Boston, Abortion, Whistleblowers, Train Wreck & Transformation

The Boston Marathon Bombers

Is anyone but the Left shocked that Islamic radical terror continues despite our president’s “masterful” overtures to the Muslim world, and great care not to offend any?  The politically correct environment he fosters, with its lack of profiling, has resulted in the Ft. Hood shootings by Maj. Hasan (still officially called an incident of “workplace violence” despite all the evidence to the contrary), and now this bombing.  And how many more before we muster the courage to see it and address it for what it is?  Of course the Left had hoped it would turn out to be right-wing domestic terrorists, and Obama couldn’t bring himself to call it radical Islamic terrorism, even after the evidence was abundant.   

We were fortunate they caught the terrorists relatively quickly.  Young men who had not assimilated into American culture, and who it now appears had been radicalized by Muslim extremists in Dagistan/Chechnya during the older brother, Tamerlan’s, recent trip(s) there, where he associated with rebel fighters who were killed while he was there.  So the coward flees, influences his apparently impressionable younger brother, and comes to where he can find easy, soft targets like 2 unsuspecting young women and a child, as well as a couple hundred maimed.  Even more cowardly, he used remote-controlled bombs. 

And now we learn that they & their parents, before the latter returned to Chechnya, were living off of the generosity of American welfare.  That’s our taxpayer dollars at work, making bombs to blow us up.  But we see such ingratitude by largely Muslim immigrants in the French riots, and other places in Europe, as well.  Just one more reason to fix our immigration and welfare systems.

The younger Dzhokhar who survived had taken the oath of U.S. citizenship 7 months earlier, on Sept. 11 -- no doubt he was already living a lie.  And just another confirmation of the cunning they justify in the name of jihad.  And the evil of mass cold-blooded murder they justify in the name of God!  As Dennis Prager would say, this is precisely what is meant in the commandment not to take the name of God in vain.  I believe they have a horrible but well-deserved surprise waiting for them after death – far from 72 virgins. 

It truly takes shallow, twisted logic -- a logic evidenced in Tamerlan’s statement to American associates that “The Bible is a cheap copy of the Koran.”  No sense of chronology or logic.  Twisted, conspiratorial thinking apparently pervades the family (& culture?) – the mother is convinced her sons are victims of a setup.  Just as much of the Muslim world believes (or deceitfully says they believe) that 9/11 was staged by the CIA.  Perhaps it can be expected of people who live under totalitarian oppression where the government does have such control, and the people don’t learn to think for themselves or have the information to do so.  And who subscribe to interpretations of Islam that give credence to Salman Rushdie’s book title.  Or perhaps they are just so practiced or comfortable with lying, that they do it easily to cover or justify evil acts.

Liberals screamed bloody murder about Bush’s administration (8 months into it, after 8 yrs of Clinton) not connecting the dots before 9/11.  But where is their outrage now, with over 4 yrs of Obama & 12 years of hindsight to correct the problem?  Bush at least really did keep us safe after 9/11.  Even with the benefit of a Russian intelligence tip & initial FBI interviews, we couldn’t even talk to his mosque, or follow-up after his recent 6-month trip to Dagestan – refuge of their fellow Chechnyans & hotbed of Islamic radicalism within Russia where, as indicated, he met with 2 jihadi fighters who were killed while he was there.  Janet Napalitano was most reassuring, that the “system pinged” when he went to Russia – but the case was closed before he got back.  Nor did they bother to notice his own jihadi website.  Especially after we’ve seen a fair number of domestics who were radicalized soon after conversion to Islam.  This is exactly what NY Congressman King was vilified for focusing on in his hearings, being called an Islamophobe – but now he’s vindicated, whether or not the media & administration will admit it.  After all, being liberal means never having to say you were wrong, or are sorry.  When will we learn?  When will the political correctness madness end so that we can spare more innocent victims?  Oh, yes, we can focus on prohibiting Christian evangelizing/proselyting in the military (which has never proven fatal), but hands off any such Islamic activity that has repeatedly proven fatal!

And as if those mistakes were not enough, now the Holder (in)justice system is so anxious to bend over backwards to prove how wonderfully civil they are by Mirandizing Dzhokhar before he can even speak, and before he can be adequately questioned as to a wider network or threat.  What was the purpose of all the great effort of taking him alive, at risk of lives, if not to get information that could not be gotten from his dead brother?  So quick to apply a liberal statute that is not in the constitution, but slow to keep their constitutional oath of office to preserve & protect the constitution & defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.   They’d rather kill or silence these enemies than glean any useful intelligence that is more valuable, or figure out what to do with them after capture (yes, Guantanamo is still open). 

And furthermore, there are very clear statutes that allow exceptions or long delays to Mirandizing in the interest of public safety, and certainly for enemy combatants, which there is ample evidence they were – even by their own admission.  As constitutional expert Mark Levin indicated, citizenship can be assumed abrogated by virtue of acts of war.  And so we’re not only fighting blind, but with at least one hand tied behind our back because of political correctness.  Obama continues to spout against any rush to judgment, but isn’t that exactly what his administration (and the media) is doing when they prematurely proclaimed the Tsarnaevs were lone wolves, and rushing to Mirandize because they apparently assumed there was no useful intelligence to be gleaned?  Did they really think that there was not already ample evidence to convict, even not being able to use any statements obtained in interrogation?

Now we find out about the 3 fellow student friends (2 from Kazhakstan) of Dzhokhar who amazingly, within an hour of his photo being publicized, reacted to a text from Dzhokhar and went into his room & threw out his laptop & bomb-making materials.  Now they want to plead innocent and ignorance.  But one stupidly admitted he just didn’t want him to get into trouble.  Yes, that’s called conspiracy & obstruction of justice, evidence-tampering.  They had no reason to do any of that (certainly not toss a valuable computer, even if it was bequeathed to them – especially so quickly) unless they had good reason to believe or know Dzhokhar was guilty.  Clearly their loyalties were with their friend, even if he was a murderer, much more than to their host country and system that had been so generous to them.  One was in breach of his visa, not even attending classes.  So typical of too many modern youth whose values are completely skewed and self-serving.  As Dennis Prager says, when he asks youth & young adults whether they’d save their dog or a stranger, 2/3 of them say the dog, because they love it.  That is the liberal standard – how you feel – e.g., gay marriage.  The catch-phrase of the ‘60’s – “if it feels good, do it.”  And vote for someone because he seems to feel for you more (forget about demonstrated ability & results).  These young men need to be given the maximum sentence as an example to other potential jihadi sympathizers.  The Muslim community needs to more clearly see what’s at stake, and what the consequences of making choices are.  And perhaps we need to focus less on the Left’s pet multi-culturalism, and more on assimilation into this culture, and the inscription on our coins, “e pluribus unum” – out of many, one.

And then there were the mosque connections in America & Dagestan, the jihadi connections in Dagestan, their mother who apparently started them on the Islamic extremist path, jihadi websites (incl. Al Alaki who still apparently speaks from the grave), etc.  And Tamerlan’s wife, who had converted to Islam, and who it’s hard to believe knew or suspected nothing – bombs being built right under her nose?  And surely other indications.  Of all their extended family in America and school associates who saw the surveillance photos and later admitted recognizing them, none of them called the police or FBI.  It took a dead police officer, carjacking, shootout, and curious boat owner to find and identify them.  These people also have blood on their hands for what they might have prevented.

Oh, yes, and now we hear of the unsolved brutal triple murder of 3 associates of Tamerlan’s on the interesting date of the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  2 of them were Jews.  There was no forced entry – could have easily been someone who knew them well.  Nothing of value stolen – just murder.  And he didn’t attend their funeral, despite knowing them very well.  Extremely suspicious, and in hindsight very possibly or likely Tamerlan.  It corresponds to when some are describing as a change in his demeanor.  His first taste of blood & jihad that only apparently whetted his appetite & conviction that he could continue to get away with things like that.  Oh, yes, but he was outwardly proclaiming his piety in abstaining from alcohol – while plotting & committing murder, abusing women, shirking his responsibilities as a provider, etc.  Such piety is the path to hell, and a cover and ruse to fool the rest of us.  Just as many other mass murderers who outwardly seem like such “nice guys” to their neighbors.  Wake up, folks!  He apparently practiced his deception well, seeming to his 3 associates as a good friend before killing them, then along with his brother repeating the same to the broader Boston community.  The devil is a master of deception, and teaches his disciples well.

Abortion Clinic

Speaking of killings, how about that abortion clinic doctor killing live-born babies?  That’s very late-term, and just another extension of the creeping line abortion rights people somehow justify.  And comparing gun rights and abortion rights, which takes more innocent lives?

Syria & Benghazi

2 years and 70,000 deaths into the Syrian civil war, Obama is still frozen in inaction.  Even the apparent use of chemical weapons – that “red line” that he said would demand response – has turned out to be a fuzzy, pink line that he needs to look more carefully into.  Wouldn’t want Iran, N. Korea, etc. to think we mean what we say, or have a backbone, now, would we?  It’s well-known that Assad has them.  And as I was indicating during the Iraq war, there were indications of rapid shipment of materials – very possibly chemical weapons – from Iraq to Syria as the Americans closed in.  We know that Sadam had them at one point, and used them against his own people.  So much for “Bush lied, and people died.”  Now we can say that “Obama lied (& dallied) & people died.”  Oh, yes, but Secretary Clinton was such a great judge of character, calling Assad a moderate reformer.  And so aware of the radical threats in the region, like in Benghazi

Speaking of Benghazi, 8 months later, apparently the survivors of the attack still have not been given permission to talk.  The administration has stalled so long, that press secretary Carney the other day responded to a press question by saying that it was basically a long past event – implying irrelevance.  So much for “the most transparent administration.”  Not so fast, buster – the survivors are going to soon be queried, and you won’t be able to sweep it under the rug forever.

Obamacare “Train Wreck,” the Economy, Immigration, the Democrat Plantation & FAA

Apparently Democrat Senator Max Baucus, speaking to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius, said about Obamacare, “I just see a huge train wreck coming down.”  And Harry Reid agreed, asking for more money to implement it properly.  The price tag just keeps on growing.... along with the size of the train wreck.  But of course sage Pelosi said we have to pass the bill to know what’s in it.  Better late than never that people are beginning to realize we shouldn’t have been in such a rush to pass it, and maybe should have read it, first.

So nice to see pres. Obama celebrating economic success.  But as Jay Leno explained, he had to go to Mexico to do it with them.  A major part of their economy is the money their illegals in the U.S. send home.  This most protracted “recovery” in our history just continues to stretch out and set new records.  You notice the unions are becoming some of the most vocal advocates of border enforcement & e-verify – yes, illegals are hurting unemployed Americans.  And the rest of us taxpayers who are covering unemployed Americans’ benefits, as well as many benefits going to the illegals.  Not to mention our support of the drug cartels that run much of Mexico, and make Phoenix the kidnapping capital of at least this hemisphere if not the world. 

And Black unemployment continues to be twice the general unemployment rate – wake up, Blacks!  And what have Democrat leaders done for your inner city problems in all these decades?  If you just keep waiting for them to solve your problems with promises & handouts, you’ll be waiting senselessly for decades more.  It’s in their interests to keep you dependent on them, ever promising and never quite delivering.  And you keep voting for them?  Isn’t that the very definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results?  Can’t you see they’re keeping you enslaved to their party plantation just to keep those masters in power?  The Republican Party can be partners to free you again, just as it did at the time of the Civil War.  Your choice.

Wasn’t it just miraculous that the government was able to find other less intrusive ways of cutting the budget (sequestration) than cutting back FAA flight controllers?

The Transformation Continues

Meanwhile, Obama continues to follow the playbook of Leftist mentor Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals, fomenting discontent and division to create the environment for continuing radical transformation.  And his former chief of staff, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  And if there are none, manufacture some.  Keep the people preoccupied with all the little “inequalities” & special interests, so that they don’t notice the bigger problems being created that will prove disastrous to all.  They’re apparently being quite successful – Obama was re-elected in good part because he convinced others to believe as he does, that his doubling the debt in 5 years is of no real present concern – certainly when compared with other more pressing matters.  And that a miraculous uptick in the economy is, as stated at the DNC, after over 4 years, “just around the corner,” despite current policies.  

Isn’t hope (& change) just wonderful?  Just keep on a-hopin’ and a-change-in’!  After all, it’s worked so well so far.  Just think how much improvement would be possible with even more of the same if the Democrats take back Congress in 2014!  There’d be even less resistance to taxing & spending, and growth in the debt.  We could follow the great example of Greece, and the great successes of social democrats throughout Europe, and socialists and communists worldwide!  The grass is surely greener there.  At least that’s the hope.  And hope is all that matters, right?  As long as the dream feels good, dream on.....

After all, what wisdom could “old white men” who lived over 200 years ago have to frame a government and system with any relevance today?  Surely pure chance that that system produced the greatest nation on earth in so many ways.  Oh, but it must be transformed, because our great Fuhrer says so, and his wisdom and Saul Alinsky’s far outweigh anything in the Federalist Papers, or Common Sense, or empirical, historical evidence, etc.  And he really seems to care, and is so articulate, and promises so much, so he must be trusted, right?  After all, the cult of personality turned out so well under the 3rd Reich, and the Great Leap Forward.  And we mustn’t question him on principles, because we wouldn’t want to be called racist, or uncaring.  After all, his is the only true, caring way.  [Disclaimer for any Obama true believers who missed it:  these last 2 paragraphs were what is called sarcasm.  Look it up.]



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