A D-Day Tribute to Veterans in My Family

On this 75th anniversary of D-Day, I thought I'd honor the memory of those in my family who served in that war and since. 3 in WWII (photos from Family Search): my uncle Keith Clayson who operated the radar on the USS Enterprise; my uncle Vid Clayson in the Rainbow Division who liberated Dachau; and my uncle Don Harwood who was in the Army Air Force in India doing weather related work for the planes "flying the hump" to China. My father Reed Clayson was in the Army artil lery (Fort Bliss, Texas) in the early '50's. My uncle Reed Hartvigsen also in the Army I think at Fort Irwin near Barstow about the same time. 2 Air Force cadets: brother-in-law Jay Winzenried who was a pilot then doctor in a MASH unit in the Kosovo war; and nephew Johann Johnson entering his 4th year at the Air Force Academy. His brother Anders is in ROTC, and my grand-niece Annelise wants to go to the Air Fo...