A Sharp Contrast and Clear Choice

“Back in Chains” The off-the-chart comments keep coming from the other side, with Biden accusing the Romney budget & regulation change plans of “putting y’all [a Black audience] back in chains.” The racial/slavery inference was lost on no one, though they try to deny it. Once again, I don’t think they really want to go there – another case of projection. Of course, as mentioned before, the Dems are Johnny-come-latelys to the racial justice scene over the last 50 years. For the previous 100 years it was the Republicans fighting the Dems to free the slaves, give them the vote, the first Black Congressmen were Republicans, etc. And the Dems who were the segregationists & KKK (e.g., Robert Bird in Congress). But for the last 50 years the Dems, in the name of championing Blacks, have systematically created a welfare system/plantation keeping them enslaved and chained to it, and beholden to their Democrat “benefactors,” who conti...