Alinsky-ite Tactics, Double Standards, Mueller/Comey, More Trump Derangement Syndrome & True Border Crisis
More double standard,
pot calling the kettle black, a “special exonerator,” and “cultural imperialism.”
Dems, Brennan, Clapper
etc. think it an outrage that Trump may legally declassify some of their work
related to Spygate, but they’re all for illegally declassifying redacted
portions of the Mueller report. If they
want openness, let’s have bipartisan openness.
Media commentators
etc. are criticizing Trump for supposedly being soft on or championing despots,
or siding with them on Biden’s IQ. As
Levin points out, his actions have been much stronger against Cuba, Russia,
China, Iran, N. Korea & Venezuela than Obama, who of course got no
criticism from them, but only praise.
Obama put a U.S. embassy in Havana & opened trade/travel, whispered
to Medvedev “tell Vlad I’ll have more flexibility after the election” & did
little or nothing after Russia invaded Ukraine, he did little to nothing about
China’s trade thefts & S. China Sea islands invasion, flew $150B in cash in
the middle of the night to Iran & agreed to a terrible nuclear deal with
them, did nothing in response to N. Korea nuclear & missile tests, and
nothing about Venezuela’s Maduro stealing of an election and oppressions.
Trump, on the other
hand, revoked the Iran nuclear deal & ratcheted up sanctions, strengthened
NATO against Russia & sent arms to Ukraine, has stood up to China’s
practices with tariffs and warnings, got tougher with Cuba (& moved the
embassy in Israel to Jerusalem), has been much tougher w. N. Korea (w. no
nuclear or long range missile tests), vocally supports the legitimately elected
Venezuelan president & threatens more actions, sending carriers and bombers
to the Middle East in response to Iran provocations, etc. He was criticized for being too harsh w. Kim
Jong Un (e.g., “Rocket Man,”), and now is criticized for being too
soft/cozy. These critics apparently have
never heard of the carrot and stick, or good cop/bad cop approach, speaking
softly but carrying a big stick, or nuances of negotiations – also relevant to
tariffs. No, they can’t see past their
next story or appearance on CNN, MSNBC, etc., nor do they see their
Mueller is in the
same mold as his old buddy Comey, with his little press conference. He seemed to think his job title was “special
exonerator,” not “special prosecutor.”
And he couldn’t even do that job, in his own words not being able to
exonerate (or find prosecutable offense) the president from wrongdoing. He says he didn’t want to go beyond the
written report, but he did, in giving his Democrat audience some red meat hope
and encouragement to find something impeachable, though he himself could
not. And he was misleading or even lying
saying that he couldn’t indict because of OLC precedent – Barr had specifically
asked him if that was his reason for not making a recommendation, and he said
no. No wonder he doesn’t want to testify
before Congress, for fear of cross-examination by Republicans. If we want equal justice under the law, he
shouldn’t be above a process crime that he got several Trump associates for.
Interesting to see
more conservative, nationalist (or anti-globalist) election victories around
the world recently. Including the UK
6-week-old Brexit party and several others.
The condescending, self-righteous elites are branding them as “know-nothings”
and fascists, fearing resurgence of WWII precursors, as Germany’s Merkel said
explicitly. No, they know all too well
from the failed policies of the globalists – it’s the globalists who are in
denial, and blind. And on the wrong side
of history.
I liked the WSJ’s use
of a term – “cultural imperialism” – to describe the Left’s aggressiveness for
its various pet causes like abortion, identity politics (including sexual),
socialism, climate policy, etc. This
includes corporate – like Gillette’s transgender ad, Disney Co.’s stance on
abortion states, Burger King, etc. It’s
OK for them to make open advocacy associated with their brands, but if owners
of Chick Fillet or such have views that are only privately expressed, well,
they must be boycotted and destroyed. And they are every bit as imperialistic
as they accuse the U.S. of being. Again,
projection – the U.S. has not appropriated (or continued to attempt to) foreign
resources or land or control from conquest, unlike Russia, China, Iran, etc.
who are in the business of it, and exporting terrorism and revolution and
influence. But they’ve been very
successful in brainwashing the college-educated (& even earlier) &
immigrants like Ilhan Omar how terribly imperialist the U.S. has been, ignoring
the facts.
The Left’s Alinskyite tactics have long been Orwellian
disinformation and projection. And the art of the “shake-down” – making
corporations (& Hollywood & university & media elite) feel guilty
for being the 1% and greedy profiteers – causing them to relieve pressure &
salve their consciences by throwing their public support for the Left’s causes,
clamoring to outdo each other to show that support. Classic Alinsky “Rules for
Radicals” tactics that he learned from the mafia. Pathetic “useful idiots.” As
Prager points out, corporations are truly amoral – if not immoral. They’re not
largely conservative, as the Left would have you believe.
After coming up short
in the Mueller investigation, the media/Dems/Left are truly pathetic and
desperate in how far they’ll go to find something – anything – to harp on Trump
about. Like dredging up decades-old news
that Trump’s businesses at one point had $1 billion in losses. Trump long ago publicly acknowledged this,
when he touted his strong comeback.
Which is especially relevant to our national comeback today. When you have large amounts of capital, you
can have proportionately large ups and downs.
Capitalism, and especially real estate/construction, entails risks and
downsides, along with the upsides. Of
course socialists don’t like that – they want no losses, and guaranteed
gains. But that guarantees only low
gains or disasters like Venezuela, Cuba, USSR, etc. They only produce dramatically deeper debt
themselves, as Obama’s doubling of the national debt to $10 trillion – dwarfing
$1 billion. They considered that an
investment – higher risk than Trump’s. They
are much better at spending the wealth generated by capitalism than generating
Other minutia they
want to blow up into a “constitutional crisis” includes Barr not going back for
further interrogation or releasing (illegally) the full unredacted Mueller
report (though it’s available to them in a classified facility). They manufacture these little “crises” for
political purposes, and to distract from or torpedo Barr’s investigation of the
legitimacy of Spygate. Anything that
threatens their power, or ability to resist Trump, is in their minds a
constitutional crisis. But when Attorney
General Holder was found in contempt of Congress for lying & withholding requested
documents, their outrage was nowhere to be found, and nothing ever came of
it. Double standards are the only
standards they are able to live up to.
They can’t take no for an answer, and so going into the 2020 election
pursue relentless subpoenas and investigations to try to keep their base
animated, and hoping that a never-ending fishing expedition will turn something
prosecutable up – just like the Mueller witch hunt. And anyone in their base who swallows their
fake news and artificial outrage is just plain gullible and blinded by hate.
Now they criticize
Trump of taking us to war with Iran. They
want to draw analogies with the Iraq War (still falsely claiming Bush lied
about intelligence there). Trump has
consistently spoken of keeping us out of foreign engagements, and withdrawn forces
– some think even prematurely. Critics don’t
have access to the intelligence the administration has, and just assume there
is none. Though those in the know say it
is substantial and specific and actionable.
And there is further public evidence with the attacks this past week on 4
Saudi, UAE & Norwegian oil tankers, and Saudi oil pipelines, some likely by
Iranian proxies, which Iran typically uses for deniability.
No, they want to
continue illegal side talks with Iran using John Kerry (who should be prosecuted
for it), and revive the disastrous Obama Iran deal. For them, it’s “peace at any price,” taking
no lessons from history on the efficaciousness of that approach. No, terrorists, and terrorist states, only
understand strength, and the only way of achieving peace with them, if at all
possible, is by “peace through strength.”
And it’s the only thing that’s brought N. Korea to the bargaining
table. And the approach that brought
down the Soviet Union. And the approach
that has finally got the Chinese squirming – even Chuck Schumer admits Trump’s
instincts are right on finally getting tough with them. And now that the Empire (China) has struck
back, we’ll have to keep the rebel alliance together.
And whenever illegal
immigrants are caught and released into interior states and cities, they scream
bloody murder that they can’t accommodate them.
No, they unfairly expect the already over-saturated border areas to
continue to absorb them. They act as if
it’s a crisis if it directly impacts them, but simply will not acknowledge it’s
a crisis for anyone else in the country already impacted, or the migrants
themselves. Or be willing to do anything
at all to stem the tide. They can’t
admit they’re wrong, after having proclaimed so vehemently that the border
crisis is merely a fictional fabrication or manufacture by Trump. This cognitive dissonance is just remarkable. There’ve already been 500,000 illegals who
have entered (that we know about – and likely more) in the 4 ½ months of 2019,
meaning over 1 million per year. Where are
they expected to go? There aren’t
facilities enough at the borders to keep them, and they can’t be legally
detained for more than 20 days per existing laws (3 days for children), which
is insufficient time to adjudicate them at that rate and with the existing
backlog. If the Dems won’t help come up
with a solution to stem the tide, then they’ll have to accommodate the overwhelmed
communities. Otherwise they’re living in
a progressive fantasyland. They
just don't like living with the consequences of their bad choices -- a
typically juvenile mindset.
Charlie Kirk, founder and executive director of Turning Point
USA, joins Candace for a conversation on the culture war taking place on
college campuses, American exceptionalism, the importance of biblical values,
and much more.
About this website
The Dems & media
giddily report and gloat over any who they’ve successfully intimidated to
withdraw their names from nomination for positions. Like 2 recent Federal Reserve board nominees,
Stephen Moore & Herman Cain. Or
their harassment of Kirsten Nielsen out of office. That is their strategy of resistanc -- if
they can’t get at Trump directly, they’re going after everyone around him – his
family, his cabinet, or other positions (e.g., Supreme Court nominees), no matter
how qualified and upstanding. They
attacked and hounded via the Mueller investigation, at restaurants (following
the marching orders of Maxine Waters, et al), courts, media,… They care
less about having capable people in office to run our government than
undercutting Trump -- they hate Trump more than they love this country.
They’re basically character assassins
or terrorists, following the Leftist Alinsky/Leninist bible, “Rules for
Radicals.” They are often faceless
cowards like masked Antifa making threats and digging up any dirt they can
find, that people with morals would be embarrassed about, even if untrue. They take advantage of the higher morals of
the GOP, though they don’t apply the same standards to themselves, and are
certainly not on the moral higher ground themselves, or worthy of passing
judgment. No, their purpose is
political, and the ends justifies the means to them. They can’t seem to win the contest in the
arena of ideas and debate, so choose to fight dirty and make personal attacks,
as if they themselves were above reproach.
They find the slightest flaw and magnify it out of all proportion, but
gloss over the massive evils in the world perpetrated by the Left, tyrants,
socialist & Communist states, radical/terrorist groups, etc. As Christ said, “Ye blind guides,
which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” (Matth. 23:24)
Dennis Prager rightly
described, in his Rational Bible volume on Exodus, how the stealing of one’s
good name and reputation is not only a theft in the 10 commandments, but also
effectively a murder – ruining their life, and often livelihood. And they claim the moral high ground? They bear false witness all the time when
they accuse many of their political opponents of racism, etc., when they twist
and misinterpret their words, despite their original meaning being so obviously
unlike their slander. Truth is not a
Leftist value.
As I’ve said before,
well do they fulfill the prophecies that:
“… in the last days perilous times
shall come. …For
men shall be … false accusers, …fierce, despisers of those that are good,…” (2
Tim. 3:1-3)
“And in that day …
the scorner is consumed …That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a
snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing
of nought.” (Isaiah 29:18-21) Reminds me
of Media Matters.
They also wield
“weapons of mass distraction” in the media to divert the electorate’s attention
from the much good that Trump and many of those working for him or nominated
have done and are doing. The media have
become by and large the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, just as the KKK
was, and Antifa is, the militant arm.
The media suppresses the full story and hearing
of both sides just as Antifa. They are not really for a free and open press,
though they frequently scream about the 1st amendment when they themselves are
criticized. And their biased coverage is a journalistic farce. Fortunately, at
least until the 2016 election, the electorate is not blinded by them -- they
are not as stupid as the elites take them. And hopefully Trumps actions will
speak louder than their misleading words.
For any FaceBook monitors,
I am denouncing and not promoting this hate speech. Let's see if you do, too. This
is the next generation of terrorists who will murder us and our allies.
Shocking footage of children in a Philadelphia Islamic center
has emerged that shows them saying that they would "chop off...heads"
for Allah.
So, the Dems calling
on Barr to resign over nothing sounds like they're obstructing justice, now
that Barr is beginning to investigate the genesis of Spygate, the Russian
Dossier-based FISA warrant, unequal justice for Hillary, etc. So they should all resign. Here are links to two good articles
about the whole "nothingburger," including one by an honest/objective
They have given up on collusion or any real crime, and now,
just as Mueller did to prosecute several, they've turned to process crimes
-- trying to catch people in some inconsistency in their testimony, which if
you grill people long enough you can often come up with. And in the case of
Trump, there was no underlying crime to obstruct (no collusion), he never
stopped the Mueller investigation, but only complained bitterly publicly about
the witch hunt, knowing he was innocent, and that Mueller & his cronies
were Democrat mercenaries, and to counter the overwhelmingly biased mainstream
"Lack of Judgment and Seriousness."
Large on empty promises and national television appearances, and
short on substantive policy.
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