The Left Unhinged, Immigration Mania, Trump Diplomacy, SCOTUS, Krauthammer, etc.

Here is another series of my political Facebook posts over the period May thru July 3.


1. Justice Kennedy's retirement & replacement
2. The Left in 2018: Unhinged
3. Maxine Waters calls on citizens to harass Trump administration officials in public
4. Angel Mom: Let Me Tell You What 'Real Separation' of Families Looks Like
5. The big picture: Dining out in D.C. is getting tough for Trump officials
6. The Demagoguery, Hyperbole & Hypocrisy of the Left on Immigration
7. Katie Pavlich - The Fraudulent Parent Problem on the Border
8. Charles Krauthammer, 1950-2018
9. WATCH: UK Official Shreds UN Human Rights Council Over Anti-Israel Bias
10. The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth
11. A Comparison of Reagan & Trump Diplomacy & Facebook Exchange
12.  Rubio on our Continuing American Revolution
13. Fox News star Charles Krauthammer reveals he has weeks to live
14. Adam Carolla: Don't Make Things Worse
15.Comic on Things Americans can Still Agree On
16. Opinion | Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think
17. Dinesh D'Souza got a felony conviction for illegal campaign donations; will Rosie O'Donnell get same treatment?

Looking forward to the announcement Monday of Justice Kennedy's successor!

If you think they were already unhinged, just wait until this week sets in, with several Supreme Court decisions not to their liking, and yet another Trump Supreme Court appointment now in the works with Justice Kennedy's announced retirement. You ain't seen nothing, yet. Hold the course, and "let not your heart be troubled." We're made of sterner stuff than they are. Just think of it as we're the adults dealing with a 2-year-old's tantrums.  We'll see if there are many adults left in the Democrat Party. Of course there's the temptation to stoop to their tactics, which by their own statements would be justified (Waters: "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander"). But we should reserve that for the "nuclear option" in the Senate (for our Supreme Court nominee confirmation) that the Dems first used against us (thank you, Harry Reid).

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I'm sure there's no one in all the halls of Congress more diametrically opposed to my views than the "representative" I'm stuck with -- Maxine Waters. Here she is in this clip inciting hate & harassment of those we elected and their families, similar to what we've seen with a number of administration members (& now Pam Bondi in FL) just this week. If you agree with me that she and her staff need to hear from us that she's gone over the line, here is the contact info below.
This kind of incitement will lead to violence. She incessantly calls for the impeachment of this president, but she herself is more worthy of it, more hateful and more divisive and destructive of this country. We get a much clearer sense of who these people really are, and how unable they are to have rational or civil discourse, by their despicable behavior. And just another example of their hypocrisy, after their demands that Obama be respected. We never stooped to these levels, despite I'm sure equally strong policy differences and feelings. Her nickname, "Mad Max," is rather appropriate.
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"The media doesn't report truthfully what separation of families really is," she said.

There were loud verbal assaults on administration officials Kirstjen Nielsen, Sarah Sanders & Stephen Miller in restaurants and at home just this week, and Ivanka Trump earlier on a plane. This derangement syndrome is really getting out of hand. When you characterize people as not only wrong, but evil Nazis, then you justify fighting them with whatever means possible, including violence. That's where the resist movement is heading (and Antifa is already there), if they don't wise up. These are typical Leftist tactics: personal attacks, character defamation/assassination, dehumanization, profanity, intimidation, mockery, boycotts, etc. They're not motivating me to cower, but rather to even more strongly support these brave souls who stand up to them. And maybe even wear my MAGA hat in public in support (and I don't wear hats). Of course that entails risks in L.A. I was verbally assaulted multiple times with GOP bumper stickers on my car during more than one election. So far no keying, but I hear that's not uncommon. You don't hear about the same being inflicted on Dems, which says something.
Just now watching a One America News special report on the Las Vegas shooting. I'm aware of early fake news reports, but apparently there is new evidence not reported in the mainstream media that the shooter was extremely upset by Trump's election, had Leftist leanings, and began accumulating his automatic rifle collection after the election in preparation for the shooting. And the concert attendees were commonly viewed as Trump supporters. Just another example of the confrontational/violent tendencies being generated by the incessant drumbeat of anti-Trump, anti-Trump-supporter hatred in the media and Left, just like the shooting of GOP Congressmen, raft of police shootings following the Black Lives Matter threats, and now anti-ICE rhetoric. But the Left and Democrats (the party now largely taken over by the Left) must keep up this rage to mobilize their base, because they really have inadequate rational motivations.

Sanders, Miller, and Nielsen all ran into trouble this week while out and about.

The Demagoguery, Hyperbole & Hypocrisy of the Left on Immigration:

In the latest immigration cause du jour, the Left seems desperate to find anything that even by the greatest stretches fits their narrative and hatred of Trump and conservatives. Now they fantasize that they are nobly fighting Nazis who are motivated by racism, and are putting innocents into concentration camps. This surely raises their self-esteem & feeling of moral superiority, and appeals to the raw emotions – not rationality -- of their intended audience to support their political agenda. It is political demagoguery – not genuine concern over families and oppressed immigrants, legal or not. It is a diversion from Trump’s successes/vindications in the IG report, N. Korea summit, economy, etc. And a diversion from even bigger and more pressing concerns. But the Left controls the narrative in the media.

There are various evidences of their political demagoguery vs real concern for victims. Where were their crocodile tears and outrage when the same was occurring under Obama, only there were several times more children involved? Where is the moral outrage at the separation of over a million unborn children a year in the U.S. from their mothers by abortions, many of them Black? (Wikipedia: Between 1970 and 2014, CDC reports nearly 44.5 million legal induced abortions in the U.S.). Where is the outrage over the more than 70% of Black children separated from their fathers because the welfare system promotes and facilitates single parenthood, and attendant social ills (including higher crime & incarceration rates, also separating families)? Where was the liberal outrage over that awful scene of federal agents under Clinton seizing a terrified Elian Gonzalez whose mother had brought him to America, only to have him returned to Cuba? Let’s not forget that FDR had real racial internment camps.  These people remind me of those spoken of in Matthew 23: 24  Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.”

I guess if Trump & Hitler are the same, then Hitler never starved, tortured or gassed 6 million Jews and others, but rather cared for them better than their places of origin.  Which makes these Leftists Holocaust deniers, just as the Iranian Mullahs.  They cheapen the terms “Nazi” and “rape” with their gross mis-use of the terms for emotional effect, and dishonor the real victims.  They demonize ICE agents, just as they do the police, putting targets on their backs.  And give license to nuts to shoot GOP Congressmen. Just as they use mob mentality and tactics to harass administration officials and their families.  They are fundamentally just thugs in word and deed – worse than those they accuse.  But these are the usual tactics of personal attack, dehumanization, intimidation, mockery, profanity and even violence (e.g., Antifa) of the Left – after all, they can’t appeal to rationality. 

And of course Trump is damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.  Schumer demanded that he sign an executive order keeping families together.  Even though it’s known that many adult illegals (often human/drug traffickers & criminals including rapists) pair up with un-related, unaccompanied or kidnapped/sold children (i.e., families already separated before they even got here) as a shield to get through the system – which continues to put children in danger after the dangerous trek where young girls are raped, sold into sexual or other servitude, used as drug mules, etc.  Of course a judge from the notorious 9th circuit decreed in 1997 that children can’t be detained more than 20 days.  And due to overwhelmed resources etc. it often takes more than 20 days to gather information and adjudicate a decision as to the family relationship, legitimacy of asylum claim, etc.  Of course it didn’t satisfy the Left to do as Schumer demanded – there’s always more to be done, because they really want uncontrolled immigration, or “catch and release.”  So if “families” are kept together, and they can’t be detained more than 20 days, if the cases can’t be decided in that time, which is likely, then they must be either released in the U.S. (the Left’s preferred option, with the vast majority never again showing up for any deferred court date) – or deported, which of course the Left will decry, and may be judicially unjustified without a decision. 

So Trump has requested an extension of the 20 days if needed, as well as increasing the judicial staff and expedition, and expansion of facilities, including using military bases.  Though with his experience dealing with the 9th Circuit vis-à-vis the temporary immigration ban from the Middle East, the 20 day extension is unlikely – an exercise in futility.  And so the ultimate solution lies in the legislative route – Cruz & Cornyn seem to have a reasonable proposal on the table, but the likelihood of the Dems going along with anything these days is bleak.  They’d rather continue their demagoguery and faux “concern” for political capital than come up with any real solutions. They don’t want a wall, they don’t want any border enforcement – Leftists hate any kind of nationalism (and especially American), and want open borders, just as in Europe.  And we see what that is leading to in Europe with their immigration flood, problems, and the beginnings of backlashes there.  But learning lessons from the past is not a forte of Leftism.

June 22

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The Fraudulent Parent Problem on the Border - Katie Pavlich: President Trump signed an executive order this week allowing adults .06/22/2018 15:21:21PM EST.

He lived only 2 weeks after his goodbye letter I posted June 8.
We'll miss you, Charles, but cherish your writings. My parents also loved him -- now my mother can see him.

Charles Krauthammer made people understand their own thoughts. It was Charles who collated the various strands of Ronald Reagan's foreign policy and codified them as...
June 19
Another rare, brave soul, like Ambassador Haley.

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He called the U.N.'s actions "disproportionate and damaging to the cause of peace."
June 18

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Over the weekend, the media went insane over the supposed Trump administration policy of separating illegal immigrant parents from their children.
June 12

A Comparison of Reagan & Trump Diplomacy & Facebook Exchange

I note that today is the anniversary of Reagan's "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" speech. Also derided for his "cowboy" diplomacy. But the beginning of a reunification long thought impossible. Bold changes come with bold initiatives. And as George Castanza on Seinfeld realized, if doing something isn't working, maybe doing the opposite should be tried. The opposite of the definition of insanity -- doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But of course Trump is criticized no matter what he does. Fortunately it doesn't affect him -- he's used to it by now.

Interesting that you say we see what we want to see -- presumably that might apply to you, as well.  That your perceptions are also colored by the lens and personal interest and issues with immigration, and women’s issues.  None of us is without some perspective bias.  I’m sure we agree on moral issues because of the gospel.  I also note that Trump’s DACA proposal more than doubled the number eligible from Obama’s original number.

By the way, I think you jumped to a conclusion that my post with Reagan was implying that Trump is like Reagan in many or all ways.  I was specifically focusing on the interesting coincidence of the 2 events I depicted, and the fact that both took approaches frowned on at the time by all the nay-sayers.  And sometimes that may be needed.  And I’m sure we all hope that the N. Korean negotiations will bear similar fruit – “Blessed are the peacemakers.”  Of course it is obvious that Trump is hardly the great communicator that Reagan was, and not as upstanding in speech or deed.  We miss him greatly, and wish there were another like him.  But I think it despicable and small that some cannot acknowledge or praise any good that Trump does because they are blinded by hate.  There is also the coincidence that both were in the entertainment business, and both married more than once.  But objective conservatives do acknowledge Trump’s surprisingly conservative policies and actions – some more so than other GOP predecessors since Reagan (e.g., the Bushes), or even before.  So even if you don’t like Trump as a person, as you say, and in many ways I would agree, can’t you, as with Reagan, at least acknowledge “decisions that [you] support?”  The Democrats were constantly complaining that conservatives weren’t giving Obama the respect that the office deserves, yet they violate that all the time with Trump.  Sometimes in the Church we may have personality differences with leaders, but respect their office.

You seem to presume I am uninformed and biased by only watching Fox News.  You presume incorrectly.  I watch and read, as do you, a good variety of sources.  I tend to follow the Europeans even less due to their even more extreme biases and agendas.  Whatever you think of Fox, they do objectively give more balanced coverage than the others.  One America News is also decent.  A Harvard study showed significant bias in the mainstream media – over 90% focus on negatives on Trump.  Quite the opposite on Obama.  That also correlates with the similarly high percentage of liberals in the media – and on campuses.

As to Trump’s mental health.  I think some doctors with political agendas have tried to make psychiatric diagnoses based on some of his public statements and behavior.  Which goes against their professionalism, and the reality that they cannot make a legitimate diagnosis without much more, in-person assessment.  And whatever your background, I would say the same for you.  Various totalitarian states have had “professional” specialists declare the ideologically impure mentally deranged to commit them to institutions.  Trump certainly has various idiosyncrasies, and personality traits that make many dislike him – especially many of us who as mentioned find New Yorkers, and celebrities and businessmen egocentric and abrasive.  That doesn’t make him mentally ill.  But this dislike is almost visceral, being called “Trump derangement syndrome,” and seems to extend beyond the bitterness of the “snowflakes” still shocked and bitter about Hillary’s loss.  But it is generally acknowledged that anyone aspiring to be president of the greatest country on earth has probably an inflated ego already.  Obama’s “preternatural self-confidence” was acknowledged by many, and I found it particularly disturbing and dangerous combined with his far Left, Alinsky-ite ideologies, which Hillary largely shared.

Of course, I thought Romney was a much more upstanding person of integrity and good character, and I served at my own expense (in addition to other donations) as a California delegate supporting him at the 2012 GOP national convention.  And I preferred Rubio then Cruz in the 2016 primaries.  But we got who we got, and must decide what to do now.  We could well have him for another 3 to 7 more years.  Some Republicans choose to be never-Trumpers who incessantly shout his faults from the rooftops, either intentionally or unintentionally to fight him and his agenda at every turn, just as the Democrats and mainstream media.  I don’t know if they think they can make major changes in a 72-year-old man’s behavior (not likely to happen).  Or just vent their moral outrage and proclaim their moral superiority and preferences.  Or if they think they can get rid of him by impeachment like Maxine Waters constantly chants (also not likely without “high crimes and misdemeanors” -- certainly not found by Mueller, or the political plurality needed in Congress). 

Another option is to follow the counsel on marriage – go into it with eyes wide open, and in it keep them half shut.  That is, acknowledge but not dwell on his faults, and acknowledge that we are not likely to change or impeach him, that we not let anger and resentment fester in ourselves, and make the best of the situation.  I choose this approach.  I choose to do what is best for the country – to be supportive and praising of his conservative agenda and accomplishments, which I’ve so far largely agreed with, and praise and encourage him for the good he does (like my post about North Korea), rather than dwell on the negative and obstruct a conservative agenda.  We know that God judges us by our works, and I think that is a good example for us.  And I pray for him to be guided and strengthened in doing right – probably hard to do that if I only dwelt on his negatives.  We are told to pray even for our enemies.  Isaiah (29: 21) speaks of those in the latter days who would “…make a man an offender for a word,…”, which brings to mind the many today who clamor to destroy the lives (end their careers, etc.) of those who misspeak something politically incorrect, even if not intended as interpreted, and even if the rest of their lives have been good, as if that counts nothing.

And Trump too often speaks before fully formulating his words, unlike the more politically experienced, sly and savvy (e.g., Obama), which gives many opportunities for offense. 
Trump’s upbringing was not in a religious family or environment, although he has certainly shown himself to be a friend of religious liberty and causes, and I understand has shown more personal interest in religion since his election. So I cut him some slack.  His children have turned out well, and they honor him, which should say something about his character as a family man. And he shows love and respect to his wife, which is more than can be said of Bill Clinton, LBJ, Kennedy, FDR, etc.  He shows efforts to be more presidential and dignified, and many have noted he has grown in office, though sometimes out of habit resorting to the street-fighting tactics of New York.  Occasionally even that has a place, and I believe may have helped sway Kim Jong Un to be more amenable to dealing with Trump, who Kim acknowledged as the only president who could have made this happen.  God has and does work at times (or all times) with imperfect people to make good things happen.  And as He said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.”  Surely you won’t curse him for that, too?

As to his business failures in the past, I think some failures in business are to be expected, but the question is whether lessons are learned, and whether overall there is success, which I think one would be hard-pressed to dispute he has achieved – not only in real estate, but entertainment. 

Top of Form
Why do you assume that Trump is rushing to remove the sanctions before we see results from N. Korea? You must have heard this "fake news" on some other media. In your zeal, why did you not complain about illegal immigrant children being separated from their parents under Obama, normal INS practice, with the recent photo published falsely attributing it to Trump? Again, this is the recent narrative of the Left that you are going along with, as they find any fault they can to attribute to Trump, to play it up. If Obama does anything, it's alright, but if it happens under Trump, he's terrible and must be fought with moral outrage because he's evil and racist and should have changed the standard procedure. American citizen criminals are separated from their children every day. And we don't always know for sure whether these are actually children of the adult they're with or not. If they don't want to be separated from their children, then they should come here legally. If we just accept everyone who crosses the border and claims asylum or refugee status, regardless of our generosity and moral goodness, I guess we really have no border or national identity at all, and will lose the identity that makes us great, with less and less respect for our laws and system. And then we can't control illegal human or drug trafficking, either, or terrorists. And we just encourage more uncontrolled immigration, and discourage the countries of origin from solving their internal problems. There are legitimate channels for immigration. Why is Mexico never criticized for having stricter immigration controls and border enforcement than we do? It's because Democrats want to use the issue as a political weapon to pander to the immigrant vote. And too many are duped by them.
Cesar Chavez was as strong as anyone against illegal immigration.

June 8
 Rubio on our Continuing American Revolution
I heard today at the end of the Medved show the excerpt below of Sen. Rubio's speech yesterday. It speaks to why we honor the American Revolution and its symbols, and continue the fight for what it stood for. It reminded me why he was my first choice (among a very qualified field) during the 2016 primary. Also below is the link to the full speech.
"And finally, the fourth pillar is the belief that doing all this is worth it, because America is a special country. Beli...
I was saddened today to hear of this great man's diagnosis. I've always admired his thinking, and courage to press on despite having been paralyzed by an accident while in medical school. His book, "Things that Matter," is a great collection of many of his columns on a variety of topics, though I've especially appreciated his political commentaries. Here's a link to his farewell letter, and a link to the book I mentioned.

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Charles Krauthammer, the beloved and brilliant Fox News Channel personality who gave up a pioneering career in psychiatry to become a Pulitzer Prize-winning political…
June 7

Some sage & funny 5 minute advice for grads (& all of us) from comedian Adam Carolla, in Prager U's annual commencement address.

Adam Carolla, comedian, social critic and host of the wildly popular Adam Carolla podcast, delivers the 2018 commencement…

May 27 · 
Well, thankfully we can still agree on most of these -- especially chocolate. Beer not so much. And there may still be some disco holdouts.

May 27, 2018

How often do we hear the Left/Liberals say that we need more dialogue on this or that? But dialogue is 2-way, and more often than not they don't think so, and their words and deeds actually inhibit dialogue, and drive deeper wedges. And may be shooting themselves (& the nation) in the foot, as this NYT article (& short YouTube video) explain. And for all their criticism of the religious being self-righteous, what about self-righteous Leftists/Liberals?

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Self-righteousness is rarely attractive, and even more rarely rewarded.

May 7

I seriously doubt Rosie will get the same treatment -- the system is so heavily skewed in favor of non-conservatives. Sadly, justice is no longer blind -- just as journalism is no longer objective. As has been obvious with the other high-profile cases lately with felony leakers (FBI), liars (FBI), security breaches (Clinton), abuse of power (IRS), etc. But they will relentlessly hound for many months someone with no real evidence of wrongdoing -- just on the hope that eventually they'll find something, even if unrelated to some imagined crime (even if there were collusion, it's not a crime). And find any misstep by anyone who dares associate with them, and ruin their lives. No political vendettas, though, right? Wrong. At least one brave judge dared call out Mueller's investigative motives and legitimacy. But that's by far the exception.  [PS, some month or more after posting this, Dinesh received a presidential pardon, along with a number of other worthy recipients]



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