The Republic of CHAZ
CHAZ/CHOP…whatever… it’s the several-block “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” in Seattle – a country within a country, like the police no-go Sharia zones in Paris, etc. A spin-off of the BLM protests/riots. It’s good to see and show what their little “utopia” is that they’ve set up, so others can know what to expect if we let their ilk have their way. But of course, like any good totalitarian regime, they’re not anxious for news to get out, like the mob that prevented police from responding to a murder call there. For all their hatred of police and borders, they have strict border enforcement and fully armed guards – no doubt fully trained in non-lethal use of force, and no doubt a more just justice system than our courts. One poor fellow was accused of stealing another’s iPhone, and was surrounded by a vigilante mob w. baseball bats, ready to beat him to a pulp before it was realized the victim had simply misplaced their phone.
And of course they’re fully self-sustained and productive – oh, that’s right, they depend on the city of Seattle for utilities, trash, port-a-potties, donations (and apparently some extortion of local businesses) for food and water, maybe some looted goods from the rioting, and maybe some government unemployment or COVID payments, or mooching off their parents while they’re away from their basements for a while. And they appear to otherwise enjoy all the fruits of capitalism – iPhones, REI tents, Abercrombie & Nike apparel & backpacks, etc. I’m once again reminded of the message of the Credence Clearwater song, “It Ain’t You or Me,” directed at the narcissistic hippie protesters of the ‘60’s: (lyrics at the end of this post).
No doubt a wonderful vacation spot – if you’re like-minded. Why, the mayor of Seattle deemed it a “block party” – sounds very festive. Beautiful décor -- well, if graffiti and street barriers is your artistic preference. Only it’s not totally clear who’s in charge, or an ambassador to negotiate with – it seemed to be a rapper at one point, but now seems more like the Lord of the Flies. If it weren’t for the innocent permanent residents and businesses clearly suffering, I’d say, just let them continue to fester and fizzle, to show their true colors even more clearly (just like the Occupy movement), and the insanity of their Leftism. Just shows what human nature can devolve to with too much free time (and comforts) on their hands during the pandemic.
Like so many utopians, they always find it easy to find fault and criticize and tear down, thinking they can do it better. Only it always turns out worse – they find out that they have to re-learn the hard way what our founding fathers (whose monuments and statues they deface and destroy) had already wisely learned from history when they formed a “more perfect union” that has endured well for nearly 250 years. And if the mayor of Seattle is so “woke,” as apparently many in the area who agree and are so tolerant, maybe the entire city (or state?) itself should secede from the Union? I’d say, “Good riddance.” And they can see how they fare, just as CHAZ, or CHOP, or CHUMP or aCHOO, or whatever.
"Don't Look Now (It Ain't You Or Me)"
Who will take the coal from the mine?
Who will take the salt from the earth?
Who'll take a leaf and grow it to a tree?
Don't look now, it ain't you or me
Who will work the field with his hands?
Who will put his back to the plough?
Who'll take the mountain and give it to the sea?
Don't look now, it ain't you or me
Don't look now, someone's done your starvin'
Don't look now, someone's done your prayin' too
Who will make the shoes for your feet?
Who will make the clothes that you wear?
Who'll take the promise that you don't have to keep?
Don't look now, it ain't you or me

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