The Left: it Ruins Everything, AOC & Ilhan Omar; Denmark is not Socialist

The Left Ruins Everything & Socialism in Denmark?

The Left is also trying to ruin America's cohesion & economy, it's largely ruined its journalism, etc., etc. Dennis explains well several other things it ruins in this 5 minute video.


From the Boy Scouts to literature, from the arts to universities: the left ruins everything it touches. Dennis Prager explains.


Glad to see it explained so well that my ancestral homeland is not socialist after all, contrary to popular progressive/Leftist myths that Scandinavia is the one and only valid socialist model among so many failures. But rather, it's very much free-market capitalist. Some other interesting comparisons with socialism & the U.S. in this 5 minute video by a Danish economist. I can attest to their high taxes, though -- relatives I visited in 2001 w. my new Saab told me it would cost 2 or 3 times as much there, and they have much less disposable income.

Socialism has failed across the world – from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to China, Vietnam, North Korea and, most recently, Venezuela. So now the left references countries like Denmark as “proof” that socialism works. Otto Brons-Petersen explains why they’re wrong: Denmark is just as...

More Radical Leftist Ideas from AOC & Ilhan Omar et al


The out of control Left won't let up -- just one outrage after another, every day another one. We knew of course all along why they are no longer against border enforcement, and this goes right along with that. We're losing our country rapidly, folks. If this isn't a national emergency, I don't know what is. They need to be fought at every turn.

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted on Friday to defend local governments that choose to allow illegal aliens to vote in their elections.


.04/24/2019 0:56:02AM EST.


Here are the radical ideas you get from identity politics, when you focus on minority & gender & age identity and inclusiveness. You include Trojan horses. And as long as liberals/progressives make excuses for their radicalisms, they give them voice and enable them to become mainstream in the Democrat Party, and in America. Wake up!

Pelosi Bows to Radicals – House Dems Delay Vote Condemning Anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar

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