A Sharp Contrast and Clear Choice

“Back in Chains”

The off-the-chart comments keep coming from the other side, with Biden accusing the Romney budget & regulation change plans of “putting y’all [a Black audience] back in chains.”  The racial/slavery inference was lost on no one, though they try to deny it. 

Once again, I don’t think they really want to go there – another case of projection.  Of course, as mentioned before, the Dems are Johnny-come-latelys to the racial justice scene over the last 50 years.  For the previous 100 years it was the Republicans fighting the Dems to free the slaves, give them the vote, the first Black Congressmen were Republicans, etc.  And the Dems who were the segregationists & KKK (e.g., Robert Bird in Congress).  But for the last 50 years the Dems, in the name of championing Blacks, have systematically created a welfare system/plantation keeping them enslaved and chained to it, and beholden to their Democrat “benefactors,” who continue to buy their vote with entitlements.  And they don’t see their lot really improve despite all that’s spent. 

So, too, it is with the stagnant economy despite huge TARP & other Obama spending, and the outpouring of money on education, with no improvement (rather worsening) of results there.  Spending is clearly not the solution, all that Keynesian hogwash notwithstanding, and quite to the contrary, it has now created the fiscal cliff we’re about to go over, with the staggering debt Obama has amassed in 4 short years.  That will put us all, and generations to come, in chains of bondage.  And diminish America’s standing (& influence for good) in the world – but as mentioned in the last post, that is a fulfillment of Obama’s “Dreams of my Father.”

Contrasting Obama & Romney

As also alluded to earlier, the choice could not be clearer between Romney & Obama.  Here are some contrasts.  I may yet do a more succinct, ledger version if I can figure it out in this blog format.

Jobs.  Obama has presided over the longest, slowest economic “recovery” in US history.  If it can be called a recover at all – unemployment has been totally flat – his job creation record is a complete failure.  Romney, on the other hand, has a long, consistent, proven record of net creation and saving many thousands of jobs in business, and as governor.

Fiscal.  Obama has increased the total 230-year cumulative national debt by over 50% in 4 short years, and at this rate, in 4 more years will double it.  Romney not only balanced the budget every year as governor, but left the state with a surplus.  He also brought the Olympics back from the red and brink of bankruptcy.  And in business generated huge net profits and growth. 

Vision of America.  Obama has clearly been influenced by his card-carrying (literally) Communist and radical mentors and associates and “Dreams of my Father.”  His vision is that of liberation theology, anti-colonialism (America supposedly a key offender), wealth redistribution (as stated to Joe the Plumber, and evidenced in all his policies), socialized medicine, bigger government (telling businesses “you didn’t build that...”), expansion of entitlements, apologizing for America for all its faults, supporting the oppressed peoples against Zionists, diminishing America’s pre-eminence economically, militarily, etc., etc.   

Mitt Romney describes his vision for America in his book, “No Apologies.”  His father (and grandfather and great-grandfather) had to start from scratch multiple times, having lost all because of their faith.  But they had a vision of America as a special, promised land, with great opportunity for the poor and oppressed, if they work hard.  And they did, coming from poverty to considerable wealth.  They believed (as does Mitt) America has a special place – an influence for good in the world, or “light on a hill.”  And they have supported the Constitution and ideals of America even when the U.S. government did not protect and defend their rights.  A very different set of dreams from his father(s).

Both men have been stewards of large sums of money and investments in enterprises.  Here are some of the results for comparison.

A question for those great liberal theologians out there anxious to apply scripture to government -- shouldn’t the Parable of the Talents apply here?

Integrity – Words vs Actions

Obama is well known for his great oratorical skills that have dazzled – even blinded -- many admirers.  There were soaring promises in the 2008 campaign of “hope and change,” along with many specifics that we can now grade him on after 4 years.  In fact, he himself said regarding promises to cut the deficit in half, and drop unemployment below 8%, that if he did not achieve it, he should be limited to a single term.  There are so many such promises and statements that an entire book has been written on the subject, called “69 Lies.” He also promised but didn’t deliver on getting rid of lobbyists influence in the White House, ending divisive politics (rather escalating race and class warfare), Chicago-style politics, etc.  He seems to be surrounded by security leaks, tax cheats, scandals, etc. – they say you can judge a man by his associates.  He finds plenty of time for some 100 rounds of golf & many vacations and trips and campaign fundraising for his own job, but doesn’t meet for many months with the job council concerned with Americans’ jobs. 

Romney has been called by even one of his harshest conservative critics (Mark Levin), the “cleanest guy there is,” hence totally undeserving of the unfounded accusations of being a tax cheat, purgerer, responsible for the death of someone, a cold, heartless corporate raider, etc.  His LDS standards of integrity to even serve as a missionary, bishop & stake president, and to be temple-worthy, are a cut above the vast majority of peoples’ standards.  He admittedly doesn’t have the oratorical, charismatic or political skills of a life-long politician like Obama, but his life and accomplishments are a testament to the importance of actions and results over flowery words.  The choice this election will be between those two.  He made roughly 100 specific promises he would fulfill as governor, and fulfilled every one of them.  A man of his word.  Like the KGB’s dossier on Reagan, “there is no difference between his words and deeds.”


A book has been written about Obama’s basic incompetence, “The Amateur.”  He had no executive experience before taking on the biggest executive position in the world.  And very little legislative experience.  And no business, economic or free enterprise experience.  Only community organizer.  And the results show.  As Romney has said, “he’s a nice guy – just in over his head.”  He shows a distinct lacking in doing the hard work of government, preferring instead the oratorical, public aspects, the golfing, fundraising and campaigning.  Rather than showing ability to bring parties together, he’s easily frustrated and prone to blame and divisiveness.  He’s assembled incompetent teams. 

Romney has extensive executive experience as CEO of Bain Capital, Governor of Massachussetts (a tough job for a conservative in the most liberal state in the country – bodes well for being able to work across the aisle), CEO of the Olympics, bishop & stake president in his church, etc.  That encompasses the business (private), public (government) and volunteer sectors.  And in each of these he was highly successful, saving many enterprises from ruin, and creating many new enterprises.  He’s able to assemble competent teams.  He’s demonstrated his willingness to work hard at whatever task he puts his mind to.  And compare his competence in selection of his VP, Paul Ryan, and Ryan’s competence, with Obama’s selection of Biden & Biden’s competence.


Obama says he got his religion from Rev. Wright, a liberation theologist who “damns” America.  He interprets scripture as Christ having the government care for the poor by forced taxation, rather than free-will offerings and charity.  This is evidenced in his tireless efforts to raise taxes and increase entitlements.  That is how he believes we are to care for our brother – with other peoples’ money.  But his personal charitable giving is miniscule, and despite wealth in the millions, he has not cared for his poor literal brothers who have been in dire straits, and have begged and received charity from the typically more charitable conservatives.   He believes in collective salvation.  His father, by the way, was secretly a polygamist, as are his people in Kenya for generations.  Obama came of age at a time when he was not only not at a disadvantage because of his race or religion, but was actually given advantages because of his race, right up to his phenomenally rapid rise to be the first Black president. 

Mitt Romney grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints -- LDS or “Mormon” Church – a 4th generation Mormon.  It is a distinctly (some say the) American religion founded over 180 years ago.  It is, contrary to Evangelical detractors, Christian – believing in salvation through Christ, believing the Old and New Testaments, as well as continuing modern revelation through prophets who have restored the Church Christ established originally.  Part of that revelation speaks of the founders and Constitution of this country as being inspired.  And it believes that America does have a special place in God’s plan, although we need to be worthy of it -- and as long as we seek good and wise men as public servants. 

It is very much a practicing and practical religion in terms of tithes and offerings and service (a lay church, humanitarian efforts, etc.), and looking after the temporal as well as spiritual welfare of its members.  And it firmly espouses high moral standards and integrity, personal responsibility (including individual salvation) and self-sufficiency, but also caring for others in our families, church, and humanity in general.  Mormons pray for God to bless America, and serve their country with distinction.  They believe in upholding the laws, wherever they live.  There was a brief period (a single generation) in Mormon history when polygamy was practiced under strict controls by a very small percentage, including Mitt’s great-grandfather, as a matter of faith (as Abraham in the Old Testament).  But after US law prohibited it, the practice was discontinued, and is now a cause for excommunication in the Church.  It is now only practiced by break-away groups.  The Church experienced severe persecution, mobbing and murder from it’s earliest years.  While the persecution is no longer physical, it is still very prevalent from some “Christian” and non-Christian circles, possibly one reason Mitt is hesitant to speak of his religion, other than to say that faith and values obviously inform and sustain anyone.  And certainly the Church steers clear of endorsing candidates.  There is political diversity within the Church, evidenced by Harry Reid. 

Mitt has adhered closely to the Church’s precepts, attending the Church university, BYU, serving a 2 ½ year mission in France, serving as bishop over a congregation and as stake president over several congregations – all without compensation, and giving tireless hours of compassion and concern.  Some of his relatives have risen to the highest positions of leadership in the Church.  And he has been a consistent tithe-payer.  His considerable inheritance from his father was given to charity, so that all he has he has earned on his own.  But he has continued to serve without compensation as governor and Salt Lake Olympics president, etc., giving back much in service and donations.  And caring for his family and extended family, and fellow Church members.  I described one account of his incredible care for a fellow employee in need in an earlier blog.  His priorities are clear, as also evidenced in his family. 

More in "Romney's Mormon Story" at http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/12/opinion/sunday/douthat-romneys-mormon-story.html?_r=1&ref=rossdouthat     

Other Good Sources of Information about Obama & Romney:

Lest we vote ignorantly a second time:  Hugh Hewett's "The Brief Against Obama," Dinesh D'Souza's "Obama's America," Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation," Michelle Malkin's "Culture of Corruption," Grassfire Nation's "69 Obama Lies," etc.

Mitt Romney's "No Apologies," Hugh Hewett's "A Mormon in the White House?" R.B. Scott's "Mitt Romney," etc.

The following brief biographical summary of Mitt Romney was forwarded me in an email (unattributed):

"Personal Information:

His full Name is: Willard Mitt Romney

He was Born: March 12, 1947 and is 65 years old.

His Father: George W. Romney, former Governor of the State of Michigan

He was raised in Bloomfield Hills , Michigan

He is Married to Ann Romney since 1969; they have five children.

B.A. from Brigham Young University,

J.D. and M.B.A. from Harvard University

Mormon - The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints

Working Background:

After high school, he spent 30 months in France as a Mormon missionary.

After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar exam, but never worked as an attorney.

In 1984, he co-founded Bain Capital a private equity investment firm, one of the largest such firms in the United States .

In 1994, he ran for Senator of Massachusetts and lost to Ted Kennedy.

He was President and CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.

In 2002, he was elected Governor of the State of Massachusetts where he eliminated a 1.5 billion deficit.

Some Interesting Facts about Romney:

As a venture-capitalist, Romney's first major business deal involved 
investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts
that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and
employs over 90,000 people.                       

Romney or his company Bain Capital (using what became known as the 
"Bain Way") would go on to perform the same kinds of business miracles 
again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, 
Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, 
Dollarama, Home Depot Supply, and many others.  

"Unpaid Service:

He was an unpaid volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.

Mormon missionary in France 2 ½ years

He was an unpaid intern in his dad's governor's office for eight years.

He was an unpaid bishop and stake president of his church for ten years.

He was an unpaid President of the Salt Lake Olympic Committee for three years.

He took no salary and was the unpaid Governor of Massachusetts for four years.

That's a grand total of 28 years of unpaid service to his country, his 
community and his church.  Why?                                      
Because that's the kind of man Mitt Romney is! 

He gave his entire inheritance from his father to charity.

Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest self-made men in our country but has given more back to its citizens in terms of money, service and time than most men.

And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income.... Just for comparison purposes, Obama gave 1% and Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013%.

"Mitt Romney is Trustworthy:

He will show us his birth certificate

He will show us his high school and college transcripts.

He will show us his social security card.

He will show us his law degree.

He will show us his draft notice.

He will show us his medical records.

He will show us his income tax records.

He will show us he has nothing to hide.

"Mitt Romney's background, experience and trustworthiness show him to be a great leader and an excellent citizen for President of the United States.

"You may think that Romney may not be the best representative the Republicans could have selected. At least I know what religion he is, and that he won't desecrate the flag, bow down to foreign powers, or practice fiscal irresponsibility. I know he has the ability to turn this financial debacle that the current regime has gotten us into. We won't like all the things necessary to recover from this debt, but someone with Romney's background can do it.

"But, on the minus side, He never was a "Community Organizer", never took drugs or smoked pot, never got drunk, did not associate with communists or terrorists, nor did he attend a church whose pastor called for God to damn the US.

"You should know the difference between the men running for America's top office."


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