Patriots' Day 2010
According to Wikipedia, "Since 1969, the [Patriots' Day] holiday has been observed on the third Monday in April, providing a three-day long weekend. Previously, it had been designated as April 19 in observance of the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. It is also a school holiday for many local colleges and universities, both public and private."
Not to be confused with Patriot Day, a more recent observance commemorating 9/11.
Political Shots
And so, on this day of "the shot heard 'round the world," (that followed the first tea party) we might be mindful of the ominous political shots being fired by the Left -- one apparently a very violent one.
Former president Clinton today warned of the parallels of the rise of right-wing blogs and talk radio, and events leading to the Oklahoma City bombing. And he said that people shouldn't demonize government. Of course it was his violent actions (and his attorney general's) that precipitated the Waco tragedy, which in turn put McVeigh over the edge.
Of course they don't like opposition to their agenda, but they need to not only tolerate but listen, and know that's what we put up with from them in the Bush years. Not only were Bush, Cheney, Rove et. al. demonized at the time, but they continue to be today by Obama, and those who press to prosecute them. So much for their moral outrage against demonizing government -- it apparently extends only to THEIR leadership and agenda.
And this is just another in the barage of attacks on the protests & Tea Party, accusing them of racism (and the Left says WE see everything in black & white!), sedition (Joe Klein re: Beck, Palin), inciting violence, being "crazy" and just plain irrationally angry (Obama -- never does seem to acknowledge or address the legitimate issues they raise). Who's demonizing whom? I loved a recording Prager played Friday of a Black man at a Tea Party protest being interviewed by a female reporter and asked if he felt uncomfortable being among so many Whites. He laughed and said "These are my people -- Americans." She seemed dumbfounded -- apparently he didn't fit her liberal, racist stereotype of Blacks.
It seemed that it was Pelosi who was wrapping herself in some sort of racial mantle of "legitimacy" in her march into the capitol to pass Obamacare. And now Obama will apparently once again play the race card in making immigration reform a racial issue for political gain.
Yes, and just compare the "violence" of the Tea Party with the SEIU & ACORN thugs, and other left-wing protesters. And apparently these brilliantly literate Leftists never learned of metaphors, such as Palin's "lock & load!," or characteristically think conservatives are so ignorant as to not recognize metaphors.
The protesters are being called un-patriotic, anti-government, and are expected to desist. Dennis Miller today played a tape of Hillary Clinton during the Bush administration, screeching to a crowd that they were being called unpatriotic for speaking out & protesting, but that is their right and duty as true Americans, no matter what the administration. Hmmm....perhaps they should listen to themselves occasionally.
More troubling was a violent incident April 9 in New Orleans following a GOP event. According to the Washington Times, "Allie Bautsch, a Louisiana GOP fundraiser for Governor Bobby Jindal, was released from the hospital today. She and her boyfriend Joseph Brown endured an April 9 brutal attack by individuals outside of Brennan's, a restaurant in the New Orleans' French Quarter. Governor Bobby Jindal's office released a statement today [April 19] announcing Ms. Bautsch's release from the hospital: 'Allee is home from the hospital and she continues to make good progress in her recovery from serious injuries. She now has weeks of rehabilitation ahead of her.'" Here's a photo -- after he regained consciousness, and she is grimacing in pain (not smiling).

The attackers apparently were part of a group of protesters of the event, and broke her leg in 5 places, requiring a rod & screws, and broke the jaw & nose of her boyfriend. There was no robbery involved, and some indication of political remarks made in the attack. This is ominous if it was meant as a Leftist, Soviet gangster-style example of what can happen to those raising funds for or supporting conservatives, as we go into this critical election year. Typical Leftist tactics, silencing the opposition by demonization & intimidation. There have been other thuggish attacks on Tea Partyers. Doesn't the media by the same token bear responsibility for demonizing them and encouraging attacks on them?
It, and their bogus accusations, should only make us more determined not to be intimidated by any of their desperate & thuggish tactics -- physical or verbal. And to fight even harder to elect fiscally & morally responsible representatives. They are clearly beginning to recognize the stakes, and we need to as well. It also reminds me a bit of Ann Coulter's wonderful reception by those proudly "polite" thugs in Canada.
And so, Comrades, now that we have taken another giant step towards full socialism (after the New Deal & social security, Medicare, etc.), comrade Castro called Obamacare “a miracle.” Comrade Kruschev didn’t live to see the fulfillment of his statement “we will bury you” (meaning communism – really what they had was socialism -- will outlive capitalism), but comrade Castro may. After the nationalizations last year, you may recall comrade Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) extended his hand to “Comrade Obama.”
Isn’t it just wonderful who we’re becoming more like? And we don’t even need to take the word of those “nutty” conservative talk show hosts or Tea-partyers’ for it – the real experts who know best, and who are most revered by the Left (like Michael Moore & Sean Penn, openly) are speaking.
Not to be confused with Patriot Day, a more recent observance commemorating 9/11.
Political Shots
And so, on this day of "the shot heard 'round the world," (that followed the first tea party) we might be mindful of the ominous political shots being fired by the Left -- one apparently a very violent one.
Former president Clinton today warned of the parallels of the rise of right-wing blogs and talk radio, and events leading to the Oklahoma City bombing. And he said that people shouldn't demonize government. Of course it was his violent actions (and his attorney general's) that precipitated the Waco tragedy, which in turn put McVeigh over the edge.
Of course they don't like opposition to their agenda, but they need to not only tolerate but listen, and know that's what we put up with from them in the Bush years. Not only were Bush, Cheney, Rove et. al. demonized at the time, but they continue to be today by Obama, and those who press to prosecute them. So much for their moral outrage against demonizing government -- it apparently extends only to THEIR leadership and agenda.
And this is just another in the barage of attacks on the protests & Tea Party, accusing them of racism (and the Left says WE see everything in black & white!), sedition (Joe Klein re: Beck, Palin), inciting violence, being "crazy" and just plain irrationally angry (Obama -- never does seem to acknowledge or address the legitimate issues they raise). Who's demonizing whom? I loved a recording Prager played Friday of a Black man at a Tea Party protest being interviewed by a female reporter and asked if he felt uncomfortable being among so many Whites. He laughed and said "These are my people -- Americans." She seemed dumbfounded -- apparently he didn't fit her liberal, racist stereotype of Blacks.
It seemed that it was Pelosi who was wrapping herself in some sort of racial mantle of "legitimacy" in her march into the capitol to pass Obamacare. And now Obama will apparently once again play the race card in making immigration reform a racial issue for political gain.
Yes, and just compare the "violence" of the Tea Party with the SEIU & ACORN thugs, and other left-wing protesters. And apparently these brilliantly literate Leftists never learned of metaphors, such as Palin's "lock & load!," or characteristically think conservatives are so ignorant as to not recognize metaphors.
The protesters are being called un-patriotic, anti-government, and are expected to desist. Dennis Miller today played a tape of Hillary Clinton during the Bush administration, screeching to a crowd that they were being called unpatriotic for speaking out & protesting, but that is their right and duty as true Americans, no matter what the administration. Hmmm....perhaps they should listen to themselves occasionally.
More troubling was a violent incident April 9 in New Orleans following a GOP event. According to the Washington Times, "Allie Bautsch, a Louisiana GOP fundraiser for Governor Bobby Jindal, was released from the hospital today. She and her boyfriend Joseph Brown endured an April 9 brutal attack by individuals outside of Brennan's, a restaurant in the New Orleans' French Quarter. Governor Bobby Jindal's office released a statement today [April 19] announcing Ms. Bautsch's release from the hospital: 'Allee is home from the hospital and she continues to make good progress in her recovery from serious injuries. She now has weeks of rehabilitation ahead of her.'" Here's a photo -- after he regained consciousness, and she is grimacing in pain (not smiling).

The attackers apparently were part of a group of protesters of the event, and broke her leg in 5 places, requiring a rod & screws, and broke the jaw & nose of her boyfriend. There was no robbery involved, and some indication of political remarks made in the attack. This is ominous if it was meant as a Leftist, Soviet gangster-style example of what can happen to those raising funds for or supporting conservatives, as we go into this critical election year. Typical Leftist tactics, silencing the opposition by demonization & intimidation. There have been other thuggish attacks on Tea Partyers. Doesn't the media by the same token bear responsibility for demonizing them and encouraging attacks on them?
It, and their bogus accusations, should only make us more determined not to be intimidated by any of their desperate & thuggish tactics -- physical or verbal. And to fight even harder to elect fiscally & morally responsible representatives. They are clearly beginning to recognize the stakes, and we need to as well. It also reminds me a bit of Ann Coulter's wonderful reception by those proudly "polite" thugs in Canada.
And so, Comrades, now that we have taken another giant step towards full socialism (after the New Deal & social security, Medicare, etc.), comrade Castro called Obamacare “a miracle.” Comrade Kruschev didn’t live to see the fulfillment of his statement “we will bury you” (meaning communism – really what they had was socialism -- will outlive capitalism), but comrade Castro may. After the nationalizations last year, you may recall comrade Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) extended his hand to “Comrade Obama.”
Isn’t it just wonderful who we’re becoming more like? And we don’t even need to take the word of those “nutty” conservative talk show hosts or Tea-partyers’ for it – the real experts who know best, and who are most revered by the Left (like Michael Moore & Sean Penn, openly) are speaking.
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