Wall Street Protesters & Obama – Team Players
“Strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel”
The “Occupy Wallstreet” movement seems to be working hand in hand with Obama’s class warfare rhetoric – just when he & Harry are pushing for the millionaire tax. Which, by the way, they know will never pass (even Dems are abandoning the party line), and it wouldn’t help jobs, the economy or deficit even if it did pass. Senator McConnell notes that 4 of 5 millionaires are small business owners (employers).
But they need another scapegoat (Congress, GOP, Tea Party, big business, Wall Street) to blame the economy on, especially as Obama goes on the campaign trail. And they blame the GOP for playing politics? How closely aligned they & the protesters are may be somewhat unclear, but interesting that Obama’s been calling for people to get fired up, get involved, etc. And his biggest donors, incl. SEIU, have been found heavily involved.
Obama says he understands/sympathizes with the protesters who he believes reflect a broader frustration. Of course he takes that to mean frustration with Wall Street and inequality – the apparently only common, semi-coherent sentiment of the protesters. He ignores the overwhelming frustration in the polls expressed toward government’s reckless finances, and him in particular. But this is just typical of the tactics of all the Arab world & other dictators who stayed in power all those years by distracting & blaming economic & other woes on bogeymen, such as Israel, the U.S., etc. – fanning emotions. Eventually people wise up and rise up.
Nancy Pelosi brilliantly spoke in glowing terms of the protesters, saying they’re young, and energetic, and spontaneous, and will be successful! Their spontaneity has been nicely debunked by Glenn Beck and others citing their Marxist organizers & their aims, which, aside from the many known anarchists among them, are likely beyond the aims of most of the “useful idiots” they are using. They go well beyond reform, just as Obama, into the realm of “fundamental transformation” – i.e., gutting capitalism in favor of socialism. Curious how Obama & Holder haven’t wasted any time on prosecuting any Wall Street wrongdoing – they’re not concerned with making the system work. Neither are the protestors – they want to bring it down.

Those participants interviewed at any length indeed seem to be blithering idiots who clearly don’t understand and/or can’t articulate coherently what they really want to achieve. They are very emotional and vocal. They choose especially young, impressionable, idealistic people who are preoccupied with fairness, and think their own self-worth and importance are elevated by hitting the streets and getting in the face of “the Man,” with all the glory of the Arab Spring uprisings.
One student had received a scholarship, which she proudly said she was risking if she was arrested, but was willing to for the cause. Exactly what cause was unclear, but martyrdom was the noble thing. Interesting the parallels with jihadism. The same student said she was the first in her family to get a higher education – and she was willing to ignore that opportunity and throw it away. I see many spoiled brats who don’t appreciate or know what America has over the “fair” countries elsewhere – socialist Europe, Russia, 3rd World dictatorships, etc. Where has socialism EVER succeeded over free-market capitalism? Many of these ignoramuses clearly haven’t traveled abroad much, or at least not with their eyes open. With all their vacancies “upstairs,” they need to spend more time occupying themselves rather than Wall Street.
Eric Kanter calls them a mob, and indeed, by comparison with the Tea Party, their behavior bears that out. They do seem to fit Ann Coulter’s criteria in “Demonic.” I and others have noted how desperately they want this to appear grass-roots – a bit of Tea Party envy? I’ve heard too many justifications for the protestors, saying it’s just how the Tea Party started. Wrong.
Cain says rightly, “if you’re upset about not being rich, blame yourself.” Ah, but these are liberals with narcissistic victim mentality who only know how to blame others. And in this richest country on earth (in abundance as well as opportunity), they seem mainly concerned with the inequalities in wealth. Indeed, one college student told Hannity she agreed with “To each according to their need, and from each according to their ability,” not realizing that was strict Marxist doctrine.
And of course they’re very selective of where they attack greed -- they never complain about the big bucks all the Hollywood liberals make and donate whenever Obama comes to LA every other week or so. No, it’s only the essential industries – oil, energy, banks, investors,...all of which Hollywood benefits from, including Michael Moore.
Harry Reid puts the millionaire tax so nicely – “we’re just asking them to pay a little more of a fair share.” Great! Sounds like it’s voluntary! They don’t even need a bill to be passed – I wonder how many rich Dems are already paying more than their current tax rate to the government? If Biden’s and others’ charitable donations are any indication, I’m guessing nada.
No, the Dems and the Wallstreet protestors are much more concerned over a million-dollar bonus or large salary here and there for those who actually produce wealth, than the trillions in wasteful government spending, bailouts of failed Wall Street institutions, Democrat social engineering experiments (Dodd-Frank & subprime mortgage debacle that precipitated this whole collapse), the welfare state and growing government that consumes wealth at the expense of private industry that produces it, to say nothing of even weightier moral deficits. “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” (Matthew 23:24)
As Sen. McConnell also put it regarding Obama's latest jobs bill, insanity is doing the same things (government spending, borrowing, overregulation & raising taxes) over and over and expecting different results.
The “Occupy Wallstreet” movement seems to be working hand in hand with Obama’s class warfare rhetoric – just when he & Harry are pushing for the millionaire tax. Which, by the way, they know will never pass (even Dems are abandoning the party line), and it wouldn’t help jobs, the economy or deficit even if it did pass. Senator McConnell notes that 4 of 5 millionaires are small business owners (employers).
But they need another scapegoat (Congress, GOP, Tea Party, big business, Wall Street) to blame the economy on, especially as Obama goes on the campaign trail. And they blame the GOP for playing politics? How closely aligned they & the protesters are may be somewhat unclear, but interesting that Obama’s been calling for people to get fired up, get involved, etc. And his biggest donors, incl. SEIU, have been found heavily involved.
Obama says he understands/sympathizes with the protesters who he believes reflect a broader frustration. Of course he takes that to mean frustration with Wall Street and inequality – the apparently only common, semi-coherent sentiment of the protesters. He ignores the overwhelming frustration in the polls expressed toward government’s reckless finances, and him in particular. But this is just typical of the tactics of all the Arab world & other dictators who stayed in power all those years by distracting & blaming economic & other woes on bogeymen, such as Israel, the U.S., etc. – fanning emotions. Eventually people wise up and rise up.
Nancy Pelosi brilliantly spoke in glowing terms of the protesters, saying they’re young, and energetic, and spontaneous, and will be successful! Their spontaneity has been nicely debunked by Glenn Beck and others citing their Marxist organizers & their aims, which, aside from the many known anarchists among them, are likely beyond the aims of most of the “useful idiots” they are using. They go well beyond reform, just as Obama, into the realm of “fundamental transformation” – i.e., gutting capitalism in favor of socialism. Curious how Obama & Holder haven’t wasted any time on prosecuting any Wall Street wrongdoing – they’re not concerned with making the system work. Neither are the protestors – they want to bring it down.

Those participants interviewed at any length indeed seem to be blithering idiots who clearly don’t understand and/or can’t articulate coherently what they really want to achieve. They are very emotional and vocal. They choose especially young, impressionable, idealistic people who are preoccupied with fairness, and think their own self-worth and importance are elevated by hitting the streets and getting in the face of “the Man,” with all the glory of the Arab Spring uprisings.
One student had received a scholarship, which she proudly said she was risking if she was arrested, but was willing to for the cause. Exactly what cause was unclear, but martyrdom was the noble thing. Interesting the parallels with jihadism. The same student said she was the first in her family to get a higher education – and she was willing to ignore that opportunity and throw it away. I see many spoiled brats who don’t appreciate or know what America has over the “fair” countries elsewhere – socialist Europe, Russia, 3rd World dictatorships, etc. Where has socialism EVER succeeded over free-market capitalism? Many of these ignoramuses clearly haven’t traveled abroad much, or at least not with their eyes open. With all their vacancies “upstairs,” they need to spend more time occupying themselves rather than Wall Street.
Eric Kanter calls them a mob, and indeed, by comparison with the Tea Party, their behavior bears that out. They do seem to fit Ann Coulter’s criteria in “Demonic.” I and others have noted how desperately they want this to appear grass-roots – a bit of Tea Party envy? I’ve heard too many justifications for the protestors, saying it’s just how the Tea Party started. Wrong.
Cain says rightly, “if you’re upset about not being rich, blame yourself.” Ah, but these are liberals with narcissistic victim mentality who only know how to blame others. And in this richest country on earth (in abundance as well as opportunity), they seem mainly concerned with the inequalities in wealth. Indeed, one college student told Hannity she agreed with “To each according to their need, and from each according to their ability,” not realizing that was strict Marxist doctrine.
And of course they’re very selective of where they attack greed -- they never complain about the big bucks all the Hollywood liberals make and donate whenever Obama comes to LA every other week or so. No, it’s only the essential industries – oil, energy, banks, investors,...all of which Hollywood benefits from, including Michael Moore.
Harry Reid puts the millionaire tax so nicely – “we’re just asking them to pay a little more of a fair share.” Great! Sounds like it’s voluntary! They don’t even need a bill to be passed – I wonder how many rich Dems are already paying more than their current tax rate to the government? If Biden’s and others’ charitable donations are any indication, I’m guessing nada.
No, the Dems and the Wallstreet protestors are much more concerned over a million-dollar bonus or large salary here and there for those who actually produce wealth, than the trillions in wasteful government spending, bailouts of failed Wall Street institutions, Democrat social engineering experiments (Dodd-Frank & subprime mortgage debacle that precipitated this whole collapse), the welfare state and growing government that consumes wealth at the expense of private industry that produces it, to say nothing of even weightier moral deficits. “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” (Matthew 23:24)
As Sen. McConnell also put it regarding Obama's latest jobs bill, insanity is doing the same things (government spending, borrowing, overregulation & raising taxes) over and over and expecting different results.
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