Hysteria over Trump at the Helsinki Summit with Putin

At least 2 political risks possibly in the graphic above, actually – one, going ahead to meet with Putin when some said he should call it off after the 12 Russian indictments, and second, not publicly trying to humiliate Putin with accusations like the reporters & Dems were goading him to do at the press conference. I almost sense some of Trump’s defiance of such goading was reflexively contrarian out of his despisement of much of the media. Of course they’re motivated by lingering anger that Trump won the election (despite findings the Russians didn’t impact it), and possibly some fear that Trump might actually succeed at his own Russian reset where Obama/Clinton clearly failed. I guess they forgot that Obama once said that the idea of public shaming of Putin on the world stage doesn’t read the Russian people well.

No, Trump has been nothing if not consistent in opening dialogues with leaders of our chief adversaries – N. Korea, China, and Russia. And in developing cordial personal relationships, all the while keeping his actions on them tough and in place – tough sanctions on Russia (& diplomatic expulsions, bombing their forces in Syria, arming Ukraine) & N. Korea, tariffs on China, etc. The proverbial carrot & stick, or good cop, bad cop. He lets actions speak louder than words, which is good, considering he’s admittedly not a master of language (which he admitted in his correction that he meant to say “don’t see any reason why the Russians would NOT meddle”). But still preferable to Obama’s articulate inaction.

Of course the Dems, Left & media are looking hard for any justification to depose Trump, and their rhetoric is so over the top, and working people into such a frenzy, that I wouldn’t be surprised at not only mass demonstrations, but riots. The derangement syndrome has devolved into calling Trump’s statements “traitorous.” And, I suppose, if you believe as they say that the Russian meddling was an “act of war,” a “Pearl Harbor,” and “Kristallnacht,” then that might almost logically follow. But the Left continues to devalue language like “rape,” “racist,” etc. to the point of making their original meanings obscure and meaningless. Taking them at their word, we would literally be in a shooting war right now.

But the Left/Dems are nothing if not myopic – they can only see their own little narcissistic “crisis du jour,” and not see the bigger picture of truly significant issues affecting the lives of hundreds of thousands or millions of people – N. Korea, China, Iran, Russia, Syria, terrorism (where we have been cooperating w. Russia). They can’t see the eventual inevitable results of kicking the deficit/debt and Iran & N. Korea nukes cans down the road. No, what Obama did sending hundreds of billions of dollars in cash to Iran in the middle of the night, making us a state sponsor of terrorism, weakening our military, doubling our debt, increasing racial divisiveness, telling Medvedev to tell Putin that after the election he’d have more flexibility to remove missile defenses from our Eastern European allies – THOSE truly border on treason and weakening our country.

But even at the height of the Cold War, and Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world was literally on the brink of nuclear annihilation, there was dialogue. And during Vietnam, Korea, etc. The Left actually used to believe that it is better to dialogue than allow things to escalate, and “give peace a chance” – especially between the 2 nuclear superpowers. But all that changed when they think there might be even a sliver of a chance that the Russian meddling (or largely attempted meddling) in our election may have somehow stolen the all-but-sure election of Hillary, and their grasp on power. Remember that Obama knew of the Russian meddling before the election, and did nothing – literally telling the cyber people to stand down and not even publicize it. After all, Hillary’s election was in the bag, and he didn’t want her legitimacy to be questioned. Of course all that changed with Trump’s election. Now Trump’s the one defending the legitimacy of the election.

Many on the Left say Trump’s behavior at the summit (& otherwise) weakens America & its institutions. These are many of the same people who don’t believe in borders, who thought the Iran deal was a good one, etc. Yet Trump has strengthened our military, supported our law enforcement, made strident efforts to strengthen NATO against the Russians (it’s called leadership from in front rather than from behind, not weakening alliances – Obama weakened our alliances w. Israel, UK, etc. & cozied-up w. Castro in Cuba, the Iranian Mullahs, etc.), strengthened our economy & employment, etc. Some are calling all this a “constitutional crisis,” and that there may need to be a “shadow government” to preserve our institutions. Gee, I thought they already had that in the Deep State, e.g., Lois Lerner (IRS), Peter Strzok & Jim Comey (FBI), Andrew McCabe (DoJ), etc. No, he didn’t throw the intel agencies under the bus (he’s re-affirmed various times his confidence in them generally), but some of their misguided leaders have thrown themselves under the bus.  Interesting that many of the same people accusing Trump of not believing intel agencies are the ones who say we should have doubted ours & all others on WMD in Iraq ("Bush lied, and people died").

I wondered whether Trump’s reference to “mistakes we’ve both made in the past” (that offended so many) may have included Obama’s meddling in the Ukraine & Israeli elections (& Russian?). His beloved Reverend Wright would call that “chickens coming home to roost.”

I heard Rand Paul give a great defense of Trump’s Helsinki summit to Wolf Blitzer who went nuts.

And I can hardly blame Trump for re-iterating (in the media’s face) that there’s still been no evidence of collusion between his campaign & the Russians in the election. Maybe that’s one reason the media & Left are moving on to other pseudo-crises du jour like the summit, separation of illegal immigrant children, even armed Black shootings, etc.

No, as I’ve said before, the adults in the room need to try to ignore the two-year-olds throwing the tantrum.


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