The War Will Go On
5 More Primaries & Mitt’s on Track
Mitt, Rick & Newt were basically separated by a few percentage points in Alabama & Mississippi, splitting the delegates almost equally. Newt was expected to have done better in his back yard, and Mitt did better than expected – “held his own” in the Evangelical South. But Mitt swept Hawaii, American Samoa & Puerto Rico.
The delegate count,: Mitt 516, Rick 236, Newt 141, Ron 66. Mitt’s still on track to secure the nomination before the convention. Mitt appears several points ahead in the Illinois polls.

Eye of Newt
Newt had said Alabama & Mississippi were must-wins for him, but changed his tune after not winning, saying he’d stay in the race to the convention. He blamed his loss on Mitt’s robocalls & mailers – always someone else’s fault for him. That’s fine – he’ll never correct his faults. His wife said their only opponent is Obama. Newt congratulated Santorum – never has congratulated Mitt for his wins. He said “The effort to convince America Romney’s inevitable just collapsed.” As should Newt’s campaign at this point, by his own words. He said Mitt’s not much of a frontrunner when he keeps coming in 3rd (gee, I wonder how Mitt got more delegates than the others combined if he did that so often?). Krauthammer said Newt mocked Romney – out of place when he lost himself on his home court.

Newt is convinced the “so-called front runner won’t get there” [and Newt will???]. “We’ll have the conversation of who’s best at the convention.” So much for primary elections and the votes of the people -- apparently his strategy is now to try to keep Romney from securing the nomination before the convention, and to win in an open floor fight – with his experience as House Whip, etc. Newt says that between him and Santorum they got 2/3 of the vote in Alabama & Mississippi, and noted that in D.C. Santorum’s not on the ballot, so Newt says he can fill in there. Clear collaboration & double-teaming to keep Mitt from securing the nomination. Unclear whether most of Newt’s supporters (as small a number as there are) would go to Santorum if he did get out. But Santorum’s best-case boost from that still wouldn’t be enough, so Newt at this point is pretty much irrelevant.
Newt’s determination to go on with basically no realistic hope of victory reminded me of the following short video clip“The War Will Go On” from "The Battle of the Bulge.” Just substitute Newt (or Rick) for the German officer.

Pawlenty said Romney’s still in a commanding lead in delegates. He said Newt asked who’s best situated to beat Obama? The answer is Mitt Romney (polls, etc.). He’s the most knowledgeable, capable & electable. John Campbell (Calif. Rep.) said Romney will no doubt be the nominee, and used the WW II analogy of January 1945– everyone knew we’d win – just had to do it. [great minds think alike, or he read my Facebook post? Goes right w. my Battle of the Bulge analogy] He said he’s not the exciting candidate, but the competent and get-it-done, business-like candidate. Orin Hatch said we must elect Romney – 4 or 5 Supreme Court justices may be selected in the next term. Prager cited Mitt’s consistent history on heterosexual marriage before & while governor & since.
Santorum Update

Santorum recycled Huckabee’s “David & Goliath” analogy from the 2008 campaign. And many Americans do love the underdog, so he plays it up. Then, too, it capitalizes on that Evangelical/anti-Mormon connection – he noted in his speech that the most common thing people say to him is “I’ve been praying for you [or against the Mormon?].” In his interviews, he keeps saying he’ll talk about issues and not engage in personal attacks, then immediately goes right ahead and attacks Romney right and left -- personally. How blatantly self-contradictory can one be and still get away with it? And what does that say about his minions? Still waiting for him to keep his word. Trump said Santorum’s not a team player. I don’t hear Romney attacking his opponents anywhere near the same degree. The PACs on all sides are equally negative, but not controlled by the candidates.
Obama Watch

The latest CBO estimate of the cost of Obamacare is $1.8 trillion –twice what Obama said in 2009.

Apparently Bristol Palin is now awaiting a call from Obama (as he did for the co-ed slandered by Limbaugh) in sympathy for her being slandered by Letterman. She may be waiting a long time – Michelle Obama is appearing on Letterman. There’s a Conservative campaign afoot demanding equal treatment of women by liberals – they love to slander Conservative women (& minorities) right & left. And a call for Obama to return Bill Maher’s $1 million contribution after his obscene remarks about Palin, etc. In retaliation for the calls for withdrawal of Limbaugh sponsors. Of course it’s not really concern for women, but rather hatred of Limbaugh and desire to silence conservative voices & put down conservative women & minorities as unworthy of respect. But I agree, they’ll just keep doing it unless the mirror’s put up right in their face.

Apparently Obama’s fundraising is not doing well – nowhere near 4 years ago. They've pressed Tom Hanks into service to narrate a short about Obama's "great success." Boy, he is a good actor.

And apparently they’re getting so nervous about Mitt that they’re calling out the dogs and pulling out all stops, including the religion card. It was just a matter of time. In this article, Maureen Dowd does her best to ridicule Mormonism, and rile the Jews as well as Evangelicals against Mormons & Romney. And ridicule him for not wearing his religion on his sleeve like Santorum. And that’s really what Liberals want?
“Will the real Romney please step forward?” March 19, 2012
And of course Obama is calling Republicans flat-earth idiots.
Mitt, Rick & Newt were basically separated by a few percentage points in Alabama & Mississippi, splitting the delegates almost equally. Newt was expected to have done better in his back yard, and Mitt did better than expected – “held his own” in the Evangelical South. But Mitt swept Hawaii, American Samoa & Puerto Rico.
The delegate count,: Mitt 516, Rick 236, Newt 141, Ron 66. Mitt’s still on track to secure the nomination before the convention. Mitt appears several points ahead in the Illinois polls.

Eye of Newt
Newt had said Alabama & Mississippi were must-wins for him, but changed his tune after not winning, saying he’d stay in the race to the convention. He blamed his loss on Mitt’s robocalls & mailers – always someone else’s fault for him. That’s fine – he’ll never correct his faults. His wife said their only opponent is Obama. Newt congratulated Santorum – never has congratulated Mitt for his wins. He said “The effort to convince America Romney’s inevitable just collapsed.” As should Newt’s campaign at this point, by his own words. He said Mitt’s not much of a frontrunner when he keeps coming in 3rd (gee, I wonder how Mitt got more delegates than the others combined if he did that so often?). Krauthammer said Newt mocked Romney – out of place when he lost himself on his home court.

Newt is convinced the “so-called front runner won’t get there” [and Newt will???]. “We’ll have the conversation of who’s best at the convention.” So much for primary elections and the votes of the people -- apparently his strategy is now to try to keep Romney from securing the nomination before the convention, and to win in an open floor fight – with his experience as House Whip, etc. Newt says that between him and Santorum they got 2/3 of the vote in Alabama & Mississippi, and noted that in D.C. Santorum’s not on the ballot, so Newt says he can fill in there. Clear collaboration & double-teaming to keep Mitt from securing the nomination. Unclear whether most of Newt’s supporters (as small a number as there are) would go to Santorum if he did get out. But Santorum’s best-case boost from that still wouldn’t be enough, so Newt at this point is pretty much irrelevant.
Newt’s determination to go on with basically no realistic hope of victory reminded me of the following short video clip“The War Will Go On” from "The Battle of the Bulge.” Just substitute Newt (or Rick) for the German officer.

Pawlenty said Romney’s still in a commanding lead in delegates. He said Newt asked who’s best situated to beat Obama? The answer is Mitt Romney (polls, etc.). He’s the most knowledgeable, capable & electable. John Campbell (Calif. Rep.) said Romney will no doubt be the nominee, and used the WW II analogy of January 1945– everyone knew we’d win – just had to do it. [great minds think alike, or he read my Facebook post? Goes right w. my Battle of the Bulge analogy] He said he’s not the exciting candidate, but the competent and get-it-done, business-like candidate. Orin Hatch said we must elect Romney – 4 or 5 Supreme Court justices may be selected in the next term. Prager cited Mitt’s consistent history on heterosexual marriage before & while governor & since.
Santorum Update

Santorum recycled Huckabee’s “David & Goliath” analogy from the 2008 campaign. And many Americans do love the underdog, so he plays it up. Then, too, it capitalizes on that Evangelical/anti-Mormon connection – he noted in his speech that the most common thing people say to him is “I’ve been praying for you [or against the Mormon?].” In his interviews, he keeps saying he’ll talk about issues and not engage in personal attacks, then immediately goes right ahead and attacks Romney right and left -- personally. How blatantly self-contradictory can one be and still get away with it? And what does that say about his minions? Still waiting for him to keep his word. Trump said Santorum’s not a team player. I don’t hear Romney attacking his opponents anywhere near the same degree. The PACs on all sides are equally negative, but not controlled by the candidates.
Obama Watch

The latest CBO estimate of the cost of Obamacare is $1.8 trillion –twice what Obama said in 2009.

Apparently Bristol Palin is now awaiting a call from Obama (as he did for the co-ed slandered by Limbaugh) in sympathy for her being slandered by Letterman. She may be waiting a long time – Michelle Obama is appearing on Letterman. There’s a Conservative campaign afoot demanding equal treatment of women by liberals – they love to slander Conservative women (& minorities) right & left. And a call for Obama to return Bill Maher’s $1 million contribution after his obscene remarks about Palin, etc. In retaliation for the calls for withdrawal of Limbaugh sponsors. Of course it’s not really concern for women, but rather hatred of Limbaugh and desire to silence conservative voices & put down conservative women & minorities as unworthy of respect. But I agree, they’ll just keep doing it unless the mirror’s put up right in their face.

Apparently Obama’s fundraising is not doing well – nowhere near 4 years ago. They've pressed Tom Hanks into service to narrate a short about Obama's "great success." Boy, he is a good actor.

And apparently they’re getting so nervous about Mitt that they’re calling out the dogs and pulling out all stops, including the religion card. It was just a matter of time. In this article, Maureen Dowd does her best to ridicule Mormonism, and rile the Jews as well as Evangelicals against Mormons & Romney. And ridicule him for not wearing his religion on his sleeve like Santorum. And that’s really what Liberals want?
“Will the real Romney please step forward?” March 19, 2012
And of course Obama is calling Republicans flat-earth idiots.

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