The Comeback Team & the Chicago Machine

The Comeback Team

I was calling Romney the “Comeback Kid” during the primaries, and now that he’s picked his VP, the campaign team has dubbed them the “Comeback Team.”  And Congressman Paul Ryan is being called the best GOP VP pick in the last 60 years.  Romney’s first important decision as president is an excellent one.  I praised Ryan in an earlier blog post (April 26, 2011) when he was under attack for his budget proposal.  Of course Obama is already attacking it again, calling it “thinly veiled social Darwinism.”  To be compared with blatant socialist engineering by the Dems?  And I thought the liberal secularists were enamored with Darwinian theory.

Romney introduced Ryan at Norfolk (both entered from the USS Wisconsin, Ryan’s home state).  He called him a man of unquestioned integrity and one who gets things done.  He said together they’d offer solutions that are bold, specific and achievable. 

Ryan in turn said that Romney has the skills, background and character to revive this country – the man for the moment.  “He and I will restore the greatness of this country....This is a crucial moment in our history.”  He said his father told him you’re either part of the problem or part of the solution – Obama is part of the problem, Romney part of the solution.  Our duty is to save the American dream for our children and ourselves. 

In Obama’s first 2 years, he passed all that was on his agenda, yet things didn’t improve – 1 in 6 in poverty, etc.  A record of failure.  He is more worried about  the next election than the next generation.  We can’t afford 4 more years of this – it’s not a new normal.  It’s the result of misguided policies.  This will be a comeback, and get us back on the right track.  Mitt Romney understands that if you have a small business, you did build that.  He’s shown himself a man of achievement, excellence and integrity.  We look at each others’ success with pride, not resentment – it will improve life for all of us. 

Our rights come from nature and God, not government.  We promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.  We were founded on the principle of government by consent of the governed – an idea that’s under assault.  We’re on an unsustainable path.  We commit that we won’t duck the tough issues.  We’ll lead, and won’t blame others, but will take responsibility.  We can turn this thing around – it will take leadership and courage to tell you the truth.  Together we will unite America and get this done. 

Spin:  Ryan makes the battle shift from stewardship to ideas.  Change is now on the side of the GOP.  The Dems say Ryan is the architect of the radical House budget [that’s right – exactly what’s needed].  Bill Kristal – A bold and powerful pick.  Ryan has said they complement one another – Romney with executive experience in the private, public & volunteer sectors outside Washington, and Ryan with legislative, Washington experience.  And both are strong on the economy, which is the main problem.

Of course the Dems are already attacking the author of the Ryan Budget plan – but they have no room to talk – they’ve passed no budget for the last 3 years, but just continue to kick the can down the road, following the European (esp. Greek) model, and inviting the same results.

More Pinnochios for the Dems

The Democrat machine & liberal media seem to be having such trouble finding real faults with a man even Mark Levin (hardly a strong Romney supporter) said has the cleanest record around, that they have to fabricate them out of whole cloth. 

Take for instance Harry Reid’s unsupported statement on the floor of the Senate, that “Word has it Mitt Romney didn’t pay any taxes in the last 10 years.”  That earned him 4 Pinnochios from the non-partisan fact-checkers – their highest (lowest?) award.  Romney’s released the last 2 years of returns showing taxes paid, and he says he’s paid his lawful taxes every year (in addition to generous charitable giving).  Does anyone doubt the IRS would have come after him if not?  Harry needs to be reminded of the LDS Church’s standards of honesty.  It's Mormon vs Mormon.

The Bain attacks continue.  The latest is an ad (by a former Obama advisor) depicting a man describing how as a result of his layoff from a Bain company, his insurance was lost, and his wife’s cancer was as a result discovered too late to save her.  The trouble is, he was laid off at least a couple years after Romney left Bain to work the Olympics, and even then for some years after that his wife still had her (different) employer’s insurance, until her layoff.  But the man accuses Romney of not even being aware of or caring about such consequences. 

Plenty of Pinnochio’s to go around, and they refuse to withdraw the ad.  Why should they?  It and other groundless charges appear to be having their desired effect of painting a cruel and heartless Romney – Obama’s polls have pulled back ahead among the bleeding hearts who choose not to use their minds or check their facts.  What Romney has called “Obamaloney,” countering the “Romneyhood” moniker.  Obama mastered the art of emotional manipulation as a community organizer, and has recently (just in time for the election) been one by one selectively giving goodies to his targeted constituencies to buy their votes – the Hispanics, women, unions, gays, Blacks, etc.

And these are some of the same tactics mister Obama used to win his first election to a seat in the Illinois legislature.  He ran unopposed after his opponent dropped out in humiliation when Obama’s campaign exposed his divorce records.  Chicago style politics of character assassination.  Not running on personal merits, accomplishments or issues.  And that’s just what we’re seeing here.  Of course he has no record to run on, even now after 4 years. 

It’s interesting to contrast the clearly biased media coverage of Romney’s recent trip to England, Israel & Poland with coverage of Obama’s trip in 2008.  The Obama reports abroad & in the US were gushing for the unaccomplished but promising Black candidate – so much fervor that they could hardly wait to award him a Nobel Prize before he’d done anything (and still hasn’t).  But they loved his liberal rhetoric, and over the years have glossed over his gaffes.  The Media Research Center reports that the US networks only included Romney’s supposed Olympic “gaffe” in their stories after taking a cue from the Brits.  18 of 21 reports emphasized the “gaffes,” though they were innocuous (some called it a “tempest in a teapot”) and certainly appropriate for a former Olympic president to make.  And Romney has many more substantial accomplishments under his belt.  Of course the French socialist government decried Romney’s proposed cuts of “needed entitlements.”

Obama demonizes Romney as “Romneyhood,” a reverse-Robin-Hood who robs from the poor to give the rich.  But Romney proposes cutting taxes across the board.  He does propose cutting spending, including entitlements, but only in order to keep the programs and nation from bankruptcy.  But of course a socialist would view anything besides redistribution of wealth as robbery.  They want to milk the cow dry and not worry about the consequences.  Which is why Obama is by all rights the food stamp president, and has waived for the states requirements for welfare recipients to do more than just collect welfare.  And of course Obama fancies himself as a real Robin Hood who robs the rich and gives to the poor – buying their votes and keeping them down on the welfare plantation – the soft racism of low expectations.

4 More Years?

Having seen the very well-documented “2016” movie about Obama, it is clearer than ever how strongly and consistently over his entire life Obama was mentored and strongly influenced by some of the very most radical Communists, Marxists, liberation theologists and anti-neocolonialists.  And how his actions that have the effect of diminishing this country and its moderating influence play right into those philosophies.  But he’s given a by out of prevalent white guilt over racism, and by those mesmerized by his masterful oratory and glowing promises.  Only his promises to unite and not divide this country have been hollow as he’s made the divides even greater by capitalizing on class & race warfare.  So, too, his promises to improve the economy & cut the deficit. 

Such great promises, and what does he have to show?  If the American electorate continues to fall for it after 4 years, and all the examples of failing European states & American cities and states, then they undoubtedly deserve to reap the consequences of more of it.  They will blindly follow Obama & his slogan of “forward,” just like lemmings over a cliff.  He ridiculed Republicans in 2008, saying we drove the car into the ditch, and we can’t have the keys now.  Well, he’s clearly demonstrated he can’t get the car out of the ditch, and therefore the keys need to be given to those with demonstrated abilities and ideas – not the same as those begun under the Democrat Congress the last years of Bush’s presidency that precipitated the economic crisis, e.g., the Dodd-Frank social engineering market manipulation.  He’s like a college kid given a credit card who goes out & charges with wild abandon for the consequences – his card must be revoked before he can do more damage.


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