Paris, the Turkey in Turkey, 3 Year Old Orphans, Racism & 2016


1    Je suis Parisienne!  The Attack of the “3 year old Orphans”
2.    Obama – the Turkey in Turkey
3.    Feinstein & Kerry Quotes
4.    “Radical Islam” and ISIS Recruitment
5.    The Refugee Issue & Morality
6.    The Real Obama
7     The 2016 Race
8.    America – Racist or Refuge?

Je suis Parisienne!  The Attack of the “3 year old Orphans”

Obama has been saying ISIS is the JV team, and that they are on defense, and was touting the drone kill of “Jihadi John,” just as he had UBL.  We have been saying we need to be more aggressive with increasing threats to us, as well as genocide and unmanageable refugee crises.  And now we have ISIS downing 2 jetliners, and the horrible massacres in Paris – who was right?

After the terrorists have already declared and waged a war without pity, the French president declared a war without pity on the terrorists. There is the leader of the free world, while we “lead from behind.”

Obama feels, speaks and acts like the greatest and most urgent threat we have to deal with is climate change, and closing Guantanamo. Or dealing with some imagined widespread, institutional racism. Or stopping people from defending themselves with their own guns, rather than waiting until it’s too late by the time police arrive, as the people in Paris. Will it take another Paris-like, or 9/11-like attack in America to snap him out of it?

Obama shows no real concern about Iran continuing to march towards nuclear weapons, or Syria using chemical weapons. Now come reports that ISIS’ new weapon of choice that they are pursuing for mass extinction of infidels is biological weapons. Will we wait until they have that capability until we act? Is that our preferred way to die?

Obama is fine with containing ISIS for now, to avoid boots on the ground during his presidency. But we see that allowing another safe haven for terrorists (as Afghanistan pre-9/11) gives them the ability to plan, orchestrate & carry out mass attacks in our major cities. We went into Afghanistan precisely to deny them a safe haven, and promised to do so anywhere in the world. So much for the Bush doctrine, which has been superseded by the Obama pin-prick and wait-and-see-what-happens doctrine.

Obama feels our border controls are adequate, while we have been calling for a fence & strict controls, not only for illegal immigration, but potential terrorism. France now has closed and secured their borders in the wake of the terrorist attacks, and in the face of hundreds of thousands of refugees, including many potential terrorists, and a story that at least one of the terrorists came with the Syrian refugees. Now we hear reports of Middle Easterners entering Mexico, taking Spanish names and coming to America.

And Hillary is merely more of the same. I’m not a Trump supporter, but after the Paris attacks, I’m 100% behind his statement that he’d “bomb the s_ _ _ out of ISIS.”

France (& now Russia) just bombed ISIS training camps, supply depots, etc. in Syria after being given US intel/target lists.  Why did they even still exist after all this time without us bombing them? We obviously weren’t very serious before now. 

Obama – the Turkey in Turkey

Obama thinks the Republicans whined about the GOP debate moderators.  Well, all he ever does (& did at his sorry press conference at Antalya, Turkey, is whine about Republicans – much more than any serious concern over terrorism.  He diminished the Paris attacks as a “setback.”  Just as Hillary, he counts his real enemies as Republicans, and reserved his most incessant and vitriolic, derisive attacks for them. 

More nice, sympathetic words from Obama to the French – to be expected from an articulate community organizer.  But that’s where it stops – no acknowledgment that what we’ve done so far wasn’t enough, or any change in strategy – no, that would require 1) admission of error, and 2) action – neither of which this president is capable of.  No, it’s a 1-sided war – ISIS is at war with us, but we’re piddling around. 

Yes, we’re sorry – a sorry bunch.  At the G20 summit in Antalya, Turkey, a French reporter asked if it isn’t time for the US strategy to change.  Obama replied, recounting “all” we’ve done, and that we are “continuing to accelerate as we find partners.”  We’re still looking for those, apparently.  “There will be an intensification of the strategy, but it will take time.”  Translation:  no significant involvement by the US while I’m president and can be blamed – we and the rest of the world will just have to absorb whatever ISIS can throw at us (as they continue to enjoy safe haven) until after I’m out of office.  Same strategy with Iran & their nuclear program – no action for now – just kick the can down the road, where the problem is bigger, for someone else to deal with it.

He said that “a few have suggested putting large numbers of US troops on the ground.”  He said his view & that of his close advisors is that’s a mistake.  Well, duh!  Of course his close advisors agree with him, otherwise they wouldn’t be close advisors – either like-minded ideologues or yes-men.  But large numbers of former generals free to speak disagree with him.  Typical of liberals in their insular bubbles who rarely hear anything else, and come to believe their view is the only rational one.  And now CIA whistleblowers have come forward to say that their intelligence reports have been toned down by higher-ups to agree w. the administration’s narrative, downplaying the threats.  Which of course also contributes to Obama’s inaction.  More mismanagement – just as with the IRS, secret service, VA,….
“We don’t want to play into their (ISIS’) thinking that they’re a state.”  No, their biggest recruiting tool – the existence of a caliphate that true Muslims are expected to flock to and support – should be ignored.  What a dolt. 

“I don’t think I’ve shown hesitation to act…when there’s a good idea.”  There’s his legal out clause -- I guess his insular bubble has kept him from hearing a number of good ideas floating around (see below), because he certainly hasn’t been acting – at least without great hesitation.  Or perhaps he’s heard them, and just dismissed them as bad ideas, because they don’t fit his narrative, his politics, or because they weren’t his ideas.  After all, he is the smartest man in the room.  “The strategy we’re pursuing is the right one.  It will just take time”  And we can all plainly see how well it’s working.  And apparently Obama is in no hurry to stop the bleeding (genocide, refugee flood, terrorist attacks, etc.) – Doctor Obama has triaged and diagnosed the symptoms as non-critical – at least during the rest of his term in office.  We just need to wait – how long at the current pace we have no clue, but apparently for many years, with all the accompanying death, destruction, spreading of ISIS, etc.

Reporter question:  “With the greatest military in the world, and the backing of all other nations, why can’t the U.S. take out these bastards?” Obama: “I’ve just spent time answering….they’re not a traditional military opponent…we can take territory and hold it, but that won’t solve things for long without continuous occupation, without a local political solution.”  Ah – some insight.  He acknowledges we could take away their caliphate (and recruitment), and safe havens for planning attacks against us, but it would take some commitment and staying power.  We wouldn’t want “boots on the ground” (which he has said we won’t do) to be around for several years (like Germany & Japan following WWII), to guarantee time for local stability to develop.  That would, after all, concede his error in premature withdrawal from Iraq, which led to the vacuum that ISIS filled, and mean he was wrong to say no “boots on the ground.”  He has painted himself into a tidy little corner that only looks out for his own narcissistic tush, and ignores everyone else’s.   He can’t back down now, or he loses his professorial image, just like the Wizard of Oz.  In fact, that was very much his demeanor in the press conference – he was again (as in Chicago) the all-wise professor, lecturing us (especially the GOP and any other critics) who are so stupid to continue questioning his wisdom, without any viable (in his mind) alternatives.

Another reporter asked, “Do you really think you understand this threat?  Did you anticipate their potential capability [for the Paris attacks]?  Obama became increasingly irritated, defensive, and lashed out at Republicans who he sees as the source of such questioning of his omniscience and wisdom.
Obama is now being called by various respected observers “delusional” in the face of reality.  Even Geraldo Rivera calls it “malignant wishful thinking.” He can’t admit he’s wrong.  He’s hypersensitive (thin-skinned) & defensive.  He attacks his political opponents when he should be focused on the nation’s external enemies. 

Obama says “the most powerful tool we have to fight ISIS is to say we’re not afraid.”  Easy for him to say with his presidential security.  It also says something about his view of our military.  He also touts what a powerful statement holding the climate summit in Paris soon after the attacks is – as if the terrorists are impressed with his fighting the more serious war on climate change.

We’re already hearing the libs/progressives screaming “rush to war.”  I don’t think so – we’re already a year or more too late.  Just as before going into Iraq it had been several years of defiance of inspections & atrocities.  No timetable for war would be less than a “rush” for these pacifists who are willing to sacrifice American & other lives to the terrorists.  Then let them go personally to “negotiate” with ISIS, since they’re so convinced that war is not the answer. 

CA Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein, ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Nov. 16:  “I have never been more concerned. I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding. They've just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country.

“And I think we have to be prepared. I think, hopefully, France will go for a Chapter 5, which will bring NATO into it.

“Hopefully, we will work with our allies to put together the kind of coalitions and attack plans in more than one place at a given time.

“There's only one way we are going to diminish them and that is by taking them out, because they are growing. They are in more than a dozen countries now.

“They are sophisticated. They have apps to communicate on that cannot be pierced, even with a court order. So they have a kind of secret way of being able to conduct operations and operational planning. So we should take this very, very seriously.

Even Obama’s FBI director admits we can’t vet the Syrian refugees.  As Christie says, that should be the end of the conversation. 

Secy. Kerry: “Our reaction will be fierce.”  A former U.S. General: “about as fierce as a chocolate eclair.”

“Radical Islam” and ISIS Recruitment

Terrorism increased 80% in the last year, under Obama’s “strategy.”  An alarming, new, increase.  And successful attacks beget more of the same, emboldening those already in ISIS, and recruiting more to join them.  Obama’s main concerns over recruitment seem to be the existence of Guantanamo (he secretly released 5 more inmates back to the Middle East this week), and concern that calling the terrorists Muslim, most of whom are inherently peaceful, will alienate more Muslims and result in more recruitment for ISIS.  Tammy Bruce points out the cognitive dissonance inherent in the “Muslim” argument.  That is, either the true Muslims are truly peaceful (as Obama has emphasized), and not sympathetic with the terrorists, and not susceptible to recruitment, or they are on the verge and sympathetic, prone to recruitment if offended.  They can’t be both.  Either Islam deserves broader condemnation, including the many “moderates” who remain silent about dissociating themselves from the jihadis, and condemning them, or quietly cheer them.  Or not so quietly, as we saw at the soccer match in Turkey, where thousand(s) booed the moment of silence for the Paris victims, and yelled “Allah Akbar!” 

Those who are offended by being associated with the jihadis, with the “Muslim” attribution, are undoubtedly against them, and shouldn’t be prone to recruitment, but rather more anxious to dissociate themselves from the radicals.  It is precisely those who are NOT offended by any generalization or association of Islam w. radicals/jihadis who we should be worried about.  The vast majority of victims of ISIS are Muslims, as surely those Muslims realize who are not ISIS sympathizers. All this points out the need for a modern Muslim reformation, as called for by the likes of Hirsi Ali, and president Morsi of Egypt.  

I think the Left is really tone deaf and simplistic in not understanding the precise semantics of the term “radical Islam.”  Obama & none of the Democrat candidates would use the term.  What it refers to is that portion of Islam that is radical – what is not meant or intended is that all of Islam is radical.  In any case, semantics aside, Obama et al continually deny that ISIS is Islamic – as if they were the theological arbiters and definers of Islam, or any of its branches. ISIS bases their beliefs and justify their actions on strict and literal interpretation of the Koran – they are fundamentalists.  Merely because Obama thinks that a better form of Islam would be a more peaceful one, it does not mean the less peaceful are un-Islamic.  This brings to mind those in Christianity who refuse to call some Christian sects “Christian” because of some disagreement(s) in doctrine. This administration continues to use the term ISIS (or ISIL), which includes the words “Islamic State.”  What is not Islamic about any of that? 

The Refugee Issue & Morality

And their double standard is glaring – exercising great caution not to offend Muslims, but mercilessly ridiculing and attacking Christians in the U.S.  And glossing over the much higher percentage of Christians who are victims of ISIS, who have been decimated, and have no other place to find refuge in the Middle East, and for whom it would be logical to give some priority in this country as refugees.  There are precedents for preferential religious or ethnic treatment – such refugees as Jewish, Vietnamese, etc. 

But the Left is anxious to promulgate their characterization of Republicans as xenophobic and bigoted, and as merciless to widows and 3-yr-old orphans, implying that we are naively bigoted against all Muslims (or foreigners or other ethnicities), which of course is politically advantageous to maintaining and increasing their constituency.  When they can’t win a logical argument, they resort to name-calling and demonization – assuming the worst in our natures.  I think on the other side, by far most Republicans (at least I and those I know) don’t think Liberals/Progressives/the Left are evil with bad intentions, rather that the solutions to their good intentions are merely ill-informed and ill-reasoned.  Of course the demonization also keeps their constituency in line – if they have any doubts, they still wouldn’t dare go to the other side to be seen as bigoted.  Intense social pressure.

They can’t hear, understand or accept that we might actually have some logical, non-prejudicial rationales for our concerns over admitting Syrian “refugees” who cannot be adequately vetted.  They continually appeal to our moral traditions and religion – “We have a moral obligation to take in Syrian refugees”.  But what is the morality or mercy in carelessly admitting some number (however small) of infiltrated terrorists who then murder hundreds or thousands of our innocent citizens?  Will Obama tell us how many American lives are worth admitting how many inadequately vetted refugees, with a high likelihood that some will be terrorists?  We are already struggling to monitor several hundred home-grown radical ISIS-sympathizers in all 50 states, and we want to risk bringing in fully-trained terrorists who are ready to go?  Oh, but Obama assures us that the vetting will be rigorous.  Yes, just as his assurances that “ISIS is the JV team,” and is “contained,” and “on defense,” and “if you like your plan, you can keep it,” or “premiums will drop an average of $2,500,” or the red line on Syrian chemical weapons, etc., etc.  Expert after expert has testified that there are no databases available to vet the refugees.

This is by no means some unlikely hypothetical – now we know that 2 of the Paris terrorists posed as Syrian refugees, and entered through Greece.  Are these the 3 year old orphans Obama mockingly derides Republicans as being afraid of?  What an idiotic and sophomoric accusation – but it apparently has found great support as evidenced by the many on the Left who mindlessly repeat it.  And an unusually high percentage (77%) of the refugees appears to be young, able-bodied men – an odd demographic, as someone noted.  Even if only a few are terrorists, why aren’t the rest taking up arms to defend their homes, families and neighbors?  Now we also hear that 2 Iraqi terrorists, who had killed Americans in Iraq, were discovered in Kentucky after having been admitted as refugees to the U.S.  And now more terrorists were just found among the refugees in Turkey.  Trey Gowdy: “the president says we are scared of widows and orphans.  With all due respect to him, what I am really afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more widows and orphans.”

The first priority of the Commander-in-Chief is to protect Americans.  That is his solemn, constitutional oath.  That is what HE is morally obligated to do.  It is not his first priority to resolve crises in the way that is best for him politically, but not best for the American people.  There are other solutions to the refugee crisis that he won’t even consider, apparently.  Like creating safe havens in Syria, at least temporarily resettling some refugees in other Muslim countries in the Middle East, arming many of these able-bodied young men refugees to stand and fight, living up to Chapter 5 of the NATO alliance & coming to the aid of France, etc., etc.  But no, he does the only thing he’s good at – offering nice words.  Let me state it so plainly that even Obama can understand, if he could ever open his mind:  either we put boots on their ground, or they’ll put boots on ours.

Obama takes troops out of the Middle East, precipitating the rise of ISIS and the genocides and refugee crisis, then attacks Republicans for not caring about Muslims in the Middle East?  If the refugees had their preferences, no doubt most would rather stay at home than go elsewhere – if it weren’t unsafe due to our policies or lack thereof. 

As Viktor Frankl said, “There are only two races – the decent and the indecent.”  Republicans focus on values, not race – e pluribus unum  (out of many, one) is one of the American values on our coins, uniting America.  The Left focuses on racial division for political gain – out of one, many, to divide (fundamentally transform) America.  The left says that values are not to be judged as superior or inferior (moral relativism) – unless, of course, they are conservative values.

Obama’s “moral compassion” to avoid civilian casualties, take in all kinds of refugees, not profile, avoid boots on the ground & sacrifices of war, are condemning thousands and hundreds of thousands to death, rape, torture, slavery, poverty & misery.  Just another example of progressive good intentions having horrible consequences.

I note that here we have ISIS attacking NATO (France), and then NATO (Turkey) shooting down a Russian bomber in its airspace.  Things are getting interesting. 

The Real Obama

This man wants to lecture us on what is American?  He is the one who is “fundamentally transforming America” into something fundamentally un-American.  He is the one with the un-American extreme Leftist values that would diminish America, not preserve & protect it.  He is sworn to preserve and protect the constitution, but constantly circumvents and undermines it.  He is sworn to protect this country, but undermines its military, and is unwilling to use it in our defense.  He continues to weaken us economically with profligate spending and debt, to weaken our moral basis and families by expanding the welfare state.  He weakens our civil peace and security by dividing us, fomenting animosity and undermining our police. He coddles our enemies and alienates our allies. 

Obama is quick to politicize and make political hay, but slow to recognize facts and expediencies, correct solutions, and take action.  He is increasingly thin-skinned and defensive, quick to attack and demonize his critics.  Many are calling him easily the worst and most destructive president in our history.  That will be his legacy.  His ego is his weakness – unable to see clearly or hear anyone who disagrees with him.  Preoccupied with his own agenda and articulateness – as are his blind adherents.  Fortunately, facing the increasingly glaring gap between Obama’s narrative and reality, many in his own party can no longer deny that the emperor has no clothes, at least in the foreign policy arena.

We have a president who is a professional speaker – what we need is a man of action.  ISIS isn’t affected by speech, and especially hollow speech.  Nor are our allies, especially when we “lead from behind.”  He’s assembled no coalition – ISIS is assembling one by their attacks on France & Russia.  He blames the GOP for inhospitability or discrimination for denying refugees asylum, but he’s created the crisis by his years of inaction in Syria & premature withdrawal from Iraq.  It’s always someone else’s fault in his mind – his ego thinks it can do no wrong.  Prager calls his ego and self-confidence “preternatural.”

Obama claims progress in the war on terror – really?  Where?  “Paris is only a setback.”

The 2016 Race

There is a glaring double standard when it comes to mainstream media scrutiny of Ben Carson’s book and Obama’s during his campaign.  There were serious errors in Obama’s, and trivial or semantic ones in Carson’s.

America – Racist or Refuge?

Black activists/race peddlers have gone berserk at the U. Missouri.  Witch hunts for any last vestiges of racism.  It appears to be an extension of the Black lives matter movement.  And I can’t help but note the similarity to the frenzy Palestinians are being whipped into, using false or gross exaggerations – for political purposes.  It is, after all, an election year, and Hillary appears to be in trouble in the polls.  These naïve, gullible college kids haven’t a clue what real racism is, as experienced by their grandparents and earlier, or elsewhere in the world.  I doubt they’ve travelled enough to appreciate what they have here. 

At least Obama seemed to slip & acknowledge it while in Malaysia this week, visiting a school to promote his slander against the GOP, lecturing that kids there are just like here (as if we hate foreign kids).  But he said he’d work to make sure America is still a place where those discriminated against & oppressed elsewhere have a friendly refuge.  Which implies that there is less discrimination & oppression here, which of course is why they’d want to come here in the first place.  That’s of course intended for GOP & foreign consumption – he wouldn’t want that to get out among his domestic constituency – he has to keep them discontent. He and the Left and the race-baiters/peddlers are constantly harping on the “institutional & genetic racism” in America.  He wants to have it both ways.  Another case of Leftist cognitive dissonance for political convenience.


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