Obama's Complaint, The Beck-oning, Islamophobia? & Collective Salvation

The Dog Days of Summer

Once again Obama plays the victim card, with racial overtones, by accusing Republicans of treating him as a dog. Well, maybe there’s some truth to it .... at least one that needs to be restrained from taking a bigger bite out of our paychecks, and our grandchildrens’. And shredding our economy. Poor, persecuted Obama. When Bush was treated like a stupid, hated dog by the stonewalling Democrat congress, media, and liberal/Left he didn’t complain so bitterly or partisanly. Oh, yes, Obama is the “great uniter.”

The Beck-oning

The liberal pundits and media were hard-pressed to find any substantive things about Glenn Beck’s Washington rally to find fault with. So again they turned to the race card, noting that most (not all) were white. Of course the same could be said of any broad cross-section Democrat/liberal/left rally, if not a race-specific rally like Sharpton’s counter-rally, which appeared all black. They never seem to note the same aspect of their own rallys, but are anxious to attribute alterior racist motives to conservatives – they can’t seem to dignify or respond to the issues and arguments conservatives raise. They must instead vilify them, a typical tactic of the Left, and schoolchildren. As Prager has noted, the Left’s arsenal of name-calling includes: sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist and bigoted.

The only thing Sharpton seemed to find fault with was that Beck supposedly had said he was going to address civil rights issues, and he thought he didn’t. Probably too subtle for Al, but Beck did acknowledge our faults and scars of the past, and said it was time to quit focusing so much on them, and focus more on the greatness and honor and future of the nation, and how far we’ve come. And on our individual characters.

Quite a different perspective from Sharpton’s self-perpetrating victocracy, and the divisiveness he must continue to foment to justify his existence. The irony is that Martin Luther King looked for the day that color would not be an issue, and conservatives don’t want it to be, but Sharpton, Obama et al seem to perpetuate it and attribute it to their opponents without justification or evidence. They’re the ones that judge men by their color, not character, as King sought.

Islamophobia and the Ground Zero Mosque

Time Magazine’s cover shouted the leading question, “Is America Islamophobic?” One needn’t read the article to know their conclusion. Greg Gutfeld’s (Red Eye show) suggestion to place a gay bar for Moslems next to the Ground Zero mosque seems equally legal, constitutionally protected, proper and sensitive to neighbors as the mosque itself. When the LDS or Catholics find opposition to one of their edifices by locals, they move it elsewhere. But not the Muslims (at least apparently the activist, radical-leaning ones) – they persist, insisting on their rights, and ignoring sensitivities. Their ostensible desires for cultural unity are betrayed by their actions.

And their less-than-subtle name of “Cordoba Center” for the mosque – a reference to a mosque built in Cordoba, Spain, on the ruins of a Catholic cathedral following the Muslim army conquest, as a symbol of victory and conquest. Many see the parallel following the 9/11 attack. And there are troubling statements by the mosque’s imam who is now on a tour of Muslim nations at our taxpayer expense, spreading “good will” from America. And he’s on the record saying America was complicit with the 9/11 attackers, and that he’s in favor of sharia law in America. Yes, that’s what we need – to be more like Afghanistan under the Taliban. And they will not renounce Hamas nor their Iranian benefactors and their vows to destroy Israel. Nor reveal sources of their funding.

Of course the fact that the U.S. is the most ethnically and religiously diverse and tolerant nation on earth means nothing to them. Or the fact that there are hundreds of mosques in New York alone, many in NYC, and thousands across the US. Or that they’ve had offers elsewhere. We’re the intolerant ones. Forget the fact that non-Muslims are not allowed anywhere near Mecca, nor Christian churches anywhere in that country. Or that Christians are treated much worse in many Muslim countries.

If liberals and the Left were only half as tolerant and accommodating to Christians in this country as they are by their political correctness (and fear) towards Muslims, maybe things would be a little different. Of course their continual claims of equivalence and moral relativism between Muslim and Christian extremists is bogus and a subterfuge. They have to go back to the Crusades to find any substantial Christian armed movement, and ignore that even then it was a belated response to a Muslim conquest of the long Christian-held Holy Land.

Of course there is no Christian violent extremist movement of any note compared with Islamic radical terrorism, and so the Left has nothing to fear in attacking Christians. They’ll occasionally try to put up McVey or the Columbine shooters or even Hitler as examples, but their Christianity (even claimed) is nonexistent. And of course they are loathe to acknowledge the violent extremism on the Left, such as the Unabomber, the eco-terrorist last week (and others of his ilk), Bill Ayers, SEIU thugs, etc. Or the all-time great genocidal tyrants of the Left – Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. They will always appease thuggery, and give it free reign, just as their own Islamophobia will drive them to bow to threats from Muslim activists and extremists. And we know from history where appeasement leads – e.g., Chamberlain’s to Hitler. And of course Hitler was a national socialist, or social democrat – very close in philosophy to Obama’s, and nowhere near the conservative Right in this country.

A Strange Theology

And maybe the increasing fraction of Americans who believe that Obama is a Muslim cannot be entirely blamed on them. They see his pro-Islamic statements, Ramadan speech, and state visits, and perhaps Freudian slips of the tongue at least twice saying he was Muslim. And they see his lack of any display or profession of his own Christianity, except that he became “Christian” under Reverend Wright, who has a strange, anti-American, liberation-theology version of Christianity unrecognizable to most Americans. Which leads Obama to promote “collective salvation,” in his speeches, contrary to the individual salvation and responsibility that is the norm in conventional Christianity.

This is all very reminiscent of a statement of someone else eons ago – “Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.” (Moses 4:1) A battle was fought in heaven over that proposed taking of our free agency – a battle that continues here.


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