“Rocket Boy,” or Fat Man & Little Boy

Among other monikers for Kim Jong Un such as “Rocket Man,” ironically, I think that the combination of the names of the first 2 nuclear weapons we used – “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” – is most appropriate. The latter name should require no explanation – he’s clearly the best-fed person in North Korea, unlike the many thousands or millions of his people he has starving or starved. The former name, “Little Boy,” because he and his generals act just like giddy little boys playing with fire, when we see pictures of them at missile or nuclear tests (examples below). And playing with fire, they are. And as they say, he who plays with fire gets burned. Kim & his regime also remind me of The Mouse that Roared. A real Napoleon complex. But after all his egregious human rights violations (kidnapping young Japanese girls, torturing and starving many thousands or millions of his own peopl...