The Audacity of Libs
From the Campaign Trail First, some observations from recent TV spots run by California Democrat candidates. Here’s a still-relevant statement by Bill Clinton during an earlier presidential primary race: “Jerry Brown continues to reinvent himself.” Now Brown's seen the writing on the wall of the Tea Party movement (and California’s financial disaster) and is touting living within our means! After championing living outside our means for many years. Of course, being liberal means never having to say you’re sorry, or wrong – you just go on like nothing happened. Liberals seem to have a blindspot when it comes to consistency, introspection & hypocrisy. Another example of that is when Barbara Boxer has the audacity and stupidity to blame Carly Fiorina for her outsourcing HP jobs abroad when she was CEO. Of course the rest of the story is that the Democrats’ negative business climate (taxes, regulations) has driven business and jobs out of California in droves, and forced bus...