Peace in Korea After 68 Years?

I was a Korean War baby, so the war has technically never ended for my entire life. Not to count the chickens before they've hatched, but this is heady stuff -- at least apparently the closest we've been in 68 years. It reminds me of the reunification of Germany. Of course it took some initiative by the S. Korean leader, and maybe the nuclear threats by the North to wake us all up. But surely the change from decades of pussycat diplomacy to "Fire and fury" by president Tr ump also woke up Kim. That, maybe together with the tightening sanctions, increasing defections, and Trump's saying that Kim was on a suicide mission -- I think he realized that the path he was on was just that. And the Korean Olympics was also timely. But with all their subterfuges and broken promises of the past, the standard for verification of denuclearization and peaceful intent needs to be much higher before any relaxation of sanctions, signing peace accords, demobilization,...