Delegate Report from the RNC Aug 28-29

Tues. Aug. 28 (Continued)

There’ve been 2 evening sessions (Tues, Wed) since my last message, hopefully with good TV coverage, so some of that I may go light on.

After the Tuesday afternoon business session with roll call of states, etc., we had about 25 minutes before the evening session to grab a bite – the concession stands were swamped, but I gulped down a salad.  Boehner said Obama’s record is a shadow of his rhetoric – throw him out!  And spoke [ of George Romney saying just when you think it’s bad, the tide turns [I think we’re seeing it].  Priebus cited Mitt’s accomplishments, said time to elect MR to begin the great American comeback...stand with us.  Great video & speech by Mia Love (Black mayor of Sarasota Springs, Utah) – “we’re not buying what you’re selling in 2012, Mr. Obama!”  

Oak Ridge Boys’ rendition of Amazing Grace – delegates sang along.  Jack Gilchrist – as Lee Iococa said, “Lead, follow or get out of the way.”  John Kasich on his turnaround of Ohio – another GOP turnaround story like NJ – more hope.  Bob McDonnell – “The national debt is is cheap, results matter.”  Gov. Scott Walker (WI) [another GOP success] said Mitt’s showed the courage & passion to be an exceptional president.  “Bumps in the road” video.  Rick Santorum, still in campaign mode, retold his family story, but did mention a couple of policy areas Mitt was strong on.  A couple minorities – Ted Cruz & Artur Davis – the latter a Black Democrat Congressman who came over from the dark side & spoke powerfully to his fellow Blacks – “We have a country to turn around...MR is the most expert executive in 60 years...don’t confuse celebrity w. leadership...Greek columns & smoke don’t end well.”  Gov. Nikki Halley (Indian ethnicity) – 2 independents in Mich. Said “we deserve better than what we have today,” Mitt’s silver bullet is Ann.  1st Lady of Puerto Rico spoke of Ann Romney as a woman of perserverance, faith, devoted wife & mother, Mitt’s secret weapon.

There were repeated moments of silence and requests for Red Cross donations for those in the path of Hurricane Isaac.

Huge applause when Ann Romney took the podium, and she did speak from the heart.  The usually noisy hall was completely hushed for the duration of her talk, except for applauses.  She spoke of what unites us in darkest hours – love.  “We’re not dumb enough to think there are easy answers, but are smart enough to know there are better answers....Mitt still makes me laugh....No one will work harder, care more or move heaven & earth than Mitt...speaking as partner in his enterprise...he wasn’t handed success – he built it....His success enabled him to serve others...he doesn’t talk about helping others as he sees it as a privilege, not a talking point.  It gives great joy.  This man will not can trust Mitt.”  [and she was totally convincing – powerful.  Chris Wallace later said Ann was “utterly credible & very powerful”  She was the talk of the delegates.].

Chris Christie video, spoke of seeking respect over love.  Let’s do what’s right and necessary to make America great again.  NJ did it – turned things around.  When told the truth, people rewarded politicians who led rather than pandered.  Their ideas have failed America...they believe Americans want to be coddled and live the lie....demand best teachers for our kids. The power of ideas, not rhetoric will help us win.  If I can do it in a blue state like NJ [& MA, Washington DC is out of excuses.  MR will tell us the hard truths needed to solve problems.  Time to end the era of absentee leadership.  Real leaders don’t follow the polls, they change them.  All must share in the sacrifice – any who say otherwise are simply not telling the truth.  We’ve never been victims of destiny, but always masters of our own.

I was approached right after by a small news team (interviewer & cameraman) from Channel 4 (local?) and asked what I thought of Christie’s speech.  It was late after a long day, and it caught me off guard, but I guess I did OK, saying it was a “killer,” and his turnaround in NJ gives us hope for CA & the country.

Huge crowds of delegates assembled at the bus pickup point after the session ended at 11pm.  I waited till 12:00pm (1 hr) to board a bus to the staging area, and waited until 2:00am on the bus waiting to get into the staging area – extremely poor planning/logistics. Got to TradeWinds at 2:30am -- 3 1/2 hrs after the convention session ended (should be 45 minutes).   The delegates' patience was exemplary, but sorely tested, and not without limits. I heard a number of delegates saying they weren't coming to the session Wed. because of expectations of more of the same.  I happened to sit next to a young LDS guy from Georgia (4th generation LDS there) & we passed the time well. The next day we were assured it was resolved, and I read in the papers they got a new bus company.

Wed. Aug. 29

 I slept in, got a buffet breakfast, and worked out in the hotel gym & swam laps in their pool.  Then joined a beachside BBQ for the delegation, and swam in the warm Gulf water.  The buses were on time and we got to the convention an hour before 7pm starting – time to shop in the RNC shop & walk all over the convention floor & take photos.  Moments before starting time, a PBS reporter with only an audio recorder asked to interview me about Ryan and his budget plan and tackling Medicare.  I was much more articulate & coherent than the night before. 

A diverse bunch of religions represented in the invocations & benedictions – a Sikh tonight.  And vet amputee colorguard.  Started w. a Ron Paul video – their small but vocal group was very vocal.  Though many agree w. some/much of his message, other parts go too far, including the thug, Marxist (undemocratic) tactics of his attack dogs in caucuses & this convention.  One disgruntled RP delegate gave his credentials to the Code Pink group that disrupted Paul Ryan’s speech.  RP is the least gracious of the losers in the primary process, and only one who didn’t release his delegates.  His son Rand is more reasonable, and his message is that he still thinks Obamacare is unconstitutional.  He said that anyone who so fundamentally misunderstands business is uniquely unqualified to be president. 

Mitch Mcconnell said the only way to fail in America is to quit [and Obama loves to coddle the quitters].  To call this a recovery is an insult to “recovery.”  Obama’s policies are easing us into lower expectations.  A video on George W. Bush & his father, saying MR will make a great president.  Bo Davidson sang “Blessed.”  An Iraq vet & another vet/paralympian spoke.  John McCain said “I endorse my friend, MR.”  Always we have led from the front, never from behind.  He spoke of the security leaks, $500B defense cuts, etc. – we can’t afford 4 more years.  Obama didn’t support the Iranian or Syrian revolutions.  Demand for American leadership has never been greater.  If America doesn’t lead,  John Thune. Rob Portman --   “apparently Mitt’s short list wasn’t short enough” [for him to be selected VP] – you can’t taxs, regulate & blame your way out of a recession.  Luis Fortuno (Puerto Rico gov.) – “we will never give up!”  Tim Pawlenty – welcome to Barack Obama’s retirement party. My guess at the “big surprise” guest is Donald Trump – he’s said he was invited but couldn’t say what part, hasn’t spoken yet, and he’d fit in perfect w. the retirement theme – “you’re fired!”  Pawlenty said BO is like a big tattoo you get when young, then later ask “what was I thinking?”  Obama’s failures are understandable – a lot of people fail at their first job.  Help’s on the way, and help’s name is MR.  He’s smart, gracious & wise, a can-do spirit – knows the problems and has the tools to fix them.  Mike Huckabee – “you didn’t build that” translates to “it doesn’t belong to you” [socialism].  MR’s been loyal to his wife, church, etc.  The only evangelical running is BO, and he’s for abortion, gay marriage, etc.  I care far less about where MR  takes his family to church than where he takes this country.  [speaking of Obama’s Nobel prize] In the real world you get prizes for doing things, not just promises.

Condoleeza Rice – huge applause, and almost as quiet for her as Ann Romney.  Spoke of the 9/11 and financial crises.  Where does America stand – friends & enemies need to know.  Acknowledging our burdens and sacrifices are heavy, if we don’t lead, either chaos or others (enemies) will lead.  We can’t be reluctant to lead and can’t lead from behind.  Peace really does come through strength.  MR & PR will rebuild the foundations of our strength – the economy.  We’ve never been jealous of one another’s success.  Personal story of growing up in Jim Crow Alabama, but told she could do anything & becoming secretary of state.  No other country – even China – can do more harm to us than we can to ourselves.  The crisis in K12 education is a threat to who we are.  Quality of education in minority schools is the civil rights issue of today.  MR & PR have integrity, vision,...  [one expert called it the best speech of her career].

Susanna Martinez – success is not built on resentment and fear.  How she started as a young security guard for her family’s startup business, packing a 357 magnum Smith & Wesson [also my weapon of choice].  Too many politicians are afraid to stand up.  “Todo es possible en America”

Paul Ryan.  The crowd went wild – long applause & all on their feet.  MR’s life prepared him – America needs a turnaround and the man for the job is MR.  His first impression of him is decent and honest.  When he joined the ticket, he said “let’s get this done!”  The recovery promised is nowhere in sight.  Without any change in leadership, why would the next 4 years be any different from the last 4?  The problem started with the stimulus – not just spent and wasted, but also borrowed.  Obamacare...[Code Pink protester interruption, delegates outshouted them w. “USA, USA”]  The coldest powerplay of Obamacare against the elderly was raiding Medicare for Obamacare.  MR & I know the difference between protecting a program and raiding it – we look forward to this debate.  Obama’s campaign is like a ship trying to sail on yesterday’s wind.  In the last 4 years, we’ve suffered no shortage of words in the White House – what’s missing is leadership.  The man assumed office 4 years ago – isn’t it about time to assume responsibility?  After 4 yrs of government trying to divide wealth, we’ll get busy and create wealth.  The   Romney administration’s goal is 12 million new jobs in the next 4 yrs, and keep federal spending below 20% of GDP.  The US is the greatest force for peace & liberty the world has ever known.  A country where everything is free but us.  Compared his & Mitt’s playulists.  MR saved Olympics from collapsing under debt & corruption.  We come from different churches, but the best preaching is by example – Mitt is prayerful, faithful, honorable, a good marriage.  Our faiths come together in the same moral creed.  Our rights come not from government but from nature & God.  The crowd went wild again.

The VIP section was about 10 yards behind me, so some shots of the Romneys, Ryans, Condoleeza, etc.  I’ve seen many news celebrities, Newt, etc. 



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