
Showing posts from February, 2017

Hillary's Snowflakes & Trump's Inauguration & 1st Week

Hillary’s Loss & the Snowflakes 12/13/16 The Left/Dems are apoplectic about Trump’s election and want to blame it on anything but themselves – always the victims.  Among the excuses they are grasping for their surprise loss:  fake news, Russian hacking, voter fraud (Trump actually gained votes in the recounts), the evil electoral college, the Alt Right, etc., etc.  And after the Obama administration interfered with the Israeli election, they have no room to talk about the Russians. Part of their lashing out is to delegitimize and neutralize Trump (if not overturn his election) and the GOP agenda, and stem the GOP’s promised overturning of many of the Obama measures like Obamacare, executive orders, etc. 1/10/17 Many on the Left are inappropriately comparing Trump w. Hitler (that makes Hitler look way too good).  A more appropriate comparison would be Hillary with Evita Peron – “Don’t cry for me, minority of Americans.” “Fake News” is just one of the scapegoats