The End of the Mueller Investigation, Deep State & Russian "Insurance Policies," Tale of 2 Countries, Democrat Conversions & Candidates


Democrat Candidates vs Trump

Joe Biden announced as candidate this week (#22?), and said that 8 years of Trump would fundamentally alter America – for the worst.  No, that’s more like what Obama promised & did – to “fundamentally transform” America (yes, doubled our debt, worsened race relations, national security, etc.).  Here they go with projection, once again.  Krugman predicted an economic collapse under Trump, Obama asked how Trump was going to achieve his economic promises – “wave a magic wand?”  And Pelosi and AOC have practically predicted the end of the world.  Why should we ever put any stock whatsoever in their consistently poor, hysterical and politically self-serving predictions, including Trump’s “Russian collusion?”  Now they’re going to keep digging and see if they can come up with more substantial obstruction or business charges.  Reminds me of the scripture prophesying of those in the “last days,”… “ Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Tim 3:1,7)

And people question whether Trump isn’t too old?  His work schedule and ethic is much more than Obama’s ever was, and he exhibits a lot more energy than Biden or Sanders.  And what about all the “old white guys” (Sanders, Biden) who are the leading contenders in the Democrat primary so far?  I thought they aren’t to be given any credence.  And if the men (Beto, “Spartacus”) promising to select a woman running mate were really on the side of women, they’d step aside for the women already in the race, and others that might otherwise enter.  What a tangled web they weave, when they enter the world of identity politics.

The Russian “Insurance Policy.” 

I just heard Kimberly Strassel (WSJ) posit a theory that had occurred to me earlier – that the (bogus) Russian Dossier on Trump (that yielded the FISA warrant to wiretap his campaign, resulting in the Mueller probe) was an intentional disinformation plant by Russia to interfere with our political system.  I’d call it Russia’s “insurance policy” (to quote FBI agent Strzok’s text referring to his & Lisa Page’s scheme in case Trump won, graphic below), in case Trump won -- counter to the polling.  And Strzok was head of FBI counterintelligence – likely to think like his Russian counterparts.  In fact, the Russians also had a policy in place to weaken the highly favored (in the polls) candidate Hillary – with the email hacks & leaks into her campaign.  The Russians would weaken our president no matter who won – they hedged their bets. 

And the Democrats, deep state & mainstream media have played right into their hands, acting as “useful idiots” to unnecessarily weaken Trump for his first 2 years in office by the innuendos hanging over his head from the Mueller probe that proved no collusion.  The Russians are laughing, and will continue to due to the Democrats’ continuing non-stop resistance to Trump.  They are, in effect, colluding with the Russians as effectively as they accused the president of.  Projection as usual.  And see the story below about how Obama interfered in the 2016 election more than Putin.



AG Barr: “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”  That (the term “spying”) sent Dems into a tizzy – they need trigger warnings, the poor snowflakes.  Language is everything to them, and facts are nothing.  Don’t they agree it was spying and a big deal when Nixon’s “plumbers” did it?  Certainly seemed impeachable then.  “Spygate is the perfect term, with similar connotations as Watergate.  And Isn’t Assange’s hacking into Podesta’s emails spying, which is why they want his head?  No, now that the whole Mueller investigation -- on which they & the media had pinned so many hopes -- came up empty on collusion, they can't countenance that the tables might turn on them. Being on defense for a change doesn't suit them well.


Amazing Democrat Conversion Stories!!!  Hallelujah!

Democrats are now for extraditing Assange to the U.S. to prosecute – strange, they didn’t seem concerned about him after previous US national security leaks thru Assange, like Chelsea Manning’s (whose sentence Obama commuted, despite it being the most voluminous and damaging in our history), or Edward Snowden, who seemed almost a folk hero on the Left – idolized as a great whistle-blower.  Could it be because Assange more recently leaked Podesta’s emails that were damaging to Clinton’s campaign?  I say send Assange to Sweden for the sex crimes he’s up against there.

Once again their ever-shifting values center around their political power rather than US national interests – just like their border policies (after we have clips of Obama & others not long ago decrying illegal immigration).  And how Dems lauded the journalistic coup of the leaked Pentagon Papers, and continue to today in movies.  And they thrived on DOJ leaks about Trump team investigations.  Hillary certainly did her share of classified leaks with her emails. Dems seemed to live by leaks.  Gee, I guess when you live by the sword, you die by the sword after all.

This is just like their sudden conversion on Russia being the enemy, after their love affair with Russia throughout the Cold War, the Russia reset & as recently as Obama ridiculing Romney for trying to bring back the Cold War.  Oh, yes, now they think Russia lost the election for Hillary (never mind that the Russia dossier nearly did Trump in, and wreaked havoc for 2 years on all around him).  Political expedience.  Likewise, after over a century of secession, segregation, KKK, etc., when they thought it could win them an election (& many more), they are suddenly the great champions of Blacks.  Only they never seem to get any results – just keep them antagonized against Republicans.  Yet the lowest historical unemployment among Blacks (& other minorities) is now under Trump.  I loved Democrat chairman Nadler’s dumbfounded response to Candace Owens’ testimony before the Judiciary Committee the other day.  

A Tale of Two Countries

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”  There are apparently two completely distinct and diametrically opposed “truths” about this administration, and two separate justice systems in the U.S.

2 views of the Trump administration:

1.       Trump’s great accomplishments with the economy (record unemployment, tax cuts, GDP & wage growth, stock market, etc.), national security (strengthening the military, bringing N. Korea into greater compliance, confronting China & Russia, strengthening NATO, the border national emergency, etc.), Supreme Court & lower court justices, etc.
2.       The broad, non-stop media & political attacks, with no attention given to any accomplishments.  Including weaponized agencies of the Obama administration to illegally spy on Trump & hounding him, his associates and family for 2 years. 

2 justice systems:

1.       Investigating Trump’s administration & associates based on a fraudulent FISA warrant because of the false and politically motivated Trump dossier obtained by the Clinton campaign.  And convicting several for relatively minor process crimes (misstatements under oath, or in Flynn’s case tricking him to make statements without due process).  And ruining their lives.  The image of the French revolution mob & guillotine on the cover of Dickens' classic seems appropos.

2.       These were lesser offenses than Hillary’s, Smollet’s, etc. who got off with a reprimand.  Apparently if you’re a clearly Democrat-biased head of an IRS org., heading an FBI investigation, or Democrat Secretary of State, or a politically-connected minority (black, gay) celebrity, and illegally go after conservatives or mishandle classified information, or take Russian payments while in office, or falsely accuse MAGA supporters, well, no one is prosecuted. 

The End of the Mueller Investigation

Steve Cortez (CNN), as guest on the Prager show, marveled that the media & Dems are not glad Trump, our president, wasn’t found to be in the pocket with the Russians (no collusion).  He also mentioned Mueller’s cheap parting shot that “no conclusive evidence of obstruction of justice” was found – it’s not in a prosecutor’s role to make that determination.  Also, as I note, how can you obstruct justice if there is no underlying crime (no collusion with the Russians, although even that is not technically a crime).

The Trump-haters of course are never satisfied unless they get something confirming their belief and hope for impeachment – they’ll promote any conspiracy theory or story.  So of course they’ll now question the validity of the report, though they formerly thought Mueller was a hero, and they’ll move on to the next conspiracy or minutia they’ll find fault with Trump on.  As has been said, being on the Left means you never need to say you’re sorry – as Cuomo literally told Giuliani on CNN.  Truth is not a value on the Left – the ends justifies the means, and they’ll use any sensational thing to undermine Trump, as they have done non-stop since his election.  As Prager points out, there’s no soul-searching on the Left, because there’s no soul to search.  Leftism makes people mean – for example children not talking to their parents because they voted for Trump. 

The Dems won’t take “no” for an answer – now Mueller (whose integrity they’d touted) now is either in cahoots w. Trump, was inept, or Barr is misrepresenting findings in his summary.  But Mueller quickly contradicted an earlier false report, so if Barr was incorrect, surely he would just as quickly correct it.  They demand the fully unredacted report to see if there is more than Mueller and/or Barr acknowledge, but are ignoring the law they themselves earlier enacted on redactions in a special prosecutor’s report (Clinton’s), especially when grand jury or classified material is involved. 

Now after their 2-year intentional distraction, maybe we can focus on the real Russian collusion of the Clinton campaign (the Russian dossier) and Obama administration’s weaponizing of the DOJ/FBI/IRS against their opponents.  And their not applying equal justice to Clinton’s other Russian and other emoluments because of their office (read “Clinton Cash”), and getting off easy for careless handling of classified data.  The purpose of investigating these things is not just revenge, but to assure this doesn’t happen again to any president.  Trump criticized (but didn’t stop or obstruct) the investigation not only because he knew (as has been proven by Mueller, whose biased team had every motivation to find any evidence if it existed) it was barking up the wrong tree, but also wasteful of resources and energy on both sides, when we have bigger problems to deal with that are being neglected. 

Now another of their heroes (anyone who outspokenly fights Trump), creepy porn lawyer Avenatti, is up for massive fraud and extortion against Nike.  


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