Delegate Report from the RNC Aug 30

Thurs. Aug. 30

The convention floor (& elevated seats) were absolutely packed – every seat & the aisles were full.  We were warned not to step out before 7:30 as the fire marshall wouldn’t be letting anyone more in due to floor capacity rules.  The invocation was given obviously by an LDS man – no title. 

Connie Mack spoke of the achievements of a great society – Olympics, Mars landing.  MR will restore the American dream.  It’s morning once again.  A great Reagan video.  The Gingriches spoke – good to see so many friends, to renew the American spirit w. real leadership.  Pres. Obama gutted Reagan’s welfare reform.  There’s no substitute for victory – each of us must do our part now.  A video w. Latino entrepreneurs.  Craig Romney spoke fluent Spanish for a bit & the Latinos cheered.  We need Hispanic immigrants.  His grandparents came to this country from Mexico with nothing. 

Jeb Bush spoke of his pride for his brother, who in incredibly dangerous times kept us safe – great cheering.   Mr. President, it’s time to stop blaming Bush – your policies haven’t worked.  We need better education – our failing schools need to be fixed.  First need to stop pre-judging kids on race, income, etc.  Standards – Mitt raised standards and MA is now the highest in academics.  Let’s give every child a choice of schools, like the variety of milk available.  He had a teacher & student speak of great programs they were in (eg, STEM).

Grant Bennett, an LDS leader (Mitt’s bishop?) who’d worked over 1000 hrs w. Mitt, spoke of how we LDS follow Christ’s charge to serve.  It’s a lay church – Mitt gave at least 15-20 hrs/week.  Quoted James, “Pure religion is to visit the widows and fatherless”—Mitt visited members, counseled all kinds of problems.  He met in privacy and upholds that confidentiality and trust.  He provided their needs, including donations from members.  Mitt challenged to serve, and led by example.  He introduced 2 families from his congregation.

An elderly couple, the Oparowskis of NH, a prof. firefighter, lost their son.  The true measure of a man is revealed in times of trouble – not in front of adoring crowds.  Their 14-yr-old son had cancer, and Mitt visited often, arranged fireworks, helped write his will at his request.  Pam Finlayson (CA) moved to MA, and had no dryer, was hanging laundry to dry when Mitt came, and he helped.  Her daughter was terminally ill in the hospital, and Mitt visited, held her, prayed for her.  When it comes to loving your neighbor, you can either talk about it or live it.  Our country will be blessed by MR.

Bob White was at MR’s side for 30 yrs – his “wing man,” w. him when he started Bain Capital.  Mitt expected absolute integrity and respect – to invest wisely and treat others’ money as their own.  Accountable for their performance, they didn’t blame others.  He took decisive actions, never hesitated, coalesced the team & moved forward.  When many thought it hopeless, he did not lose hope.  On the SLC Olympics, Mitt never doubted – he applied the same principles of leadership & made America proud.  He runs towards problems, not away, and gives something back.  Story of when he shut down the business so all could search for a partner’s missing daughter. 

Tom Sternburg, the Staples founder,  said Mitt made his dream come alive.  He saw that efficiency creates consumer value.  The fictions and lies about Bain – they just don’t get it, don’t believe in the spirit of entrepreneurs.  My friend MR gets it. 

Kerry Healey, former MA lieutenant governor, called Mitt decisive.  He never took any salary.  Creating jobs was his top priority.  [at this point, a young Fox News reporter whose name slips my mind, but whom I’ve seen many times, asked if he could take the seat next to me and interview me – I didn’t see a cameraman, and he took notes on a pad.  He asked what I thought Mitt should do to get the message out about his service and caring.  I basically said he can’t say it himself, that others can, but he & I believe you just serve and not for praise.] 

Jane Edmonds, a liberal Democrat & former secretary of welfare in MA, said when she first met Mitt, she was struck by his humanity, grace, kindness.  “He is the real thing.”  He’s demanding of himself and others.  In office not to promote himself but to help people.  He promoted women, and MA ranked first for women in top state positions.  He’s authentic, an amazing steward and leader, and someone she respects very much.  He gives unselfish leadership, is open to good ideas from anyone  of any party – inclusive.

12 Olympic athletes took the stage, And spoke of how strong leadership helped them win.  Our country is off target & need the leadership of MR & PR.  Mitt changed the Olympics from scandal to the highest standards.  So soon after 9/11 they spoke of great pride in them and the flag, one very emotional about a tangible spiritual experience carrying the Trade Center flag.  Mitt Romney’s leadership inspired them.

[Above are Josh, Matt, Laurie (Matt’s wife) & Ben Romney in the VIP section about 10 yards behind my seat in the California delegation.  About an hour before their father’s speech Thurs. eve.  Taken from the aisle I used to get to the restroom – they turned to see me composing the shot & smiled.  I should have said “hi cousins!” but was too shy -- or afraid of the Secret Service]

A video about Mitt.  Clint Eastwood took the stage, and said there are conservatives in Hollywood – they just don’t hot dog it so much.  He cried about 23 million jobless in the country – now’s the time for somebody else to come along and solve the problem.  He had a humorous imaginary conversation w. Obama, represented by an empty chair.  Biden is the intellect of the Dem. Party.  “I never thought it a good idea for an attorney to be president.  We own this country – politicians are employees of ours.

Marco Rubio.  Such an important night for our country.  Ask prayers for Cuba’s freedom & liberty.  His father told him there he has no limits because he’s an American.  His father served at the bar when important men spoke at the podium, now his son speaks at the podium.  We are blessed that a man like MR will soon be president of the U.S.  Our problem with Mr. Obama is not that he’s a bad person, but that he’s a bad president.  “Forward”?  His ideas move us backwards.  The only change is that hope is hard to find.  He divides us against ourselves – “hope and change” have become “divide and conquer.”  Common values – family is the most important institution [not government].  We’re special because we believe in ourselves and God, not government.  We’ve honored these values by exemplary Americans.  America is always about new beginnings.  We’re special because dreams impossible everywhere else come true here.

Mitt Romney.  The convention hall erupted into loud, long applause & sign-waving as Mitt took time to shake hands with many at the front before going to the podium.  When it finally died down, he said he humbly & gratefully accepted the nomination – more applause.  He said we’re children, grandchildren of immigrants – the driven ones looking for a better life.  For the first time in America, the majority doubt that the future will be better.  But what we’ve done was because we don’t quit.  When Kennedy challenged us to go to the moon, it wasn’t a question of whether we could/would, but when.  He recalled watching the moon landing w. Ann. 

When the world needs someone to do something difficult/great, they call on Americans.  The importance of unconditional love – all the legislation in the world will never heal hearts like loving parents.  He spoke of the women in his government in MA.  He acknowledged that Ann’s work as a mother was more important than his work, and that as you heard her the other day, she’s capable enough to do anything she’d like. 

Speaking to Obama supporters, he said you know something is wrong when the best feeling you had about Pres. Obama was the day you voted for him, not now as president.  In America we celebrate success, we don’t apologize for it.  This president can’t tell you you’re better off than when he took office.  Let’s put aside divisiveness and look ahead, restore the promise of America.  What America needs is jobs.  The Obama economy has crushed the middle class. 

I have a plan to create 12 million new jobs.  Make America energy-independent.  School choice.  New trade agreements.  Cut the deficit and get on track for a balanced budget.  Repeal and replace Obamacare.  Protect life.  Honor marriage. 

Obama promised to slow the rising oceans and heal the planet – I promise to help your family.  United America will.....

[sorry – too much excitement & I had to clap/cheer & couldn’t take good notes.  In fact, 2 of my fingers were cracked & bleeding from all the clapping – never so much in my life.  And sign waving.

And as his speech crescendoed & concluded, and the cheering and applause was loud & sustained, the balloons in huge nets in the rafters began dropping & wouldn’t stop coming – piling chest-deep.  The only way to move was to start popping them w. our campaign buttons or swim, which is hard to do in balloons. And the Romney & Ryan families gathered on stage.

Some went to a Journey concert, but I went back to the hotel where there was a party beginning about 1am.  

Fri. Aug. 31

Packed the next morning, shipped a box of stuff UPS, and caught an afternoon flight home via Atlanta.  All in all a great experience, meeting many great people.  And seeing every imaginable GOP electee & news reporter.  One delegate called it a Conservative Disneyland.  All told I did 4 interviews – I think only 1 on camera.  We all return home fired up to do our part to get Mitt & Paul elected!] 


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