The One-Way Street

When it comes to accommodating sensitivities, it generally seems to be a one-way street when Muslims (or at least their activists/extremists) are involved. They violently demand that we treat their Koran, and Mohammed, with great respect. And in this country we almost always do – handling their Korans at Gitmo quite literally with kid gloves, and universally denouncing the Koran-burning kook (whom the Left and Islamisists love to put forward as somehow typical of “Islamophobes” opposed to the Ground Zero mosque). And US publications tripped over themselves to avoid publishing the Danish cartoons. The country was also marvelously restrained towards Muslims in the US following 9/11 – no violence against Muslims or their many mosques here. They enjoy religious and other freedoms and peace here that Muslims nowhere else in the world enjoy. Many of our troops have died defending Muslim sects in Iraq, or Muslims in the Balkans.

But what do we see on the other side? There are no Christian churches in Saudi Arabia, and Christians are repressed in many other Muslim countries. Even the supposedly moderate, unity-seeking Muslims behind the Ground Zero mosque ignore any appeals to sensitivity and defiantly demand their rights under the constitution. They burn our beloved flag at the drop of a hat. Death threats are issued against those in other countries who publish disagreeable cartoons or books that call them or their literature satanic, and such threats have been carried out against a filmmaker they dislike. Huge crowds shout “death to America, the Great Satan” and danced in the streets after 9/11. They demand we leave Afghanistan where they launched their attacks so that they can reconstitute and launch more. And they regularly attack our troops and civilians in many places. But we are all the more vehemently denounced and threatened if we dare to defend ourselves – and their fellow Muslims. And even the supposedly “moderate” Muslims in this country do not speak out against the abhorrent practices of the radicals, let alone show willingness to lay down their lives in defense of their fellow Americans and their values. They seem to be silently complicit and acquiescing, if not outright supportive. Some are silent when terrorism brews within their ranks, and their fellows go off to train for jihad in Pakistan or Yemen.

It is not enough that our obsequious president goes out of his way to accommodate them, to reach out to them, and defend their rights. No, because this is a one-way street to them. It is just expected – and more, by such organizations as CAER. Apparently the restraint and respect shown them brings no mutual obligation in their value system. It is a very narcissistic, juvenile attitude that takes for granted what is given them, and only expects more. They will use their “rights” as a wedge to demand more and more, and drive Americans apart. Just as the class warfare of the Left.

The Spoiled Child Syndrome

It is the attitude of a spoiled child who, when he doesn’t get what he wants, throws a tantrum. It’s an unhealthy relationship, devoid of mutual respect. In dealing with such a child, sometimes tough love dictates that one insist on and expect mutual respect, and not always give them exactly what they selfishly and unilaterally demand. This may be the only way to break them out of their destructive (to all parties) behavior. And another basic element of any workable relationship is trust, which also is suffering and one-way. They will not speak out against the more radical elements, and often give and accept money from them. Their Koran teaches that not only is it acceptable, but expected, to lie to non-Muslims (infidels). They often say one thing quite tame to the media audience, and something quite different – hateful and violent -- in private to their fellow Muslims. Some of their imams have fomented violence and attacks.

Is it any wonder that many see that the logical outcome of going down this one-way street is more and more accommodation? And that the end of their insatiable demands is sharia law which is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution? Even liberal/Left Europe is beginning to awaken from that one-way ride, and is beginning to draw the line on accommodation. Already some Muslims in the West are implementing sharia on their own, with honor killings and mutilations.

Continued one-way accommodation only teaches them, or at least the more radical among them, that when they incite hot-heads to violence, they get what they want, because we will always back down to appease them. That only encourages more of the same. For the same reason that we do not pay ransoms or negotiate with terrorists, we must not be so accommodating with these other forms of terrorism.

Just Who, Really, are the Islamophobes?

For all of the liberal/Left’s accusations of Islamophobia against those who would make a stand to stop this one-way relationship, it is in fact the liberal/Left who appease and accommodate out of fear of further violence and problems. Or out of pride and fear of not appearing politically correct to their fellows. It is in fact they who are the Islamophobes, and who use the term by way of projection. They assume that others feel the same phobia they do. They are gutless in depicting radical Islam in their Hollywood studios or media. They appease just like Chamberlain, or a parent appeasing a childish tantrum, and will reap the same results. In their cowardice they assuage their guilt and fear by appeasing (peace at any price), and then assert their moral superiority and “courage” by calling those who have real courage and dare stand up to the tantrum-throwers the Islamophobes.

It is those who stand up and expect more than a childish relationship who are not afraid to tell the truth. They recognize the need to look beyond any supposed short-term appeasement gains, and are not afraid to do what is needed for a healthier, longer-term relationship. That is not Islamophobia, but wisdom, and working in the long term for greater peace. And expecting and helping the more childish Muslims to be adults, not children. To say “no!” when needed. They need to learn to play with the other kids in the sandbox, just as we in America have learned better than any country on earth, by virtue of our diversity and tolerance. It is not we, by and large, who have need to learn greater tolerance and respect, but they.

The Liberal/Left Paradigm

But here again, the liberal/Left’s short-sightedness is only typical, extending also to the socio-economic realm where they all-too readily appease the outspoken demands of activists for more childish wealth re-distribution and welfare, and other special interests (and they accuse conservatives of catering to special interests!???), rather than the tough love of expecting adult personal responsibility. There again, that is from their perspective heartless, uncaring and cold, just as the chairman of the Democrat Party, Howard Dean, has said that the difference between them and Republicans is that they don’t want children to go to bed hungry. And there you have it in a simplistic nutshell. You can guess who the nutshell is, as well as those who subscribe to it.


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