
Showing posts from September, 2010

The Audacity of Libs

From the Campaign Trail First, some observations from recent TV spots run by California Democrat candidates. Here’s a still-relevant statement by Bill Clinton during an earlier presidential primary race: “Jerry Brown continues to reinvent himself.” Now Brown's seen the writing on the wall of the Tea Party movement (and California’s financial disaster) and is touting living within our means! After championing living outside our means for many years. Of course, being liberal means never having to say you’re sorry, or wrong – you just go on like nothing happened. Liberals seem to have a blindspot when it comes to consistency, introspection & hypocrisy. Another example of that is when Barbara Boxer has the audacity and stupidity to blame Carly Fiorina for her outsourcing HP jobs abroad when she was CEO. Of course the rest of the story is that the Democrats’ negative business climate (taxes, regulations) has driven business and jobs out of California in droves, and forced bus...

Campaign 2010

I just made a donation to Sharron Angle to help de-throne prince Harry in Nevada. And to Carly Fiorina & Meg Whitman here in CA. And volunteered to help. Go GOP girls! The House of Representatives is not enough -- we've got to raise our sights higher -- the Senate!

Distractions & Iraq Revisited

The liberal media would just as soon focus on the mosque/Koran-burning issues rather than the economy & November elections, because that's their only hope -- to change the subject. Obama said it himself -- if the election's about the economy, Democrats won't do well. Less than 2 months from the election and the polls are certainly clear on that. "It's the economy, stupid!" And Democrat candidates are abandoning Obama's record as fast as they can. Is it hoof-in-mouth disease? But he just keeps on doing it . . . he can't seem to break that liberal spending addiction. And after having crashed the car, he doesn't think he can trust the keys with another driver? And now Hillary is acknowledging that a staggering debt weakens us militarily, which is exactly what I was saying in my July 28 post. Has the 2012 campaign already begun? Arguments for Iraq Revisited Trying to create yet another distraction, now the Monday night quarterbacks are coming...

The One-Way Street

When it comes to accommodating sensitivities, it generally seems to be a one-way street when Muslims (or at least their activists/extremists) are involved. They violently demand that we treat their Koran, and Mohammed, with great respect. And in this country we almost always do – handling their Korans at Gitmo quite literally with kid gloves, and universally denouncing the Koran-burning kook (whom the Left and Islamisists love to put forward as somehow typical of “Islamophobes” opposed to the Ground Zero mosque). And US publications tripped over themselves to avoid publishing the Danish cartoons. The country was also marvelously restrained towards Muslims in the US following 9/11 – no violence against Muslims or their many mosques here. They enjoy religious and other freedoms and peace here that Muslims nowhere else in the world enjoy. Many of our troops have died defending Muslim sects in Iraq, or Muslims in the Balkans. But what do we see on the other side? There are no Chris...

Obama's Complaint, The Beck-oning, Islamophobia? & Collective Salvation

The Dog Days of Summer Once again Obama plays the victim card, with racial overtones, by accusing Republicans of treating him as a dog. Well, maybe there’s some truth to it .... at least one that needs to be restrained from taking a bigger bite out of our paychecks, and our grandchildrens’. And shredding our economy. Poor, persecuted Obama. When Bush was treated like a stupid, hated dog by the stonewalling Democrat congress, media, and liberal/Left he didn’t complain so bitterly or partisanly. Oh, yes, Obama is the “great uniter.” The Beck-oning The liberal pundits and media were hard-pressed to find any substantive things about Glenn Beck’s Washington rally to find fault with. So again they turned to the race card, noting that most (not all) were white. Of course the same could be said of any broad cross-section Democrat/liberal/left rally, if not a race-specific rally like Sharpton’s counter-rally, which appeared all black. They never seem to note the same aspect of their own...