Immigration Crises in the U.S. & Abroad & Christian vs. Muslim Persecution

Christian vs Muslim Persecution
But of course Muslims get all the media coverage to further create animosity against Christians. Even Pete Buttigieg is trying to fan the flames for political capital, making himself out to be a victim (what the Left does best), attacking our VP & his views, despite Pence having had a great working relationship with him in Indiana.
There's an occasional truly lone wolf nut job "Christian," (or White Nationalist), but the Christian massacres by ISIS in Syria and elsewhere, including Sri Lanka, Africa, etc., are large-scale, organized, coordinated, even genocidal movements. Hundreds of churches in Europe have been desecrated, let alone elsewhere, with little or no media attention.



U.S. Immigration Crisis & Radical Muslim Attacks

I've noticed there don't seem to be many sanctuary cities near the borders, where most of the illegals are being dumped. And these non-sanctuary cities where they are being dumped are overwhelmed. Yet one more argument to share the wealth with the sanctuary cities that comfortably sit far from the border (Chicago, New York, San Francisco,...), and don't feel the impact, so can naively talk up a storm about open borders, and no ICE, without feeling the consequences. Let them live up to their welcoming words. Maybe it will open their minds, and change their attitudes. Or are they as willing to let others feel the consequences as they are to spend other peoples' money? Charity is good (or makes them feel good) as long as it doesn't inconvenience them? I've heard too many horrible first-hand accounts from those living along the border, to say nothing of the murders and rapes further inland by illegals. Why should we expect them to respect our laws when they're here, if they don't respect them upon entering?  Including the roughly 95% of illegals who never show up for their court date.

We don't yet know for sure the cause of the Notre Dame fire -- a Western & Christian treasure. It could have been an accident. But it started just a few minutes after public closing, which is odd. And I heard the former mayor of Paris on the radio making the observation that for the last couple years there have been roughly weekly desecrations of Christian churches in France. They aren't publicized because they don't want to give more people ideas. It is an increasingly secular society, but even the secular in France respect cultural icons (and tourist meccas) like Notre Dame. Which makes one wonder whether radicals among  the Muslim population they've welcomed isn't ridding their new home of Christian relics, just as the Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaida & Muslim Brotherhood have done elsewhere. Elsewhere in Europe they also seem hesitant to publicize Muslim attrocities, but they do leak out. Of course some years ago there were major riots & car burnings by the Muslim populace of Paris. And terrorist attacks throughout Europe, by immigrants. They are beginning to wake up, but it may be too late. There are dangers to unvetted, unassimilated immigration.

Border Patrol agents dropped off asylum-seeking migrants in New Mexico’s second most populous city for the second day in a row Saturday, prompting Las Cruces city officials to appeal for donations of food and personal hygiene items and a state medical program to seek volunteers to provide health a...

Trump’s idea of sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary states and cities is genius, putting them where they're most welcome.  But Dems are up in arms, and calling it “hateful,” and “using them as political pawns.”  Dems certainly are experts on political pawns, which is how they use minorities all the time.  But why hateful?  I thought the sanctuary places were all about welcoming immigrants, and showing how magnanimous and unbigoted they are, and sticking it to Trump?  This isn’t NIMBY (not in my back yard), is it?  That’s what they accuse others of all the time.

And certainly there wouldn’t be anything to be concerned about, would there?  After all, there aren’t any criminals, gangsters, rapists or murderers among them, right?  Pretty much just women and children, right? And there's certainly nothing else to worry about, like economic impact, straining community resources, diseases, etc., right? Why, it almost sounds that if they don’t want them, they must be racists.  Like the city of Tijuana, who must also be racist, when they claimed they couldn’t accommodate the Central American caravans.  But as usual, Dems are all talk and no action – just like all the hype over the Green New Deal, but not a single Dem voted for it on the floor.  And they're very generous with other people's money, but are the most miserly in personal charitable giving.

A REAL Crisis at the Border
Dems & the Left, still not willing to acknowledge a now truly untractable crisis at the border, are savaging Kirstjen Nielsen & wanting to hound her and destroy her life even after her resignation, despite doing a difficult job conscientiously. This is typical – since they can’t seem to get the president out, or get to him, they continue to try to destroy all around him (e.g., the Mueller investigation, attacks on his family, administration officials in restaurants, etc. – as Maxine Waters encouraged). These are the tactics of the North Korean dictator, Saddam Hussein & the Ayatollahs – going after family of defectors, etc.  Just like they dehumanize and demonize the courageous ICE and border patrol agents, and our police who keep us safe. And anyone wearing a MAGA hat. Just like terrorists, they're great at tearing down, and incapable of bettering lives.

They want to blame her for children in cages – well blame Obama, as well, and yourselves for your legislative intransigence and indifference to dealing with the overwhelming numbers that have left few options. When you have to keep many people in an area/room temporarily, you want to be able to see what’s going on inside to avoid innocents being victimized. I think she’s done a very conscientious and humanitarian job given the situation. And shown grace in her departure, thanking the president for the opportunity to serve, and staying to make sure the transition is smooth.

Jeffrey Toobin, CNN chief legal analyst, said “But Kirstjen Nielsen, I think, is a great example of what happens when you go to work for Donald Trump. He is the great reputation killer. I mean, here's this woman who, you know, was a reasonably admired bureaucrat. And for the rest of her life … people will look at her and think, "Oh, that's the woman who put children in cages. That's the woman who broke up families across the border." … “And you know what? They'll be right. … And, you know, she's going to get what she deserves.” But there are far worse & blatant wishes and threats against her on Twitter.
The reason people may think that is because of fake news like yours and CNN’s, Toobin.
Prager pointed out that we have 44M 1st generation immigrants – 20% of the world’s total. But we’re only 1 of about 200 countries, with less than 5% of the world population. So we’re already very fair and open and welcoming, with the most diverse population of any on earth. But Mexico & Central America are disproportionately represented – which is unfair to the many others who apply to come here legally.

As Larry Elder pointed out, even Obama’s Homeland Security secretary now is saying this is now both a security and humanitarian crisis. In March some 100,000 illegals were apprehended at the border – and who knows how many others were not apprehended. Which is on track for over a million in a year – setting new records, and even more than the much-touted few caravans of several months ago. Those were a few thousand each, and the current rate is over 3,000 per day! The resources for holding, processing, apprehending are strained to the breaking point, as Secretary Nielsen is pointing out. We need not only a wall, as experts agree, but immigration laws reform, etc.

Even Cuomo on CNN at the border spoke with a man who’d brought his child with specifically because he heard it would more likely assure he’d be admitted, though he was just seeking work, not asylum. But he was also told to claim asylum – they know how to game the system. And many human traffickers are sending unrelated children to get adults in, then the children come back to Mexico to be re-used for other adults – it’s a racket and a sham taking advantage of our woeful system. And they are coming in these huge numbers knowing that the “crisis” of a few months ago seemed to have been discounted in the media, and maybe trying to come in before Trump’s emergency declaration measures are enacted.

I saw a Fox News reporter on the border with the patrol apprehending some Chinese illegally entering. So we have national security/espionage concerns (coincident with the Mar a Lago incident), terrorism concerns, concerns over the many diseases they’re bringing & re-introducing into our country after the great efforts and expenses to eradicate them earlier, economic impacts impacting our job market & draining our welfare resources, undermining our culture and national unity, etc., etc.


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