Who's Destroying Free Speech in America?

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I keep looking for Trump’s jack-booted Nazis destroying the country & curtailing free speech – let me know if you see any. The nearest thing seems to be the Antifa thugs on the Left, who most closely resemble the Brown Shirts & SS in eliminating dissent from their views. No, former FBI & CIA officials who repeatedly lied, leaked & allowed political bias to influence their work fully deserve revocation of their security clearances – regardless of their unusually outspoken political views. Gee, I seem to hear these “silenced” victims now more than ever.
Additionally, the press distracts us by screaming bloody murder that it curtails free speech when the president exercises his free speech by criticizing them for not providing America with objective news about truly important issues (which Harvard studies have proven). Not to mention the TV/cable news group think. These group-think news print propagandists coordinated to publish an anti-Trump piece in several hundred newspapers. If they want to show they aren’t the antithesis of real journalism so important to a free country, maybe they should just act like it.
Meanwhile, besides the Antifa anti-free-speech riots, the only real censoring & curtailment of free speech I’m aware of is by the social media Nazis (Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) who target & silence conservative thought by clandestinely shadow-banning, etc. anything they deem “hate speech,” i.e., anything conservative. Cowardly because it’s hard to know if your messages get out – it appears you’ve posted something, but no one else (or few) sees it. Sort of like the cowardly Antifa hiding behind masks.  E.g., Prager U videos, Diamond & Silk posts, and other regular citizens I’ve heard of. Which if you ever view, you’ll know they don’t promote hate or violence, but only truth. Unless you’re on the Left and find your hate of conservatism elevated by hearing the truth because you have no rational counter-arguments, but only emotion.
There’s no concern voiced by them over the hateful, violent & vile attacks & threats on the president, his family & administration, or Antifa’s antics. Sort of like their definition of racism – only conservative whites can be racist, and similarly, only conservatives can be hateful. Must be nice to be on the Left and feel so saintly, and free to express righteous indignation any way you feel like.
PS(If you do see & read this, I'd appreciate it if you would "like" it, to give me reassurance I'm not being shadow-banned)


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