The December Debates

The Dec 15 GOP Debate

It was a much more lively and substantive debate than anything the Dems have come up with.  Some of the key fights were between Trump and Bush, Rubio and Cruz, and Christie and Paul.

Carly Fiorina was feisty as ever.  She cited Margaret Thatcher, that if you want something talked about, ask a man, and if you want something done, ask a woman. She properly assigned responsibility for the creation of ISIS to Obama and Clinton.  She said we should retaliate against the Chinese for their cyberattacks, and confront them in the Spratley Islands.  Similarly, we should show strength in the Baltic, because that is what Putin understands. Krauthammer thought she was commanding.

Cruz said the political correctness is blinding us. 

Carson wants to destroy ISIS` caliphate [their prime recruiting tool – not Guantanamo], and take their oil, which is their source of revenue.  He said that if we don’t get the military right, nothing else will matter.  He was asked if he had the ability to use force if innocents may be killed (no doubt because he is a Seventh Day Adventist).

Christie said that the senators on the stage voted to weaken our military, by supporting the sequester.
Both Trump & Carson assured us they won’t run as independents, which is a relief, as that would assure Hillary of winning.

Paul said the biggest threat to our national security is the national debt. 

In a focus group afterwards, 11 voters switched to Cruz and Christie, who apparently did quite well for themselves.  And Cruz has taken over first place in the Iowa polls.  People generally acknowledge that Rubio did OK, as well.

The Democrat Debate

As expected, they continue to try to outdo each other promising more freebies and wealth redistribution. 

Clinton quotes:  “Everyone should like me.”  But according to the polls, most don't.  “May the force be with you” – trying to be cool.  “We’re finally where we need to be” – regarding the war on terror.  Right, and ask the families of the San Bernardino & Paris victims if they agree.


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