Scandals Galore
A Perfect Storm & Flawed Administration
It’s hard to know where to begin, with the rash of Obama
administration scandals: the IRS
targeting conservative groups & leaking tax returns, Benghazi ineptness & cover-up, AP &
Fox reporter phone intercepts, etc. On
top of Fast & Furious, etc.
ABC News (Stephanopolous) is calling the IRS & Benghazi
a “controversy,” not a scandal. But the
press continues to awaken from its slumber, and pressed Carney on Holder’s
denial that he had anything to do with legal proceedings against the press –
despite his having signed the court order.
There seems to be a general pattern of arrogance, denial,
diminishment, obfuscation & ignorance.
From Clinton ’s
aggressive “what difference does it make?” to Obama’s denial of knowledge of
the IRS investigations (not only the Inspector General – he heard about that
thru the press, but also the internal IRS investigation & targeting?),
Shulman’s artful dodging, the IRS tax exempt division chief’s taking the 5th,
etc. They seem to artfully dodge direct
questions and answer another of their own making. Only later after careful parsing can their
subterfuge be recognized. The press
corps, not being legally trained in semantic nuance, nor inclined to scrutinize
those with whom they tend to agree politically, are not generally fast enough
on their feet to catch the artful dodger during a press conference. Jay Leno joked that the reason for Obama’s
many press conferences is not to give them information, but for Obama to get
information from them (e.g., the IG’s IRS investigation).
None of the administration seems inclined to accept or take
responsibility – possibly a liberal trait.
Or to be aware. Obama’s aloofness
may almost be believable (he rivals Schulz’s “I know nothing” on Hogan’s
Heroes), with his admitted laziness, and his daily schedule typically
remarkably light, especially compared with other presidents. He seems to enjoy the trappings of power, but
is very little interested in the executive work – and why should he be expected
to? He had no executive experience or
proclivities (unlike Romney). The people
got what they wanted and deserve.
And this aloofness may be interpreted by those more removed
(e.g., IRS) as license to run amuk.
This, together with Obama’s clear campaign attacks against the Tea
Party, Fox News, etc., may have been all the implicit license the
liberal-minded among them needed. Even
if not directed explicitly by Obama – how convenient, plausible
deniability. But he created the climate and
opportunity, at least by omission if not commission. But there are bureaucratic bosses, underlings
and others who knew or ought to know better, and need to do prison time to send
the unmistakable message that our democracy will not be subverted.
But for conservative awareness and pressing the issues
(despite accusations of politicization & exaggeration), these serious
excesses and failings of government would no doubt continue to become more
deeply institutionalized. In fact,
institutionalization seems to be the intent, from growing government’s
intrusion into the health care sector (and associated growth of IRS regulations
& staff), to the growth of other entitlement programs like food stamps,
low-interest home loan programs, the Dream Act, etc. The strategy seems to be to divide &
conquer – divide us by a multitude of special interest groups with grievances
that only government, and specifically Democrat-controlled government, can supposedly
rectify. And they also institutionalize
the growth of their perpetuating constituencies, such as the government worker
unions, and Hispanic immigration (legal via family preferences, and illegal by
intransigence on border control & offering benefits & preferred path to
citizenship), and dependence on entitlements.
Further, Obama seems to work around the Constitution and
Congress when they don’t do what he wants, by an unprecedented and abusive
number of executive orders, and expansion of regulatory powers of
agencies. He rivals FDR in his grabbing
of executive power, and rightly has been called imperial. If we are to maintain the
constitutionally-intended checks and balances between branches of government, and
not lose the freedoms (speech, press, etc.) so hard fought for, we must stand
up and demand them. And be assertive
with congressional and special investigations, lawsuits, investigative
journalism, and personal and organized activism, legislation, campaigning, etc. There is more need now than ever for a
vigorous Republican (& Libertarian) opposition.
Much of the abuse of power and unaccountability can also be
ascribed to the growth of government.
And so we must fight relentlessly to reduce the size of government, and
demand and institutionalize greater accountability. That goes hand-in-hand with shrinking the
budget of government (and parallel indebtedness), and the associated means of
buying votes and influence.
The IRS (Intimidation & Revenue Service)
For 27 months (the 2 years leading up to the 2012 election)
not one Tea Party organization got tax exempt status. Romney’s staff during the election was
harassed w. 3 or 4 federal audits at once.
These things, along w. the Benghazi
& Fast & Furious obfuscations (along with vicious personal attacks), no
doubt had an effect on the election, as they were apparently intended to. And they talk about our political
The IRS is getting a bit intrusive when it was asking some
of these groups what they were praying about.
And for lists of their associations, members and addresses. Interesting that it’s important for them, but
Democrats claimed Obama’s associations (Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, etc.) were
unimportant. The National Organization for Marriage president, John Eastman, is
suing the IRS because part of their tax return listing donors and addresses was
demonstrably leaked by the IRS to an enemy organization and then
published. That is a felony carrying a 5
yr prison sentence. The IRS head over
that organization then became an Obama campaign manager.
Julian Bond (NAACP president) feels the IRS targeting is
justified because the Tea Party is “admittedly racist.” Oh, yeah?
Who “admitted” it? And what
evidence is there that it is? Certainly
much less than Louis Farrakan’s organization.
And even if it were racist, what legal right has the IRS to target
it? And now the state of California is getting on
the bandwagon, passing a bill denying BSA tax-exempt status because of its
membership policy towards homosexuals (though they lifted the ban on youth, not
on adults). Just an example of the consequences of a Democrat supermajority in the state legislature. Even the L.A. Times
editorialized that that bill is wrong (e.g., the Supreme Court upheld BSA’s
rights), and that taxing could then be used as a weapon against any belief –
politically incorrect or not.
Mark Levin’s Landmark Legal Foundation uncovered the IRS
targeting & initiated legal proceedings over a year ago. A clear solution is a simple flat tax, which
would also shrink the IRS bureaucracy & costs, reversing the growth due to
It’s clearly in the IRS’s self-interest (job security) to
attack groups calling for lower & flat taxes & less government (fewer
IRS agents). The IRS (and the former
head of its tax exempt division) will administer & enforce Obamacare.
Interesting that the IRS chief, Shulman, visited the Obama
White House 157 times, whereas the IRS chief under Bush only once. Then when asked the purpose of his visits, he
only mentioned the White House easter egg hunt.
Is there arrogance and something to hide there? And he denied a year ago that there was any
targeting, despite demonstrably being aware of it a year ago. The current head of the IRS tax exempt
division, when called to testify before Congress, strongly asserted she had
done nothing wrong, illegal or broken any IRS rules, then invoked her 5th
amendment rights to remain silent and not answer any questions. Again, nothing to hide there? Some have noted that perhaps we ought to give the IRS the same treatment when we're audited. The most they seem willing to admit to is
“poor service!” Quite an
understatement. As Krauthammer points
out, poor service is when one person gets a fly in their soup, not when every
member of a group gets a fly. And the
only excuse so far seems to be that the IRS is overworked – why, then, did they
find more organizations to target, and pepper them with more questions and
requests for documentation to review than ever?
Now we also learn that HHS head Sibelius is illegally
raising funds to save Obamacare.
The AP (Associated Press) Scandal
The liberal media has long shown solidarity in support for
Obama. Donald Rumsfeld: “Unanimity is usually either the result of
cowardice or the lack of rigorous thinking.”
This may also explain much about the solidarity of the progressive
There have been other systematic intimidations of the press
– rewarding of the liberal networks with preferred access, and punishment of
the conservative (Fox) with denied access and verbal attacks by Obama himself
as well as his lackeys. But the AP &
Fox reporters phone tapping & records investigations (& Holder’s
denial) appears to have gone too far, even for the liberal press to
stomach. And therein may lie Obama’s
ultimate undoing, after having so long enjoyed the favor and unquestioning
adulation of the liberal lapdog press. Just
another abuse of power, and evidence of arrogance.
Despite spokesman Carney’s statement that only stylistic
changes were made to the CIA assessments before public release by Rice et al,
we now know that a dozen significantly different drafts made significant,
substantive changes, including omitting references to terrorism and Al Qaida.
Shortly after the Benghazi
attack, during the public statement formulation phase, Victoria Nuland sent an
internal State Dept. memo that reference to such things as Al Qaida &
terrorism would only feed investigations
by Congress as to why more was not done...”why would we want to do that?” Why, indeed – especially close to a close
election. They were obviously very aware
of what they were doing, and it was quite intentional.
The ranking (surviving) embassy official in Libya testified
he was stunned when he heard the administration’s statement, especially when he
had been called by the leader of Libya and informed on the night of the attack
of the death of the ambassador, apparently by organized terrorists – not an
unruly video protest. The local security
team in Tripoli
was also embarrassed after being directed to “stand down,” that this was the
first time in their military career that the diplomats apparently had more guts
than the military.
Many questions: why
were the security arrangements there so poor, especially so soon after other
attacks in the area, including a breach of the embassy compound wall that was
then exploited in this attack? Why were
the limited forces in the area told to stand down? Why were there no rapid reaction forces
available – other than the removal of the Mediterranean carrier group by
Obama? Why the stonewalling on documents
& witness names/permissions requested by Congress? Why did Secy. Clinton not respond to the
ambassador’s or survivors’ urgent cables?
Why did Obama not deem the incident important enough to use the
situation room, or disturb his sleep?
Why was Obama 2 weeks later at the UN mentioning several times the video
in conjunction w. the Benghazi
attack, when he knew better? Or Secy.
Clinton the same to family of the victims? And how can Obama have it both ways, having
claimed in the presidential debate to have mentioned “terrorism” (not linked to
Benghazi ) the
morning after the attack?
I'm sure we're all relieved that the global war on terror is ending, by shear will and declaration of our great and wise president.
We will see where all of these scandals lead, but even the
Democrat operatives are complaining that Obama has lost the upper hand. Polls show he’s now in negative approval
territory. And many believe it’s only a
matter of time before Holder goes.
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