his millions the old fashioned way, Hillary & Bill by selling influence. 
Hillary & the Dems tell people what they like/want to hear, Trump what they need to hear.

8/15/16 FB post:  Look what arrived in the mail today! Only 3 months late for the California primary. Collector's items now -- I think their candidacy as a team only lasted about a week. I must have ordered them that week. I'm surprised they're still fulfilling orders placed then -- surely they know they're way too late. I give them credit for integrity, if not timeliness. Maybe I'll put them on the lawn for a bit anyway. But Trump did give probably his best speech yet today.

The Left’s cry for conservative speech control after Gabby Gifford was shot, with no connection to Palin or other conservatives, but no problem with the speech directly promoting shooting of police.
Hillary’s lies under oath & destruction of evidence vs. Nixon --- no lie under oath & wouldn’t have been impeached or stepped down without pressure from his own party.  The Dems only dismiss and defend Hillary’s actions. 

Bumper sticker idea:  “Hillary lied, and people died.”  Or “Lock her up!”

Dick Morris’ book “Armageddon” details many of Hillary’s faults.  He was close advisor to the Clintons for some 20 years.

After those killed by a truck in Nice, by planes on 9/11, and by knives (e.g., Normandy), does the Left want those banned, like they do guns?

7/21/16 -- The GOP Convention

 Giuliani, Christie, Gingrich, Pence & the Trump boys gave stinging indictments of Hillary.  Trump’s kids & employees gave high praises of Trump as father and businessman.
Thiel (gay billionaire) spoke of the decline of the military, and the Dems focus on who uses which bathroom – who cares?  Fake culture wars only distract us from our economic decline – Trump is the only one focusing on the important issues.

Trump – At this convention, we’ll honor the American people with the truth [unlike the Dems.]  The state of affairs:  increase in crime & terrorism, poverty, national debt.  The infrastructure is falling apart.  Our international humiliations.  America is less safe since Hillary was put in charge of America’s foreign policy.  Let’s defeat her.  The Middle East is worse than ever – death, destruction, refugees.

A change in leadership is required for a change in outcomes.  Our plan will put America first. 
For people who work hard and never have a voice, I am your voice.

Hillary getting away with it shows that corruption has reached a level never seen before.
An attack on law enforcement is an attack on all Americans.  In this race for the White House, I am the law and order candidate.  Pres. Obama has used his pulpit to divide us as he’s never seen before.  It’s failed the inner city in every way. 

We’re going to defeat the barbarians of ISIS, and fast.  We’ll need the best gathering of intelligence.  Only let into our country those who support our values and love our people.

7/26/16 -- Democrat Convention

Hillary: “America is stronger because of Barack Obama’s leadership” ??? Not militarily, economically, racially, ……

To Sanders supporters: “your cause [socialism] is our cause…..Trump has taken us from morning to midnight in America.”  ???!!! – the Dems have – projection.  “Too many threats at home & abroad, and too many have had no raise since the crash.”  Yes, and who has been in power the last 7 years? 

“We are going to follow the money.”  She already has, and we already have, and the trail leads between her, Bill, the Clinton Foundation & all kinds of unsavory characters. 

“I’ll be a commander who’s cool & smart.”  Right.  Her foreign policies have failed miserably in various places, and she was too cool, or freezing cold, for Benghazi.  And Hillary care is even closer to nationalized healthcare than Obamacare.

 “We can’t have a president who’s in the pocket of the gun lobby.”  She’s in the pocket of Wall Street & other nations.

She spoke of young Blacks who suffer from systemic racism, lending fuel to the anti-cop movement.  “Stand up against mean and divisive rhetoric.”  Yes, like Obama’s.

“America is great because it’s good.”  Except for all the systemic racism, unfairness, inequality, mean & divisive rhetoric, etc., etc.  Somehow they want it both ways.  I noticed they wave the flag when they’re in power & want to broaden their base, but conservatives do rain or shine.  The Dems also seem to have brought back God, after ejecting him last time from their platform.  It’s all about optics for them.

Obama: “There has never been anyone more qualified to be president.”  That includes Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Reagan, TR, ….?  When you’re telling a lie, I guess you might as well go for a whopper.  Yes, he’s paid back his debt to her now.

“We don’t need a self-proclaimed savior.”  Presumably referring to Trump.  Really?  Who promised to stop the rise of the oceans, heal the planet, heal race relations, heal our relations with other countries, provide health care to all, lowering our costs, not impacting our choice, etc.?

Now he honors the police, after dis-respecting them & lending credence to the anti-cop black lives matter, and the hate and assassinations they fomented on false premises.  Are they really so blind that they can’t see their inconsistencies and hypocrisies, or are they just such chameleons and political opportunists that they don’t care?

“Hillary is the one in the arena in the fight.” [Paraphrasing Republican Teddy Roosevelt, presumably trying to win over disaffected Republicans.  Nice try – to paraphrase failed Democrat candidate Lloyd Bentsen in the 1988 VP debates, we know about TR, and Hillary Clinton, you are no TR!

“Hillary is a patriot.”  Right, and the FBI found that she was “extremely careless” in handling sensitive and classified information.  She sold her influence for personal benefit that harmed the interests of the U.S. (e.g., giving Russia 20% of our uranium mines).  And her policies have been disastrous for this country and our allies – the Iran nuclear deal, Syria, Libya, Egypt, ….

For all of Obama’s touting America’s greatness now (after Michelle said she was never proud of it before), its only residual (inherited) greatness, after he’s caused its decline in strength (economic, political, military) & prestige globally & domestically.

So they accuse Trump of firing people, which sometimes happens in any business.  But nothing like the millions out of work due to their failed policies & miserable (worst since WWII, I believe) recovery.  I understand that for every percent below annual 3% GDP growth, a million jobs are lost per year – there have been 7 years of 2% or so or less GDP, so that’s several million jobs lost. 

Bill Clinton:  He spoke of how Hillary went undercover to expose racial prejudice.  But they scream bloody murder about the undercover Planned Parenthood investigators who exposed selling of fetus parts, etc. 

He told a story of a farmer who virtuously got out of debt.  But somehow Obama’s doubling of the national debt is no problem????

He said “She [Hillary] is the best change maker.”  Right, just look at all the wonderful changes in the Middle East, Russia, China, due to her & Obama’s policies.  “She got strong sanctions against Iran. She’s uniquely qualified to reduce the risks we face.”  ????? She’s increased the risks w. the Iran deal, Syria policy & rise of ISIS,….

There was a big focus on the historical nature of the first woman president, breaking the glass ceiling, etc.  Just like the first Black.  They’re so preoccupied w. symbols and firsts, and so uncaring of the state of the union, and qualifications & good policy.  How about the right first woman (like Carly Fiorina or Michelle Bachman or Condoleezza Rice), after Obama’s failures as the first Black president.  Unfortunately, too many will vote for her mainly for that reason, sweeping all else under the rug.  There are other important things besides genitalia, or race.

The Dems & media twisted Trump’s words – he didn’t advocate Russians hack Hillary’s emails – just release (“show us”) what they’d already possibly hacked – due to her “extreme carelessness.”  They can’t now hack into a non-existent server & emails already deleted from when she was Secretary of State (duh!).  And she claims they were only personal – not official.  Only yoga exercises, wedding plans, messages with Bill, according to Hillary.  So what’s to worry about, anyway?  Maybe if the Russians have some that the FBI couldn’t retrieve, it may help the investigation. 

Tim Kaine: “If anyone is looking for the party of Lincoln [presumably targeting Republicans disaffected w. Trump], we’ve got a home for you here.”  Hah!  More like the Socialist party of Sanders & the Left.  Again paraphrasing Bentsen, “We know about Lincoln and his party, and Democrats, you are no party of Lincoln.  More like the party of the Confederacy, slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, segregation, and lately the party of pandering & buying Black votes with the bigotry of low expectations.

The Dems clearly baited Trump with the Kahn gold star parents who waived the constitution and implied Trump hadn’t read it (referring no doubt to his statement about banning Muslim immigrants).  Of course the constitution doesn’t guarantee equality for non-citizens, or govern immigration rules.  But Trump took the bait.  And Stephanopoulos repeated Kahn’s question about what he’s sacrificed (of course having sacrificed their son, how can anyone top that?).  Well, by the same token, what has Hillary sacrificed that qualifies her?  In fact, quite the opposite of sacrifice, she’s profited obscenely from her “public service.”

Clint Eastwood:
"What about her? I mean, it's a tough voice to listen to for four years."...
[IJR, 8/3/16]

Obama denies the $400M paid to Iran was ransom for 4 hostages – just “coincidence” in timing.  But the hostages were held on the ground until the plane arrived with the cash in the middle of the night in an unmarked plane.  The Iranians have since said it was a condition for their release.  And since, 3 more hostages have been taken – the Iranians clearly got the message that hostage-taking pays.  Ollie North, Reagan & Iran-Contra should all get apologies.

7/14-16:  Trump’s VP announcement – Mike Pence, Indiana governor, former Congressman.  Quotes:  “History tells us weakness arouses evil.”  “The choice could not be more clear….Hillary must never become president of the United States….Donald Trump is a good man and will make a great president.”

Trump pulled even/ahead in swing state polls – apparently Hillary’s email scandal finally is having an impact.  She should not be held to a different standard than anyone else who shows “extreme carelessness” – at least lose her security clearance.  She can’t be trusted with the office of Secretary of State, certainly not with the Presidency.

9/11 15th Anniversary
On this 15th anniversary of 9/11, of course we remember the many victims, and our hearts go out to their loved ones. But we should also honor the heroes. The passengers of United flight 93 have been widely honored for their charge & cry of “let’s roll!” But the fight began earlier.

“Essentially the battle — the fight against terrorism — started in the cockpit. It started with Jason and LeRoy,” [Melodie] Homer [wife of LeRoy] told The Canadian Press in an interview.
“It was
 a combination between passengers and crew, but it started in the cockpit.”…/im_thinking_about_it_all_the_time…
“Five minutes earlier, the airline had radioed Flight 93 to beware of cockpit intrusion because two aircraft had hit the World Trade Center.
Melodie Homer, [wife of LeRoy Homer, co-pilot of United flight 93,] points out that her husband “was the only crewman on any of the hijacked jets to get off a “Mayday” (distress) message on the radio, which he was handling. Cockpit voice recorder messages indicate that Homer and pilot Jason Dahl were not killed immediately, as some narratives suggest. [She says the voice recorder indicates they fought for 6 minutes with the terrorists and are not victims, but heroes.] She theorizes that her husband, or Dahl, was able to sabotage the controls, so the hijackers were not able to handle the jet with ease.
“LeRoy Homer was a former Air Force major, a veteran of Desert Storm who had dreamed of flying since he was a little boy. If America needs another hero for Black History Month, LeRoy Homer fits the bill.…/united-flight-93-co-pilots-wife-challe…/
And of course heroes of the Ground Zero and Pentagon rescue efforts. And the heroes who took the battle to Al Qaida’s base in Afghanistan, and into Pakistan to get bin Laden.
I was also moved last night seeing the movie “Sully” about another more recent hero pilot who saved his plane & passengers in 2009 in New York – “Sully” Sullenberger. And the first responders who helped to save all 155 passengers and crew after the emergency water landing on the Hudson River. The movie points out that New York (and the country?) needed some good news involving planes in the wake of 9/11.
Contrast their heroism with the evil cowards who stealthily murdered, and continue to murder, innocent, defenseless men, women and children, and who study and practice destruction, rather than building, and saving lives. The contrast couldn’t be clearer.

Famous Presidential Lies Contest
Written by, To The Point News
None of our boys will die on foreign soil
I am not a crook
GHW Bush:
Read my lips - No New Taxes
I did not have sex with that woman... Miss Lewinski
GW Bush:
Iraq has weapons of mass destruction [I dispute this one -- we know that he did have & use them, and had production capability & may have transferred them to Syria at the start of the Iraq war. In any case, it wasn't a lie, because he & all the intelligence agencies in the world believed they had them.]
I will have the most transparent administration in history.
The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
The IRS is not targeting anyone.
It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
You didn't build that!
I will restore trust in Government.
The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
I am not spying on American citizens.
Obama Care will be good for America.
You can keep y our family doctor.
Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
It's just like shopping at Amazon.
I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
And, I have never lived with that uncle. He finally admitted (12-05-2013) that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.
If elected I promise not to renew the Patriot Act.
If elected I will end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan within the 1st 9 months of my term.
I will close Guantanamo within the first 6 months of my term.
I will bridge the gap between black and white and between America and other countries. ;
And the biggest one of all:
"I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America."
I believe we have a winner
If Presidencial runner Hillary were on the list it would be too large to put in an email. Her book of lies is at the publisher.


  1. Great insight, as always Mark. Thanks for all your hard work to put this together.


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