“Rocket Boy,” or Fat Man & Little Boy
Among other monikers
for Kim Jong Un such as “Rocket Man,” ironically, I think that the combination
of the names of the first 2 nuclear weapons we used – “Little Boy” and “Fat Man”
– is most appropriate. The latter name
should require no explanation – he’s clearly the best-fed person in North
Korea, unlike the many thousands or millions of his people he has starving or starved. The former name, “Little Boy,” because he and
his generals act just like giddy little boys playing with fire, when we see
pictures of them at missile or nuclear tests (examples below).
And playing with fire, they are.
And as they say, he who plays with fire gets burned. Kim & his regime also remind me of The Mouse that Roared. A real Napoleon complex.
But after all his egregious human rights
violations (kidnapping young Japanese girls, torturing and starving many
thousands or millions of his own people, murdering relatives and people he
doesn’t like with anti-aircraft guns, etc.), instant incineration seems almost
too kind. And Rocket Boy is now calling
Trump deranged????!!! Talk about the pot
calling the kettle black! But maybe it’s
good for him to think so, as it may cause him a bit more hesitation to do
something stupid that would put Trump over the edge.
But whatever name
sticks, it may well have that name on the next nuclear weapon we may have to
use. As Trump indicated in the U.N., Un
seems to be on a suicidal mission. A couple images below are reminiscent of Dr. Strangelove (the effigy is by S. Korean protesters). And
if we are forced to defend ourselves and our allies, we may have to totally
destroy North Korea, as Trump indicated, to get all of their nuclear/missile & conventional capabilities.
And the Dems and Left seem to continue to hang their hats on
negotiations – after decades where they have utterly failed (thank you, Bill
Clinton for your wonderful N. Korea deal you touted), and N. Korea has flaunted
every agreement, steadily developing missiles & nukes. No, as Nikki Halley and Trump have said, we
have run out of road to kick the can down, and the time for action is now, even
as they threaten an H-bomb test in the Pacific.
And as Trump said, the US is a strong and patient nation, but our
patience has limits.
And the Dems/Left
complain about Trump’s strong language, but N. Korea (or the countries propping
it up) hasn’t seemed to understand anything less. And we note that finally now, China is
implementing serious financial pressures on N. Korea, probably because they are
convinced that we mean business – literally & figuratively. And that, together with even tighter
boycotting/sanctions are the only remaining tactics short of military that can
be tried. We must cut off business/trade
with any nation doing business with N. Korea.
And if necessary, enforce a total blockade.
The next missile
placed on a launch pad that we’re aware of needs to be destroyed – on the pad
or in flight – because now we don’t know whether it’s weaponized, or where,
necessarily, it’s going. They’ve already
overflown Japan and threatened Guam, which is in the middle of the Pacific
where they’ve threatened an H-bomb test, and the U.S.
Anywhere within a thousand miles or more could suffer from catastrophic
EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) – which would drastically threaten our options to retaliate – short of ICBM’s
or SLBM’s. And a perfect precursor to an
EMP attack on mainland America, which would mean power outages for months (and
Puerto Rico is only dealing with weeks) and destroyed microelectronics
(computers, cell phones, TV’s, cars, …) across the nation. Recall the unanticipated effects that our
Starfish test had on Hawaii in 1962, 1,000 mi. away (photo below as seen from Honolulu thru
thin clouds). We would be helpless, many
millions of us would die, and the forces of evil – N. Korea, Iran, Russia,
China,… -- would have free reign to run rampant around the world. These are consequences that should make us seriously consider pre-emptive military action, if necessary -- if they will not verifiably give up their nuclear & missile capabilities.
And all this is being
taken in by Iran (thank you, Obama, for your wonderful Iran deal), and is
likely a foreshadowing of what we’ll be facing shortly with them, as well –
possibly a 2 front war if we keep kicking the can down the road. N. Korea & Iran saw what happened when
dictators like Saddam & Kaddafi seemed to get rid of their WMD’s – they ended
up dead. They may feel that nukes are
their guarantee of life for them and their regime. They should realize that if they ever use
them, they’d be toast, but Islamic radicals and extreme Communist ideologues
may care less about that than their apocalyptic and megalomaniacal dreams of immortality
and harming the “great Satan” and arch-capitalist, just as the 9/11
perpetrators. These are people with no
honor or trustworthiness in negotiation – people for whom deceit is an
honor. They only understand strength,
and are now finally beginning to see it.
Let’s hope it’s not too late. Remember, too, that they can quickly share what they've developed -- N. Korea to Iran, Iran to terrorists,....
Right on! Thank you.