Just a Blue Ripple -- Barely

Well, the much-touted “blue wave” in the House turned out to be less than a typical/average midterm gain (average is 37 seats since WWII) by the party out of the White House, and much smaller than the GOP gains in Obama’s first midterm – a true red wave. On the other hand, the GOP gains in the Senate were historic – the average is a loss of 4 seats, but that’s how many it appears the GOP gained to reach a majority size just one shy of their 90-year record. And it appears that Democrats lost in the Senate in part as a price for their opposition to Kavanaugh (McCaskill, Heitkamp, Donnelly,…), whereas Mansion barely kept his seat by coming over. The Dems’ predictable House gains will be squandered if they fruitlessly go after Trump with investigations and impeachment for political vengeance, rather than do some real legislative heavy lifting to benefit everyday Americans still waiting for legislative gridlock to melt. While the House Dems may be off tilting at Le...