Delegate Reports from the RNC Aug 27

Up before 7:00am (4:00 LA time) and down to the lobby by 7:15 for a good spot to hear Chris Christie supposedly at 7:30.  Several deep ahead of me.  Then heard 8:00 was the time, then 8:30 passed, with a few false alarms  of Springsteen hits (a Jersey boy, associated w. gov. Christie).   My back was complaining of standing, but the energy level in the room didn’t diminish.  Finally after 8:45 Hugh Hewitt acted as MC, introduced Meg Whitman, saying maybe things will have to get worse in CA before it wakes up & her time has come.  She told of an incident speaking a week or 2 before the election in CA when candidates traditionally take no questions, and a loud heckler got nasty about her not taking questions, and gov. Christie got in the guy’s face & said something like “you shut up and let her talk – she’s working hard to make CA better.” 

Christie was received w. loud applause & Romney/Ryan posters waving (handed out beforehand).  He also told a story – of an Obama event he’d been invited to where he was assured he & wife had reserved seats.  When he got to them, they were occupied by Barbara Streisand & ? , and his Marine escort went up to her and said she had to move – gov. Christie’s seats.  She went to a couple other reserved seats, and the same Marine went over and said she had to move again.  The gov. said he must have been a Republican. 

Christie spoke of the challenges that have faced our states (NJ, CA) – debt, etc. – but that there is hope for both in Romney & Ryan.  It’s not too late.  He contrasted his success turning NJ around w. gov. Brown’s lack of leadership, saying he wouldn’t raise taxes, but would leave it to the voters.  We need to use 2012 to reassert our (GOP) role in the states.  The unions aren’t too strong or tough to take on – e.g., NJ, WI.  Or the education system – 4 yrs ago NJ had 20% HS grad rate, turned around – stand up on behalf of every child.  [there was a movie on that theme, “Won’t Back Down,” w. Maggie Gyllenhaal, scheduled originally for us 2:00 Tues, maybe moved?]  He noted he was the first governor to endorse Romney – he fit his 2 requirements:  can beat Obama, and can solve the problems.  Just because CA & NJ won’t go for Romney, that doesn’t release us from our responsibility – we can affect friends, family, neighbors, etc.  There’s no time to waste [71 days to the election?] – this is the future of our children.  There’s a lot to do – this is not a spectator sport [a favorite quote of mine is “Democracy’s not a spectator sport.”]  No excuses – this time we need to work --  everybody – and elect a Republican Congress to work w. Romney.  Let’s get ready to work together – we [CA & NJ] are kindred spirits on opposite coasts.

Hewitt said the media’s off chasing Ryan’s college girlfriend for some dirt, and not what matters.  It’s not enough to win – need a plan, and Romney & Ryan have one.  We also need the House of Representatives. 

Kevin McCarthy, the House GOP Whip, spoke & noted that Christie, Ryan come from states that voted for Obama – we can change things.  Need to adhere to our principles and we can change the country.  He said that when she sees him, Nancy Pelosi says “Hello, Kevin” like Seinfeld used to say to Newman.  We’re on the verge of a great CA comeback.  Ryan told him before his selection it was just an honor to be considered, and that his wife said if not selected, he could get a big smoker BBQ he’d had his eye on.  Asked after being picked, he said it doesn’t look like he gets the BBQ.  Let’s take CA back!!!

Hewitt again – the best election in his life was 1980 – a hopeless time at the end of the Carter era, Soviet Union assertive (Afghanistan, etc.), but Reagan turned things around – we can do it again.

David Dryer (CA rep. for 30 yrs.) said our CA delegation is key to turning CA around.  Reagan had 8.5% GDP growth, Obama 1.5%.  He spoke of pres. Garcia of Peru who was a committed Marxist during his tenure, but since acknowledged that the statist model failed there & everywhere else, and asked how can the US try it?  This election has the clearest choice since Carter/Reagan.  [as I pointed out in my last blog post]

After that they fed us a great buffet breakfast, and I joined a table of LDS delegates – a lot of very accomplished people here.  The weather cleared up, with sun peaking occasionally through clouds.  Instead of staying to see a private screening of “2016 – Obama’s America,” which I’d already seen, I then took a cab to the local YMCA to do weights, elliptical & swim my usual half mile.  I had the same driver both ways, and he was interested in what delegates do, and I gave him a full load of why we need to turn the country around – he sounded convinced.  At the pool, I overheard a young Black lifeguard talking to an older white guy, complaining about the attacks against Obama, and saying he just signs the bills, and there are always several legislators there looking over his shoulder.   Exactly what the GOP is saying about his lack of leadership, and tendency to pass blame. 

Watched a bit of Fox News.  Krauthammer say w. current economic conditions, Romney should be 30 points ahead rather than dead even.  What’s holding him back is people don’t know/feel comfortable w. him, or know he cares.  Ann helps in that area.  Hopefully the convention will highlight that side of him.  [I’ll be interested to see what’s in the video about him before he speaks Thurs. – highlighting some of his Church service addresses that, but comes w. a bit of 2-edged sword]  Greg Gutfeld, on The Five, said Romney needs to be the suitor that promotes a national breakup – the guy you’ve been dating is no good for you.  He says it’s also hard to compete w. Santa, who give out goodies, but with them come a deal w. the devil.  Obama today called Romney “extreme.”  Huh???  Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black, w. all his terrorist, Marxist, socialist associates & mentors & policies?

A great buffet dinner tonight, followed by another live band in the huge lobby – we’ve basically taken over this building of the resort.  Someone had a table of all kinds of Romney/Ryan campagn buttons for sale – I bought 4.

FYI, here’s the rest of the convention schedule.  Tomorrow , morning the CA delegation has breakfast w. House Speaker Boehner, Dennis Prager (a favorite talk show host of mine), Darrel Issa, Kevin McCarthy, etc.  Then the delegates (not alternates) are required to attend the afternoon business mtg. where we here report-outs from the various working committees last week, vote on them (incl. the 62-page platform, which I’ve also been reading today – interesting to see the passages I saw debated on C-SPAN last week), formally vote to nominate Romney & Ryan (we already signed petitions as delegates to do so), and have the official convention photo taken.  Then the evening session of speakers (see the list, incl. Ann Romney).  And after 11pm a benefit concert is optional.  A long, late day, and not sure I’ll get a report off that late – maybe the next morning – today’s long one may have to do for tomorrow, also.  Way too many speakers to cover as I did today.  Wed. is a light day, w. a “Day-O-Fun” at the beach midday, and only an evening convention session.  There are other occasional, optional specialty events and films.

I noticed that Ron Paul is only speaking in a video – so they know what he’s going to say?  I heard about his little counter-convention rally.  The media love to give him attention, and focus on divisions in the party.  Of course the Dems are lock-step fascists.  Gingrich & Santorum also get their 15 minutes of fame (hopefully less, and Santorum better think of something nice to say about Romney, along with his privilege.  A better Catholic than he was chosen as VP).

Republican Convention Releases Revised Convention-Week Schedule

Tampa, Fla. – Republican officials today released a revised convention-week schedule. Changes in the schedule are the result of the convention’s decision postpone the Monday, August 27 sessions due to weather-related concerns.
The revised schedule is as follows:

Monday, August 27, 2012
2:00 p.m. Chairman of the RNC Reince Priebus
Call to Order/Start Debt Clocks
2:10 p.m. Announcement of Recess
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
2:00 p.m.
Chairman of the RNC Reince Priebus
Color Guard Knights of Columbus
Pledge of Allegiance by Former Governor Tim Babcock (MT)/ Tom Hogan (FL)
National Anthem sung by Philip Alongi
Invocation by Rabbi Meir Soloveichik
Opening procedural steps, appointment of convention committees
Welcoming remarks, and House and Senate candidates and RNC auxiliaries
RNC Chairman Priebus
RNC Co-Chairman Sharon Day
Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn
Convention Chief Executive Officer William Harris
Chairman of Tampa Bay Host Committee Al Austin
Republican Congressional Candidates
State Delegate Barbara Comstock (VA)
Representative Tim Griffin (AR)
Republican Senate Candidates
Republican National Committee auxiliaries
Consideration of convention committee reports
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Committee on Credentials Chairman Mike Duncan
Committee on Permanent Organization Chairwoman Zoraida Fonalledas
Convention Permanent Chairman Speaker John Boehner, Presiding
Official Convention Photograph
Committee on Rules Chairman John Sununu
Committee on Resolutions Chairman Governor Bob McDonnell
Committee on Resolutions Co-Chairman U.S. Senator John Hoeven
Committee on Resolutions Co-Chairman U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn
Roll Call for Nomination of President of the United States
Roll Call for Nomination of Vice President of the United States
6:40 p.m. Recess
7:00 p.m.
Remarks by Speaker John Boehner
Remarks by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Video and remarks by Mayor Mia Love (Saratoga Springs, UT), U.S. congressional candidate
Remarks by Janine Turner
Remarks by former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum
Remarks by Host, U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
8:00 p.m.
Remarks by U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH), accompanied by Jack Gilchrist
Remarks by Governor John Kasich (OH)
Remarks by Governor Mary Fallin (OK)
Remarks by Governor Bob McDonnell (VA), accompanied by Bev Gray
Remarks by Governor Scott Walker (WI)
9:00 p.m.
Remarks by Governor Brian Sandoval (NV)
Remarks by Sher Valenzuela (small business owner, candidate for DE Lt. Governor)
Remarks by Senate Republican Candidate Ted Cruz (TX)
Remarks by Artur Davis
Remarks by Governor Nikki Haley (SC)
10:00 p.m.
Remarks by Mrs. Luce' Vela Fortuño
Remarks by Mrs. Ann Romney
Remarks by Governor Chris Christie (NJ)
Benediction by Sammy Rodriguez
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Convention convenes
Call to order
Introduction of Colors by Amputee Veterans of America Support Team (AVAST)
Pledge of Allegiance by Brigadier General Patrick E. Rea, US Army (Ret.)
National Anthem sung by Ayla Brown
Invocation by Ishwar Singh
Ron Paul Video
Remarks by Senate Republican Leader and Convention Temporary Chairman Mitch McConnell (KY)
Remarks by Senator Rand Paul (KY)
Remarks by Christopher Devlin-Young and Jeanine McDonnell
8:00 p.m. Remarks by Senator John McCain (AZ)
Remarks by Attorney General Pam Bondi (FL) and Attorney General Sam Olens (GA)
Remarks by Governor Bobby Jindal (LA)
Remarks by Senator John Thune (SD)
Remarks by Senator Rob Portman (OH)
9:00 p.m.
Remarks by Governor Luis Fortuño (PR)
Remarks by Governor Tim Pawlenty (MN)
Bush 41, 43 Film
Remarks by Mike Huckabee
10:00 p.m.
Remarks by Condoleezza Rice
Remarks by Governor Susana Martinez (NM)
Remarks by vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan
Benediction by Archbishop Demetrios
Thursday, August 30, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Convention convenes
Call to order
Introduction of Colors US Central Command Joint Forces Color Guard Team
Pledge of Allegiance by Dylan Nonaka
National Anthem sung by SEVEN
Invocation by Ken and Priscilla Hutchins
Remarks by U.S. Rep. Connie Mack (FL)
Reagan Legacy Video
Remarks by Newt and Callista Gingrich
Remarks by Craig Romney
8:00 p.m.
Remarks by Governor former Jeb Bush (FL)
Remarks by Bob White, chairman of Romney for President campaign
Remarks by Grant Bennett
Remarks by Tom Stemberg
9:00 p.m.
Remarks by former Massachusetts Lt. Governor Kerry Healey
Remarks by Jane Edmonds, former Massachusetts Secretary of Workforce
Remarks by Olympians Michael Eruzione, Derek Parra and Kim Rhode
10:00 p.m.
Remarks by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (FL)
Remarks by presidential nominee Mitt Romney
Benediction by Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan
Speaker Boehner declares convention adjourned


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