Well, Maybe There IS Systemic Racism, After All (but not where they say it is)

I need to correct myself – I think there IS systemic racism. It’s just not wherever BLM and the Dems think it is. And other than rare apparent (often unproven, e.g., Ferguson) police cases (the usual scapegoats), they have great difficulty specifying exactly where it is, other than the nebulous “systemic.” Not that they haven’t looked long and hard – e.g., A.G. Holder’s investigation in Ferguson. The implication, of course, since they obviously think (or at least say) THEY have nothing to do with it, is that it’s in some ill-defined, White-supremacist-controlled organizations that are just everywhere, and in full control of “the system.” Can you say, “conspiracy theory?” Or that it’s the GOP. Can you say “projection?”
No, I can be very specific in telling you just where this systemic racism is. Of course it’s only slightly more subtle than the usual suspects -- White supremacists/Neo-Nazis, so you have to think about it a little to see it, because they try to hide it, or are not self-aware. It’s at home among the liberal/Leftist/progressive elites in the Democrat Party, especially the White variety, but bought into by their coalition extremist partners. They’re generally very good at clearly signaling their virtue of looking out for Black interests. And they of course want it clearly known to have their votes. It’s sometimes manifest as the “soft bigotry of low expectations,” through various policies, but in any case is a condescending, presumptive attitude.
It occasionally surfaces in a less guarded moment, as in Joe Biden’s comment in an interview with a Black rapper who wanted to know what Biden would do for the Black community. Biden indignantly, sharply and dismissively responded, “If you don’t know whether to vote for me or Trump, you ain’t Black.” The condescending language, as well as bordering on calling him an Uncle Tom (the worst slur for a Black Democrat), contains both the presumption that Blacks shouldn’t question their Democrat masters (they don’t need to explain), and had better stay on the Democrat plantation – or else. I.e., they’re taken for granted.
This soft bigotry nonetheless has profound negative effects through various policies and laws championed by Democrats. One of the more blatantly racist is that of racial preferences (aka affirmative action or quotas) that pervades universities, government, corporations, etc., etc. While on the surface benignly rectifying past injustices, in reality it often creates hardships (debt, dropout) by ill-prepared students, and less-qualified candidates in the workplace, with commensurate problems in their careers and in the workplace. It is an injustice to the recipient who may not even know whether he was just given racial preference, vs. being qualified. And provides less incentive for work and excellence in those preparing to compete for admission, hiring or promotion.
Another is the government welfare program. Again, on the surface to benefit the poor, who are disproportionately minorities. But in practice, it too often becomes a multi-generational rut, with no or little incentive or awareness or availability of opportunities to get off it – like an addictive drug. There is also no incentive for marriage and family life, with unwed mothers married to the welfare state. And their children being raised without fathers, which in candid moments even Democrats like Obama recognize is a major problem for crime in the inner cities, and the many thousands of Black-on-Black murders. And the dissolution of the Black family. And a contributor to the 52% of Black pregnancies aborted – 1,786 a day, over 20 million since 1973. Courtesy of eugenicist Margaret Sanger and her Planned Parenthood, most abortion clinics are glad to accommodate by being located primarily in minority areas. But of course THOSE Black lives don’t matter.
And even those families wanting to send their children to better charter schools rather than public, to provide them opportunity to get out of the ghetto, are faced with barriers due to teacher unions limiting those opportunities. And those unions are fully supported by the Democrat party, which somehow opposes school choice – one of the few options to break the cycle of poverty.
Then there’s their favorite scapegoat – the police. There, too, Democrats are in league with the police unions, which are the major obstacle to police reform to better screen applicants, better train, monitor performance and discipline or dismiss problem officers. And they wonder how these infrequent abusive police got through the system? The worst offending places like Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, etc. have police departments, cities (mayors, councils), governors, legislators all run by Democrats for generations. THEY are the system. And their policies are responsible. A distant president in office for 3 years can’t wield the influence they would attribute to him to shift blame and promote another political party. No, the Democrat Party has endorsed the BLM movement, and has been going along with their demands for defunding police. Any idiot can see where that will go – Black-on-Black murders in inner cities like Chicago, where the rates are already horrendous, will rise. But they don’t care. Those Black lives don’t matter (and/or they’re loathe to admit to the problem and their record in dealing with it) – more important is placating the radical BLM movement and keeping the votes of the Leftist/Marxist extremists in the party.
No, real solutions are not the Democrats’ objective – because they don’t really care or want to solve the problems (or to be kind, some may be true believers in policies that clearly have proven disastrous over several decades). They’d rather perpetuate them and the idea of Black victimhood, to have their perennial voting bloc. Wake up, Black Democrats. See the movie “Uncle Tom,” and read the book, “Uprising: Who the Hell Said You Can't Ditch and Switch? -- The Awakening of Diamond and Silk.” And take Trump up on his “What have you got to lose?” After all, he's done more in 3 years in terms of Black employment, enterprise zones, education and criminal justice, than the Dems in decades, or ever.
Jay Andrew Jensen


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