Just a Blue Ripple -- Barely

Well, the much-touted “blue wave” in the House turned out to be less than a typical/average midterm gain (average is 37 seats since WWII) by the party out of the White House, and much smaller than the GOP gains in Obama’s first midterm – a true red wave.  On the other hand, the GOP gains in the Senate were historic – the average is a loss of 4 seats, but that’s how many it appears the GOP gained to reach a majority size just one shy of their 90-year record.  And it appears that Democrats lost in the Senate in part as a price for their opposition to Kavanaugh (McCaskill, Heitkamp, Donnelly,…), whereas Mansion barely kept his seat by coming over.

The Dems’ predictable House gains will be squandered if they fruitlessly go after Trump with investigations and impeachment for political vengeance, rather than do some real legislative heavy lifting to benefit everyday Americans still waiting for legislative gridlock to melt.  While the House Dems may be off tilting at Leftist windmills, the Senate GOP will have an easier job of confirming more justices, etc., solidifying a conservative/constitutional judicial branch for a generation.  And before the Dems take the low road, they should realize that the Senate also has investigative powers, and that there are known crimes committed in Leakergate & Spygate, as well as unsettled Clinton matters.  Russiagate appears to have fizzled, with no collusion found.

Dems have no cause for gloating over their unspectacular “wave” for other reasons.  A good number of their House wins were due to an unusually large number of incumbent Republicans stepping down – losing the incumbent advantage.  Also, as Project Veritas showed in a number of instances, Democrats in swing state or red state races consciously misrepresented themselves to be more palatable to conservatives – lied to get elected.  Additionally, for the last 2 years there has been a constant drumbeat of 90%+ negative mainstream media coverage of Trump & the GOP – some estimate that with an even-handed coverage, the GOP’s numbers would rise 7+ percent.   The Dems greatly outspent the GOP for their mediocre results, showing that you can't buy seats, even with big money (which they by projection accuse the GOP of). And as the WSJ recently showed, social media has been censoring conservative political ads during the campaign.  It’s almost as if they were trying to create a giant safe space to expand the smaller ones for snowflakes on campuses who “can’t handle the truth.”  The Left is overly sensitive and intolerant of differing opinions, despite supposedly being the tolerant ones.  They are utterly uninformed and/or reckless with language and historical analogies – e.g., their intolerable use of “fascist,” “Nazi,” and “White Nationalism.”  And they are the master bullies for political correctness, despite their supposed opposition to bullying among children.  They are willing to deprive people of their good names, reputations and livelihoods for a slip of the tongue – if they are conservatives, not liberals/Leftists.

After all the vitriol and division of the last 2 years, there is broad, bipartisan desire for less division and more civility.  Dems need to see that, as evidenced in the Senate Kavanaugh effect, etc.  Pelosi has at least initially acknowledged this, saying “we will strive for bipartisanship….we’ve had enough of division….we need unity for the country.”  We’ll see.  One benefit to the GOP is that their House majority may vent some of the steam out of the Resist movement, and with that responsibility to deliver results, see them more willing to negotiate rather than resist and bloviate.  And Trump’s background is as a deal-maker.  We’ll see.  If it’s just more Kavanaugh circus, there will be a significant backlash in 2020.

(7 Nov 2018) White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says a Democratic wave may look more like a "ripple." She says there is still a "long…


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