Hillary's Snowflakes & Trump's Inauguration & 1st Week
Hillary’s Loss & the Snowflakes
The Left/Dems are apoplectic about Trump’s election
and want to blame it on anything but themselves – always the victims. Among the excuses they are grasping for their
surprise loss: fake news, Russian
hacking, voter fraud (Trump actually gained votes in the recounts), the evil
electoral college, the Alt Right, etc., etc.
And after the Obama administration interfered with the Israeli election,
they have no room to talk about the Russians.
Part of their lashing out is to delegitimize and
neutralize Trump (if not overturn his election) and the GOP agenda, and stem
the GOP’s promised overturning of many of the Obama measures like Obamacare,
executive orders, etc.
Many on the Left are inappropriately comparing Trump
w. Hitler (that makes Hitler look way too good). A more appropriate comparison would be
Hillary with Evita Peron – “Don’t cry for me, minority of Americans.”
“Fake News”
is just one of the scapegoats for Hillary’s loss, with the assertion that
conservatives promulgated it. And how
about the CNN/Buzz Feed defamatory story on Trump? Or that Trump was mocking a reporter’s
disability (there’s a whole collection of videos of Trump mocking others using
the same gestures – gestures that the reporter’s disability don’t make, and
Trump was mocking the reporter changing his story when it supported Trump’s
assertions. Or that Trump is racist – he
didn’t say all Mexicans are rapists, etc.
Or Hillary landing under fire in Kosovo, the Benghazi video, “Hands up,
don’t shoot,” “systemic racism” (Ferguson, etc.), “if you want to keep your
doctor, or plan, you can”. As Prager
says, for the Left, truth is not a value – for them the ends justifies the
Russian Hacking
Regarding the claim that Russia’s Putin was actively
working to defeat Clinton & get Trump elected, Mark Levin wondered, as have
I, why Putin would not want Hillary president.
He got all he wanted when she was secretary of state, and Obama &
the Dems in general. She never stood up
to him or anyone (except the GOP). Not
in Ukraine/Crimea, or Syria, or Libya, or Egypt, or Iran,….. Trump, on the other hand, has selected some
pretty hard-nosed generals for Secy. Of Defense & Homeland Security &
National Security Advisor, who’ve recognized and spoken strongly against the
threats Russia & China pose.
And after personal data on some 22 million people with
government clearances was hacked a couple/few years ago and there were no loud
protests by the administration, NOW suddenly they’re incensed about the
Russians probably hacking the Democrat Party emails. NOW they are suddenly supposedly the party
more concerned about those Russkies than the GOP president-elect/party. NOW they criticize Trump for wanting better
relations with the Russians, after their failed reset. And after their failure to do anything about
Russia invading Ukraine & taking Crimea, going into Syria, etc. NOW suddenly we’re supposed to believe that
suddenly the Dems are the tough guys on Russia after all these years of
inaction, and only a cowardly, last-minute token ejection of some Russian “diplomats”
(spies), as Obama heads out the door?
Yes, they’ll take a little action at least when the Democrat Party is
attacked, but not when millions of cleared workers have identity theft, or many
thousands of Syrians are killed and hundreds of thousands of refugees flood the
West, along with many terrorist plants.
Or when Ukraine is invaded. We
can see their priorities – political, vs the good of America and her allies.
Within weeks of Hillary’s loss, the Clinton Foundation
is closing. Is anyone surprised, with no more political influence to sell?
That shouldn’t leave much doubt in anyone’s mind as to the corruption
there. And I note that Obama didn’t
pre-emptively pardon her, and the investigation continues.
The Trump Administration
inauguration day was another great, orderly transfer of power in a great
tradition of a great nation. And as Trump
said in his speech, not just a transfer of power from one president or party to
another, but from Washington back to the people. It was a very thoughtful and important speech,
deserving of re-reading. It can be found
at http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/20/politics/trump-inaugural-address/. I couldn’t help but think that Obama (and Congressmen
of both parties) was squirming in his seat when Trump said “We will no longer accept
politicians who are all talk and no action -- constantly complaining but never
doing anything about it.
“The time for empty talk
is over. Now arrives the hour of action.”
Trump is not generally as
articulate as Obama, but is much more a man of action. Give me effective action over hollow words
any day. The Left seems to prefer the
former. A scripture comes to mind: “…shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith
by my works.
…But wilt
thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” (James 2:18, 20)
I also liked “The
forgotten will be forgotten no longer.”
And “This American carnage stops right here and right now.” And “A new vision will govern our land – ‘America
first.’” “I will fight for you with
every breath in my body, and will never, never let you down.” “We will eradicate radical Islamic terrorism
from the
face of the earth.” “We will be protected by the
great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly,
we are protected by God.” (There were 3 other invocations of God). “When
you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible
tells us, ‘How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in
unity.’” And finally, “Together we will make
America great again. We share one heart,
one home, and one glorious destiny.”
The first family was also stellar.
Inaugural Boycotts, Marches, Protests & Critics
A full third of the Democrats in the House are
boycotting the inauguration – so much for their sincerity in previously
expressed desires for healing and bringing people together. Apparently the last time there were that many
Democrats (or anyone) boycotting an inauguration was for Lincoln’s 2
inaugurals. Their party hasn’t changed
much, has it?
Then there is the women’s march the day after the
inauguration. Were they so concerned
over Hillary’s character & corruption?
And then the protesters that got violent during the inauguration. Yes, we’ve long ago got the message about
your concerns with Trump. But if you
keep pushing harder before giving him a chance, you’ll only alienate the
majority of Americans more, and I don’t think you’ll like the results. You need to learn more from the
election. You complained that we didn’t
give Obama the respect of the office, etc., but we never did anything like what
you’re doing.
I heard a number of motivations for the marchers –
some for Planned Parenthood & abortion rights, some against Trump’s
language or supposed misogyny (a misuse of the term), maybe some for Obamacare
or immigration rights (open borders, really – they never think that through,
completely), and anti-bigotry. And since
it was a women’s march, I suspect that another motivation may have been sour
grapes for their dashed hopes of Hillary being the first woman president. Again, never mind what a miserable
representative of her gender she’d be, much like Obama being such a miserable
representative of his race. All that
doesn’t matter to them as much as the symbolism of the first. And this jumble of motivations became
apparent in some of the basically incoherent speeches, especially of some
celebrities like Ms. Judd, and Madonna speaking of her fantasy of blowing up
the White House. And some real foul
mouths. Yes, these are the role models
that are so superior to Trump? They
speak of love, but practice hate.
Here is an article with photos by a woman who attended
both the women’s march and the annual March for Life a week later, contrasting
the two. Interesting. http://ijr.com/2017/01/788280-i-am-a-woman-who-went-to-the-womens-march-and-the-march-for-life-the-differences-were-stunning/?utm_source=email&utm_campaign=morning-newsletter&utm_medium=owned
For liberals/Leftists critical of Trump’s immigration
stance, perhaps they can reconcile this 84 second clip from a Bill Clinton
speech from 1995.
The Left has really gone
berserk. And the media headlines are about the "Muslim ban,"
notwithstanding it being by countries, only covering 12% of Muslims in the
world. Maybe not perfectly executed, or with inadequate time to prep
people (or bad guys). There are non-Muslims in those countries, too.
They're the same countries Obama's administration singled out for special
attention (sponsors of terrorism, other concerns), and it's only temporary
until they can figure out a better vetting system. I'm sure there were
political considerations w. Egypt & Saudi Arabia being more or less allies
(few that we have in the region) and/or strong trading partners. But
Saudi Arabia has some serious problems sponsoring the radical madrases, etc.
CNN talking heads called out Trump on his calling the
CIA leak of a false story about him like Nazi Germany, saying he needs to learn
about the real Nazi Germany. Of course numerous on the Left have been
calling Trump Hitlerian, fascist, like Stalin (NYT) etc., and they still don’t
see their own hypocrisy staring them in the face. They are truly uninclined or incapable of introspection
or self-blame (secularism is often devoid of that) – always preoccupied with
finding fault elsewhere. They see
themselves as morally superior (not xenophobes, sexists, bigots, etc.), and it
is their moral duty to straighten out those with all those shortcomings.
I occasionally wonder if Trump with some of his
off-the-wall statements isn’t intentionally tweaking and throwing something out
to make the Left/media apoplectic (in addition to publicity, which was part of
his former profession), especially because they can’t stand to be called
something they view as the ultimate insult.
Countering them with their own tactic and basically putting a mirror in
front of their face. Like the 3 million
illegal voters for Hillary – countering their charges of his illegitimacy &
her claim of winning the popular vote). And
the Left is so prone to hyperbole & exaggeration like Nazi, rape, holocaust,
etc. -- by their overuse & misuse they alter the meaning and thereby lessen
the significance of the original.
Trump’s First Week
Trump truly hit the ground running – actually even
before taking office, meeting with businesses and arranging keeping their jobs
here. The media & libs are obsessed
with the election, and don’t want to cover (or think about, or keep up with) Trump’s
barrage of executive orders so rapidly undoing Obama’s. The pipeline, TPP, Obamacare, federal hiring,
abortion funding, mtgs. with federal agencies (CIA, Homeland Security, etc.),
unions, business leaders, foreign leaders etc., etc. – all in his first week.
Trump has a real work ethic – for a 70-year-old he’s showing
a lot more diligence than the much younger but laid back Obama. As Wikipedia says, “Elected
at age 70, he is the oldest and wealthiest person to assume
the presidency (Washington is second wealthiest); the first without prior military or governmental service; and the fifth elected with less than a plurality of the national popular vote.”
He said this week that he feels as if he were in his 30’s, and is
certainly acting that way with his work ethic, which his children attest to.
Someone noted that the Left is getting a taste of
their own medicine when they would just barrage us with one thing after
another, giving us no time to counter or focus.
I see some other similar tactics like some calling anti-Trumpers “alt-Left,”
countering their new favorite put-down of “alt-Right.” And Trump’s use of “fake news” applied to the
CNN story of dirt on him & his staff, the story of the MLK bust being
removed from the Oval Office, etc., countering their attributing his win in
part to his/GOP’s fake news. They’re
really hung up on this, grilling Sean Spicer (new Trump press spokesman) as to
whether he intends to tell the truth. As
if Josh Earnest (now there’s an appropriate oxymoron) and the media never spun
things or perhaps occasionally unknowingly passed on something false, without
adequately vetting it. Sean came out
swinging in his first appearance the day after the inaugural, taking on the
press’ lack of integrity & objectivity.
There’s a new sheriff in town.
Trump also showed humility and willingness to
delegate. He was supportive of his
cabinet nominees speaking their minds during their confirmation hearings, and
not just trying to echo him. And he says
he will honor their expertise, for instance when he disagrees with Gen. Mattis
on waterboarding, he will defer to Mattis.
He has picked some of the best people available to surround himself
with, and will take advantage of their expertise. He has the makings of a great leader.
Some of Trump’s harshest critics on the Right before
the election, like Levin & Medved, have been praising Trump for his first
days of executive orders, his cabinet picks, and the apparent finalists for
Supreme Court nominee to be made public next week, calling them solidly
conservative. He does appear to be
rising to the office, despite some lingering tweeting. Overall, I give Trump an A for accomplishment
& effort – keeping campaign promises.
Progressives want to transform America & its 3 values on the coins – from “E Pluribus Unum” to fractionating and dividing us by interest groups (ethics, sex, class, etc.), from “liberty” to more government central control, and from “in God we trust” to “in secular progressivism we trust.”
1/10/17 Prager hr. 2 – police interrogated a gang leader who says gangs have access (through friends, spouses, etc. employed in government) to records of anyone with registered firearms – and now ammo, in California. And many robberies have been targeting those homes for weapons.
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