Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead; Campaign 2012, etc
Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead

It’s been nearly 2 weeks since the world awakened to a day with one less terrorist mastermind (“bin who?”). And except for the expected Al Qaida & Hamas condemnations, there was nearly global public unanimity that the world is better off. There was the usual squabbling over minutia – should the Americans have notified Pakistan, should they have read “bin who?” his Miranda rights or shot him if he didn’t have an obvious weapon in his hands, and brought him to trial. Or should they have given him such a respectful Islamic funeral & burial at sea (he got more than he deserved), or have published his death photo. Or should we be jubilant and celebratory over this (what was good enough for the Munchkins is good enough for me, although of course this isn’t the end of the battle).

All this matters little compared to the key point that if you mastermind the organization that killed thousands of Americans in a day nearly 10 years ago, you can run, but you can’t hide, and the long arm of justice & America’s finest will, if only eventually, catch up with you. And apparently he was still actively involved with hatching operational schemes. And so, giving credit where credit is due, Obama does one thing right – even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Except that he and his liberal/Leftists cannot give credit where it is due – to the Bush enhanced interrogation techniques that elicited the key information that ultimately led to locating the guy (thank you, KSM). And so today we are running blind, reading terrorists their rights to remain silent, no serious interrogation, killing and not capturing/interrogating potential sources, so as not to have to deal with the issue of where to detain or try them. We are at a distinct disadvantage going forward. The well-publicized treasure trove of intelligence from the compound is highly perishable information, and any terrorist with a brain will change modus operandi, etc. quickly. And it is precisely those we need to be most concerned with.

It is, of course, highly suspect that he was living in conspicuous comfort for at least the last 6 years under the very noses of the Pakistani military academy, in a suburb of the capital city. Much more certain, however, is the fact that he was not met by 72 virgins – not that he ever necessarily believed that pablum he conveniently fed his pawns, or that he did anything but misuse the religion he espoused, or the name of deity he took in vain. How can any serious Muslim even claim he deserved a proper Muslim burial?
Campaign 2012 Already
Clearly, Obama is in full campaign mode already, denouncing would-be GOP contenders right and left, and thumping his chest over the “bin who?” kill, including an impeccably timed first visit to Ground Zero. Well, it apparently bumped his polls several points temporarily. But the reality of the economy should snap people out of that soon enough, if not some retaliatory terrorist attack.

The first GOP debate, while not including those highest in the polls, did include some impressive candidates – Pawlenty, Santorum, Kane – as well as a couple buffoons advocating legalization of drugs & prostitution. Ron Paul of course can be counted on to have his entourage of canned applauders. Since then, Newt Gingrich has announced, but Mitt Romney, Huckabee, Palin, Huntsman, and Bachman, Jindal, etc. are holding back. Supposedly a definitive “no” has come from Christy. & Ryan? Whoever it is, this country literally cannot afford another term for Obama – it can’t even afford this term – either the portion behind or ahead of us.
Romneycare vs Obamacare
Mitt Romney appears to be paving the way for another run with his exploratory committee, and a public statement today addressing the apparently prime hurdle he has to overcome – Romneycare being equated to Obamacare. Of course there’s also the unspoken “Mormon” issue, as well – especially if Huckabee decides to also have another go at an Evangelical vs Mormon campaign.
Romney’s main defense of Romneycare is that the 10th amendment gives states all the rights & powers not explicitly reserved for the federal government. The question of Obamacare’s federal constitutionality is being decided in the courts, having lost in some lower level courts, and probably won’t make it to the supreme court until next year. Assuming it isn’t constitutional for the federal government, then presumably it’s perfectly legitimate for a state to undertake that kind of enterprise. And there are plenty of reasons and precedence for differentiating between doing things at state/local level vs federal – one size does not fit all. For example, public education, motor vehicle laws, zoning, property taxation, parks, business laws, etc., etc. However otherwise similar the two are, it’s a perfectly legitimate and logical distinction between the 2 plans – except, of course, for those who oppose Romney for other unstated reasons.
Further, Romney turned the state of Massachusetts around (as well as many companies & the 2002 olympics) from a budget crisis, with Romneycare being one part of the solution – at least until after he left and the legislature started changing things for the worse. Obamacare, on the other hand, is proving to compound the disastrous national budget & debt crisis, for which none of Obama’s expensive actions seem to be turning it around. Context is everything, and the proof’s in the pudding. Romneycare was part of the solution, and Obamacare part of the problem. But that is only typical of most if not all of Obama’s “solutions.” Both have proven records, but it’s a case of the Midas touch vs the angel of death – of a competent & pragmatic capitalist vs a socialist. It should be obvious who’s better to lead this country out of insolvency and back to prosperity. And now, more than ever, “it’s the economy, stupid.”
Subprime Loans Again – Where’s a Wooden Stake?

Amidst all the distractions of Navy Seal teams, Mideast upheaval, birth certificate controversies, etc., they’re trying to quietly slip back another already disastrously failed policy – subprime loans. The very thing that primarily precipitated the financial collapse leading to this long recession. How dare they!!? They’re all too aware of recent history, yet seem intent on condemning us to repeat it. Just like die-hard Communists and socialists who insist despite consistent failures that one of these times it’ll work. Ideological idiots! They need to all be thrown out of power before they continue to drive this country into the dust.

CA Teachers Unions Pulling a Wisconsin

California teachers unions are organizing massive demonstrations ala Wisconsin style. Hopefully they’ll be just as successful (i.e., not at all). The California education system is the most bloated, underperforming waste in US education. An excellent place to start some belt-tightening.

It’s been nearly 2 weeks since the world awakened to a day with one less terrorist mastermind (“bin who?”). And except for the expected Al Qaida & Hamas condemnations, there was nearly global public unanimity that the world is better off. There was the usual squabbling over minutia – should the Americans have notified Pakistan, should they have read “bin who?” his Miranda rights or shot him if he didn’t have an obvious weapon in his hands, and brought him to trial. Or should they have given him such a respectful Islamic funeral & burial at sea (he got more than he deserved), or have published his death photo. Or should we be jubilant and celebratory over this (what was good enough for the Munchkins is good enough for me, although of course this isn’t the end of the battle).

All this matters little compared to the key point that if you mastermind the organization that killed thousands of Americans in a day nearly 10 years ago, you can run, but you can’t hide, and the long arm of justice & America’s finest will, if only eventually, catch up with you. And apparently he was still actively involved with hatching operational schemes. And so, giving credit where credit is due, Obama does one thing right – even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Except that he and his liberal/Leftists cannot give credit where it is due – to the Bush enhanced interrogation techniques that elicited the key information that ultimately led to locating the guy (thank you, KSM). And so today we are running blind, reading terrorists their rights to remain silent, no serious interrogation, killing and not capturing/interrogating potential sources, so as not to have to deal with the issue of where to detain or try them. We are at a distinct disadvantage going forward. The well-publicized treasure trove of intelligence from the compound is highly perishable information, and any terrorist with a brain will change modus operandi, etc. quickly. And it is precisely those we need to be most concerned with.

It is, of course, highly suspect that he was living in conspicuous comfort for at least the last 6 years under the very noses of the Pakistani military academy, in a suburb of the capital city. Much more certain, however, is the fact that he was not met by 72 virgins – not that he ever necessarily believed that pablum he conveniently fed his pawns, or that he did anything but misuse the religion he espoused, or the name of deity he took in vain. How can any serious Muslim even claim he deserved a proper Muslim burial?
Campaign 2012 Already
Clearly, Obama is in full campaign mode already, denouncing would-be GOP contenders right and left, and thumping his chest over the “bin who?” kill, including an impeccably timed first visit to Ground Zero. Well, it apparently bumped his polls several points temporarily. But the reality of the economy should snap people out of that soon enough, if not some retaliatory terrorist attack.

The first GOP debate, while not including those highest in the polls, did include some impressive candidates – Pawlenty, Santorum, Kane – as well as a couple buffoons advocating legalization of drugs & prostitution. Ron Paul of course can be counted on to have his entourage of canned applauders. Since then, Newt Gingrich has announced, but Mitt Romney, Huckabee, Palin, Huntsman, and Bachman, Jindal, etc. are holding back. Supposedly a definitive “no” has come from Christy. & Ryan? Whoever it is, this country literally cannot afford another term for Obama – it can’t even afford this term – either the portion behind or ahead of us.
Romneycare vs Obamacare
Mitt Romney appears to be paving the way for another run with his exploratory committee, and a public statement today addressing the apparently prime hurdle he has to overcome – Romneycare being equated to Obamacare. Of course there’s also the unspoken “Mormon” issue, as well – especially if Huckabee decides to also have another go at an Evangelical vs Mormon campaign.
Romney’s main defense of Romneycare is that the 10th amendment gives states all the rights & powers not explicitly reserved for the federal government. The question of Obamacare’s federal constitutionality is being decided in the courts, having lost in some lower level courts, and probably won’t make it to the supreme court until next year. Assuming it isn’t constitutional for the federal government, then presumably it’s perfectly legitimate for a state to undertake that kind of enterprise. And there are plenty of reasons and precedence for differentiating between doing things at state/local level vs federal – one size does not fit all. For example, public education, motor vehicle laws, zoning, property taxation, parks, business laws, etc., etc. However otherwise similar the two are, it’s a perfectly legitimate and logical distinction between the 2 plans – except, of course, for those who oppose Romney for other unstated reasons.
Further, Romney turned the state of Massachusetts around (as well as many companies & the 2002 olympics) from a budget crisis, with Romneycare being one part of the solution – at least until after he left and the legislature started changing things for the worse. Obamacare, on the other hand, is proving to compound the disastrous national budget & debt crisis, for which none of Obama’s expensive actions seem to be turning it around. Context is everything, and the proof’s in the pudding. Romneycare was part of the solution, and Obamacare part of the problem. But that is only typical of most if not all of Obama’s “solutions.” Both have proven records, but it’s a case of the Midas touch vs the angel of death – of a competent & pragmatic capitalist vs a socialist. It should be obvious who’s better to lead this country out of insolvency and back to prosperity. And now, more than ever, “it’s the economy, stupid.”
Subprime Loans Again – Where’s a Wooden Stake?

Amidst all the distractions of Navy Seal teams, Mideast upheaval, birth certificate controversies, etc., they’re trying to quietly slip back another already disastrously failed policy – subprime loans. The very thing that primarily precipitated the financial collapse leading to this long recession. How dare they!!? They’re all too aware of recent history, yet seem intent on condemning us to repeat it. Just like die-hard Communists and socialists who insist despite consistent failures that one of these times it’ll work. Ideological idiots! They need to all be thrown out of power before they continue to drive this country into the dust.

CA Teachers Unions Pulling a Wisconsin

California teachers unions are organizing massive demonstrations ala Wisconsin style. Hopefully they’ll be just as successful (i.e., not at all). The California education system is the most bloated, underperforming waste in US education. An excellent place to start some belt-tightening.
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